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I’m the real Robbie Williams in Better Man — this is how I perfected his voice Paramount Pictures


00:00I'll listen to like like Robbie singing in the background or something he might come on I think
00:05is that me or is that him? You'd think I'd know by now like which bits were me and which bits
00:10were him but I have no some bits I just have no idea. I don't want to be a nobody.
00:19You're enough. The fact that people don't know it was me is a good thing in some ways because
00:25obviously it means that they hired the right person to do the job. People have started to
00:29say that I sound like him talking which I don't maybe we just got the same tone of voice. When
00:34I first sent in my audition tapes I never tried to emulate Robbie Williams. I'd never put his
00:39voice on I never really tried to be I've never been like an impersonator. One of my friends always
00:43used to say I sounded like him that was kind of where the whole thing came from and you know
00:48whenever we sung Angels he'd kind of say well if I close my eyes it's like Robbie Williams is in
00:52the room.
