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Interest Rate Cut: अप्रैल महीने में जब आरबीआई गवर्नर संजय मल्होत्रा(RBI Governor Sanjay Malhotra) की अध्यक्षता में मॉनिटरी पॉलिसी कमिटी की बैठक(Monetary Policy Committee meeting) होगी तब एक बार फिर महंगी ईएमआई से परेशान लोगों को राहत मिल सकती है. ऐसा इसलिए क्योंकि जनवरी 2025 में खुदरा महंगाई दर(retail inflation rate) 5 फीसदी के नीचे 4.3 फीसदी पर आ चुकी है.

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00:00Recently, the figures of retail and wholesale inflation have come out. Retail inflation
00:11has fallen by more than 90 basis points in the country, due to which the figures of retail
00:16inflation in the country have come down to 4.31% at the lower level of 5 months.
00:21By the way, after the meeting of RBI MPC in the first week of February, RBI Governor Sanjay
00:26Malhotra said that in the current financial year, the figure of the country's average
00:30inflation is 4.8%. Now, the figure of the country's inflation has come down to less
00:35than the average inflation, and in the months of February and March, the figure of inflation
00:39is likely to decrease. In this way, in the upcoming meeting in April, you can see a
00:44decrease in interest rates once again. So, let's tell you in detail in this video
00:49that what kind of reports have come out on this and what benefits or losses can you
00:54get from this.
01:55In the report, it has been said that with the decrease in interest rates, RBI will have
02:00more flexibility. However, it has also been warned that there is a need to keep a close
02:05eye on the falling currency because it can affect domestic inflation.
02:11The Monetary Policy Committee has adopted a stable approach in its fresh meeting, which
02:15shows that it will depend on the economic figures that will be cut in the future rates.
02:21If inflation remains under control, then RBI can consider cutting rates of 25 BPS to
02:26support economic activities. In this way, there are many expectations about the meeting
02:31in April. What is your opinion on this whole news? Give us your opinion in the comment
02:36box and keep watching GoodReturns for such updates.
02:39Don't forget to like and subscribe to our channel.
