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Dubai-based social media influencer talks about what she packs in her eventful day

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#UAEnews #socialmedia #influencer


00:00Good evening, this is Manjusha from Gulf News and we at Gulf News have launched a very exciting series
00:06It's called a day in the life of there are many people that we are often very
00:10Inspired by influenced by but you don't know what the day is like and often you want to take a leaf out of it
00:16So today I have a very special guest with me
00:19Her name is Farhana Bodhi and she's got more than 1.3 million
00:25Followers so Farhana. It's amazing
00:33How I start my day in the morning is I
00:36Definitely have the first thing I do is I wake up to my beautiful son
00:41He's next to me and I play with him
00:43I put the Quran on in the house because I love praying and not a lot of people know this about me
00:50But I'm quite into
00:53You know, like I'm into meditation
00:55Into praying I love to balance my life out and I want my son
01:00To grow up with the similar similar morals and values that I grew up with so I play the Quran for him every day
01:07So he knows in the morning when we wake up
01:09The first thing mom plays is the Quran time. Yes, if I'm
01:14I'm not too tired
01:15I go to the gym or I I sleep a little bit longer if I don't have any
01:21Work to do that day and then I go to the Pilates I go to gym
01:24But before that I have my detox I detox and my detox water my green juice
01:29So the first thing I intake in my body is a ginger shot
01:33So that's what I have in the morning chia seeds water. So a lot of like healthy
01:39Yeah for an immunity boost because I do have a lot of sinus issues and when I travel I tend to get
01:44sick because of the weather changes so I always
01:47you know pump myself up with lots of vitamin C's and ginger and you know to keep me going and
01:54green juices for healthy skin and then I go to my Pilates or I go to the gym I work out and
02:01Then I have my lunch and I get ready. I
02:05Dress up I go for my meetings. I play with Aiden if I'm not doing any meetings
02:09Sometimes I try to work mostly from home. That's what I love about my job. It's so flexible
02:14I can be anywhere in the world and it can work right?
02:16So I'm most of the time at home because I do travel a lot
02:19So when I'm in Dubai, I want to spend time at home with Aiden or go to the Dubai mall
02:24I send him to Ali Ali. I take him to you know theme parks
02:27I try to balance my life because then I'm a single mom. I have to work at the same time
02:32I have a son who needs me. So I balance it out. I completely balance my life out
02:37Which is so important to have a good balance. So when I'm at home Aiden is a very very sweet boy
02:44He doesn't trouble me much
02:46Yeah, he is amazing and like he knows like if I'm on my
02:50Zoom calls or if I'm like, I'm always I'm all the time on the zoom calls, you know, because I work, you know
02:57It'll work with brands globally, right? So I'm always working on zoom calls, but it's so nice because I manage everything from home
03:03I love dressing up not for anyone but myself like I've been so passionate about
03:10Fashion beauty lifestyle since I was a baby
03:13Like I used to take my mom's makeup and just doll myself up every single day
03:19There would be like competitions in school like, you know for modeling fashion shows
03:24I'd be the first one to enter because I'm so passionate about it. Like I love dressing up and I feel like
03:32Being on social media. I also have a responsibility
03:34I'm inspiring so many girls out there, especially the young girls out there
03:39They get inspired by the way I dress by the way, I do my makeup and I'm so passionate about it
03:44So I do take care of myself on a daily basis. I
03:48work out I
03:51Go to the salon almost every day. I don't do my hair myself. I'm lucky that the hair salons are on the corners
03:56I literally go like every day and
03:59Yeah, I just love dressing up. I love taking care of myself
04:03You know, I work on a very very healthy balanced clean diet so that my skin looks good and
04:10I'm fat enough, you know, I'm however very lucky because the designers I work with they custom-make for me
04:17But still, you know, you want to look good you want to you know, have good photos on the red carpet
04:22So I go on a very strict diet. There's times when I do juicing
04:25So I do juicing with boiled eggs and almonds throughout the day and soups
04:29So it's very strict because you're not eating a lot of carbs and then you get very tired, you know
04:34You're low on energy
04:35But obviously I pump my vitamin C's and then you give up your body gives up after a few days and then you have to eat
04:40So now the diet I have it's from eat clean
04:44It's a platform that provides really really good clean food, but when I'm on my holidays, I can't die
04:51I go crazy. I have gelato like I was in Capri and I was in Mykonos. I was having ice cream every single day
04:57So Dubai for me is like my therapy. So I come back to Dubai
05:00I'm on the you know diet mode and I'm working out I walk every day from Dubai
05:05So live very close to Dubai mall. So I'm back and forth every day like at least twice a day
05:10I remember last year I was going to Cannes Film Festival
05:12But before that I was in Turkey and Turkey the food was amazing
05:15I gained like three four kilos just by eating the food in Turkey
05:18So I remember I was 63 kilos and then I had less than a month to lose it and I was like, dr
05:24I gotta lose it and she's like you can but you're gonna have to do all of this strict diet. Nothing
05:29No, sir. I'd never did any surgery. I don't do any fillers. I do nothing. I do only non-invasive
05:34I do have a very good metabolism because I do eat a lot
05:36Trust me when I go for all these reviews are munching everything like I order so much and it was like
05:42But yeah, I'm a good eater. I love to go to parties
05:46But like I said, like I love I love dancing
05:50But without having to drink and stuff like that
05:52We're Gujaratis originally from Surat, but I was brought up in South Africa. So I lived most of my life in South Africa
05:58Yeah, so I grew up in South Africa. There's a lot of Indians in South Africa mom and dad were brought up in a place
06:05called Burma Rangoon and
06:08so yeah, and but India is very close to my heart because I'm Indian and I'm very proud to say I'm Indian whenever anyone
06:15Asks me but hang on you're from South Africa. I'm like, yes, but my origin is Indian and I'm super proud of it
06:20I think it's a beautiful culture
06:23Beautiful country and I'm super proud of it to be honest. I don't really have a therapist that I talked to
06:29Like I said like for me on social media
06:33I do have trollers but not a lot like I'm I'm those lucky few that don't get trolled so much
06:38but you never know in the future, but I'm honestly like I'm okay with it because
06:43When you're in the public are you gonna have people either they love you or they hate you, right?
