• last month
That Two-Face detail is seriously disturbing.


00:00There are loads of new games coming out right now that are packed with fascinating little
00:04details that are easy to miss.
00:06That said, there's one game we can't help but keep coming back to when we decide to
00:10take a look at the most minor of details that pretty much everyone missed, and that's
00:15Rocksteady's 2015 action-adventure Batman Arkham Knight.
00:19The fourth and final entry into the mainland Batman Arkham series was generally really
00:23well-received, save for its massive technical stumble with the PC version upon release.
00:28The game is just packed with secrets and details, and whilst lots of those have been
00:33uncovered, Arkham Knight is the game that keeps on giving.
00:37While obviously somebody has to have found each of these details in order for me to tell
00:41you about them, here are a bunch of fascinating little tidbits that almost nobody caught.
00:46I'm Jess from WhatCulture and here are 10 tiny details in Batman Arkham Knight everyone
00:53You can spot militia helicopters
00:56Any of the tiny details I'll mention on this list will sound super cool, and if you
00:59did manage to find them, you should be super impressed.
01:02But if you didn't see them, you're not receiving an inferior experience.
01:06That said, this game goes deep, and there are a plethora of incredible little details,
01:11one of which can be seen by attentive players right before bringing the Ace Chemical workers
01:16to safety.
01:17Before getting underway, you're told that militia forces are deploying to the other
01:21island of Gotham City, and if you look up, you can actually see this for yourself.
01:26Reddit user Pranklimulator posted a video to the GamingDetails subreddit showing themselves
01:31grappling to a high point in the city where it's possible to watch the choppers flying
01:35across the city and descending to establish checkpoints.
01:39Batman Arkham Knight may not have been everybody's cup of tea, largely because of that Batmobile,
01:45but you can't deny that when you notice these little things, you gotta appreciate the effort
01:48they put in.
01:51Thugs Break Into Vending Machines
01:52You'd be forgiven for not loitering too long in Arkham Knight.
01:55I mean, Bruce is a busy guy, and there's a lot going down.
01:59But if you do hang around, maybe you'd like to take on some neighborhood watch-level duties
02:03and make sure no vending machines are being vandalized.
02:07Reddit user Edikaran Fauna discovered that if you hang around long enough, you can watch
02:11thugs struggle to get a freebie from a vending machine.
02:14Or maybe it ate his money, I don't know.
02:16He'll eventually smash it with his foot to get at the goods inside, before chucking the
02:20litter on the ground behind him.
02:22Being that you're the Batman, this seems like a totally sensible window to execute that
02:27silent takedown and exact your vengeance in the name of the defenseless, convenient snack
02:34Thugs Throwing Cans, Part 2
02:36Since we're on the topic of thugs being thugs, what they'd really love more than anything
02:40else is to get their hands on the Caped Crusader and give him what for.
02:44Of course, for a lot of them, they're more of a melee bunch, so if you're out of reach,
02:48their behavior is pretty interesting.
02:50If you stay on a platform for some time, not only will they yell taunts at you, generally
02:55of the chicken variety, they'll also start throwing cans at you.
02:59Hilariously, they're not all the best shots, and sometimes their attempts to chuck a can
03:04at you will result in them hitting one of their buddies with the tin surprise instead.
03:08The thump will have his mate pull up his guard with the intention of squaring off against
03:12his mate, before dropping it and turning his attention back to you.
03:16This animation is displayed in all its glory in a YouTube clip by Oh Nights Oh, and it's
03:20worth enjoying for yourself.
03:22I think we can all agree this is far more entertaining than just giving the thugs a
03:25generic idle animation or having them rush your platform waiting for you to get down.
03:31Officer Owens' Diner Demons
03:33At the start of Batman Arkham Knight, you play Officer Owens, one of the first victims
03:38of Scarecrow's fear toxin.
03:40In fact, you get to experience the whole thing for yourself, and it is not a chill time,
03:44as the name of the toxin would imply.
03:47As the patrons in Paulie's diner morph into demons, you'll get the opportunity to shoot
03:51at them or not shoot at them while inside Owens' toxin-addled mind.
03:55There's a few interesting tidbits here.
03:58First off, the news report that plays out directly after the incident will change depending
04:02on whether or not you shot any of the patrons.
04:05Similarly, when you're in the GCPD later on, you can hear officers talking about Owens
04:10going to trial, and they'll say different things depending on whether or not Owens took
04:14a shot at anyone.
04:16For example, they might say that he has to go to trial if he killed any of the patrons,
04:20but they won't say this if you didn't kill anybody.
04:23And the identity of the Arkham Knight himself is teased in this scene, as the first demon
04:27you speak to had carved an A into the table.
04:31Finally, the bodies of the waitress and the man who asks you for help can be found in
04:35the morgue during the Shadow War expansion mission.
04:38If you're a superfan who did notice all that, consider me thoroughly impressed and I will
04:42try and tell you something you don't know before the video's over.
04:47Batman Needs Help Aiming Too
04:49This is a fantastic addition to our growing roster of tiny little details that show just
04:53how much love Rocksteady put into this game, but they wouldn't have damaged the experience
04:57at all if they weren't implemented.
