Sejumlah kepada daerah terpilih menjalani tes pemeriksaan kesehatan di Gedung Kementerian Dalam Negeri, Jakarta, Minggu (16/2).
00:00As many as 14 pairs of candidates for governor and representatives of governors, as well as 225 pairs of mayors, mayors-representatives, mayors-representatives elected, are scheduled to follow a health check at the Ministry of Home Affairs on Saturday, February 16.
00:18The health check will be carried out on February 20.
00:24It will be followed by a supply of regional heads at the Central Java Military Academy on February 21-28.
00:33First of all, we need to pay attention to cholesterol, blood sugar, uric acid.
00:45Alhamdulillah, it means that all of Jakarta and Java are healthy.
00:53We have carried out the health check.
00:57Alhamdulillah, everyone is healthy.
01:00We just need to follow the next agenda, the training and the retreat that will be held in Magelang.
01:09God willing, we are all ready.
01:11Because the task of the country is getting heavier in the future.
01:14And of course, the regional heads are required to be ready to serve the community as well as possible.
01:22Alhamdulillah, everything is going well.
01:25And also some of the components that are being inspected are also good.
01:32Hopefully it will be smooth until it is finished.
01:37The health check will continue on February 17.
01:41It will be followed by 22 pairs of governors and representatives of governors, as well as 219 pairs of mayors, mayors-representatives, mayors-representatives, and representatives.
01:50From Jakarta, Irvan Syah Nasution, Pradana Putra Tampi, Antara News Agency, reporting.