06:47So you're gonna accept both
06:49You know what?
06:49I mean and for those who have anything negative to say to me, of course, there are times it gets to me
06:55but then
06:56I'm a very firm believer in the universe and positive energy. So I always meditate I pray and I remove that
07:04So what I do to de-stress is I love listening to Bollywood romantic music. I don't know
07:09It just takes me on another trip. I'm I like to I'm with I'm a big dreamer
07:13I like to manifest and honestly I go for my walks. I just listen to my music. I love my life
07:19I love my job. Honestly, I met someone recently
07:23From Instagram and I was like listen guys
07:26I'm so grateful for this platform because as a content creator, this is a dream job
07:32I love traveling and I get to travel and stay in the most luxurious hotels in the world and let me tell you something
07:38I'm not like oh, whatever. I'm so grateful and I'm like living it up, but I'm extremely grateful and I
07:48Everything like around me respect the people who give me this opportunities and I'm just super grateful for this life
07:55And I'm so grateful and thankful to Allah for everything. So not a lot of people know this about me
08:01But I don't I'm a very emotional person
08:04I'm extremely emotional and I went through a really really very very bad heartbreak
08:12divorce I
08:14Ended a marriage we were together for almost 16 years
08:18He was my the one and only love I had and imagine after 16 years
08:24you just
08:26You just call it off. It it it was so tough. I went through a lot of anxiety a lot of pain
08:33I wasn't myself. I just started
08:36You know becoming more like I like basically still going through a healing process, but I'm I'm healed
08:43But still it takes time, right? I can say like from last year November onwards
08:48I just started healing and but before that I was in a very bad state
08:51But I wasn't showing it because of my son. I had to really like
08:55Yeah, because I need to be a strong for him. I didn't want him to see me weak
09:00I do write on my thoughts. I do write down what I want in my life. I manifest I'm into manifestation
09:06I'm like all the time manifesting what I want in my life
09:09I put it out in the universe and the universe always finds a way back
09:15I don't always get what I want. So I feel that that's the power of the universe power of manifestation
09:22I read the secret every day. It's like, you know, the daily affirmations the secret. Oh my god
09:27It really helps me and I love you know on my Instagram feed. There's always like these motivational codes
09:32I love reading and I think it's uplifting and everything helps me
09:36But also, you know, I have a very strong support system. My family is very, you know, motivating the uplifting
09:43They they always supporting me even through my breakups. Like I'm not from a typical
09:48You know Indian family where they're like, no, no, no, don't get divorced. No. No. No, you have to keep the marriage
09:52My mom was like, you know what? I think you're better off without him
09:55My mom actually tells me you're better off without him
09:57So I think it's the right thing you're doing because she's seen what I went through in my marriage
10:01She went she's seen the ups and downs and she's like listen, I think you're better off and my mom's super supportive
10:07I don't have a I don't have a father. My dad passed away a few years ago
10:11But my mom is extremely supportive my family supportive and I think the society we're living in they were supportive
10:18My fans are supportive. My friends are supportive
10:20So I think everyone helped me in this journey and I'm so grateful for that
10:24I do have a lot of plans for the future. Of course, you know, I want to create a brand myself
10:29I want to create something for Aiden. I do have a lot of plans out there, but you know slowly slowly
10:35I'm working on everything but
10:38You know because I went through so much
10:39I just wanted to heal myself first because I cannot focus on everything at once, you know
10:44So right now I'm going through that process and I've got a lot of few plans for the rest of the year
10:50You'll see something really big
10:52Hopefully by November
10:54Yeah, we cannot talk about it, but something big is coming up and it's gonna be really
11:00good for me and hopefully that will open up new doors and big doors for me as well and
11:05I think by next year, we'll be launching something firstly. I want to say that the content creators
11:12We content creators are the future
11:15Because the world want to see the real people
11:20Creating content they believe in us. We inspire them. I have so many of my friends who are normal
11:27Girls from normal families who have become super successful
11:31because the audience want to see this they want to see the real people killing it in the industry and
11:38Not like I'm against obviously the industry people. I think they're doing a brilliant job
11:44They'd good but at what they're doing, but for instance
11:47The content creators are I
11:50Feel they are the superstars at the moment
11:52I've achieved so much in the last few years and so much of respect from the society from the social media
11:59And I'm super proud of myself. And like I said like for all the content creators bravo guys
12:05You guys have done it
12:07We have done it and we're killing it on social media and we're taking over the world and we're taking over the digital
12:14Platform and this is the future