04:59While using the disruptor gadget, if you decide to take your eyes off the thing you're actually
05:04pointing it at, you might notice that Batman himself has a little live feed so he can see
05:09what he's pointing at.
05:10The picture in picture is too small for you to actually use in any gameplay aiming technical
05:15sort of way, but it's clearly useful for bats and it's a really cool little addition.
05:19The tiny monitor is always right there in your field of vision, but there's a good
05:23chance you missed it because, well, who looks at their gun when they're aiming at something?
05:28As a little bonus to this entry, you can also interact with the mechanical bus to preview
05:32the disruptor at Wayne Tower before it's ready, and Lucius will tell you that you spoiled
05:37the surprise.
05:39Batman's no-kill policy loopholes
05:42Batman might have a no-kill policy, incredible destruction capabilities of the Batmobile
05:47notwithstanding, but he definitely doesn't have a no-aiming policy.
05:51This can be seen by those willing to pause fights and use photo mode to see the damage
05:55bats has been dealing.
05:57Thugs bleed and bruise up as a result of your wailing, and the results aren't just realistic,
06:02they're incredibly detailed.
06:04You'd be forgiven for missing this one, as once the fight's over, you're probably focusing
06:08on your next target or moving on, but attentive players can notice that cuts will appear and
06:13your foes can get black eyes.
06:15I mean, we've all seen the way Batman fights, they're definitely getting black eyes.
06:19Probably concussions for that matter.
06:21Are we sure he's not killing these guys?
06:24Robin's mask indent
06:26This one's short and sweet, but it's so easy to miss and so mind-blowing that if this list
06:31isn't making you want to check out the game for the first time, or a replay, then this
06:35entry might do it.
06:36In Arkham Knight, Robin has an outline on his face where his mask sits when he's not
06:40wearing it.
06:41It might not be the most incognito if he has to go from being a vigilante, then out to
06:46dinner with mates soon afterwards, but it is realistic.
06:49This one was alerted to us by Reddit user Ratbong.
06:52Yep, Ratbong, I don't choose usernames.
06:55It's such a wildly insignificant little detail, but it's exactly the kind of thing that's earned
07:00Arkham Knight and the larger Batman Arkham series their cult following.
07:05Insanely Detailed Grenades
07:07This one is also extremely granular.
07:11I'm sorry, I thought there was something there.
07:14Let's keep going.
07:15Proving that Rocksteady absolutely deserves to be in the rockstar tier of game studios
07:19that don't skip a thing and put incredible detail into their games, the grenades in Arkham
07:24Knight are almost photorealistically rendered.
07:27Which is kinda crazy, because most players would never even look at one, let alone examine
07:31one up close.
07:32Reddit user TonyoSW took a photo for the Batman Arkham subreddit, which shows off the little
07:37ball of death in all its glory, complete with chipped paint suggesting this thing has been
07:42around the block prior to it being threateningly chucked in your general direction.
07:47This level of detail extends to the weapon design, but it seems especially impressive
07:52when it's applied to something that is designed to self-destruct pretty much immediately.
07:57You Can Freak Out Enemies With Trackers
08:00If you drop down behind a militia soldier who has a tracker and wait a little while,
08:04he has a pretty excellent voice line that's right along the lines of, he's standing
08:08right behind me, isn't he?
08:10You can watch the militia let his buddies know he's getting a signal, and it might
08:13be the Batman.
08:15He then looks at it for a while, trying to get a lock, and then says, this doesn't
08:19make any sense, it says he's right behind me.
08:23He utters that line while slowly turning his head, and honestly, between the performance,
08:28the writing, and the animation, it's just perfect.
08:31Take that moment to non-lethally punch his lights out, rendering him unconscious with
08:34an injury I'm sure he'll totally make a full recovery from, and be the Batman I know
08:39you are.
08:41Two-Face's Face Is Even More Disturbing Than You Thought
08:44We've spent a long time on very minor graphical and animation details that add a lot to Batman's
08:50journey, his characterization, and his enemies in Arkham Knight, and this one continues to
08:55flesh out the latter… pun partially intended.
08:58This one's pretty gross, so consider yourself warned if you're particularly squeamish,
09:02but if you take a closer look at Two-Face's visage, you can see that the veins on the
09:07burnt half of his face move and pulse.
09:10In yet another example of this game cutting no corners on how spectacular it looks, this
09:15is a really awe-inspiring little find, especially since it's visible in Dent's character
09:20model outside of cutscenes too.
09:23It's so detailed you can actually see the blood moving through his veins, and it's
09:27creepy enough to make you very aware of your own veins, so let's just cut the video there.
09:32That's the end of our list, but do let me know down in the comments if you can think
09:36of any other incredibly tiny details from Batman Arkham Knight.
09:40As always, I've been Jess from WhatCulture, thank you so much for hanging out with me.
09:44If you like, you can come say hi to me on my Twitter account, where I'm at JessMcDonald,
09:49but make sure you stay tuned to us here for plenty more gaming goodness.
