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▌百秒AI报 ▌伊斯兰发展局(JAKIM)明天将在雪州巴生福建会馆举行新春活动,而宗教部长莫哈末纳因也会出席参加捞生仪式。不过,消息传出后,却遭受一些人抨击和质疑,令其中的捞生仪式被临时取消。

AI主播:Celes Loh 美伶

#JAKIM #新春 #捞生
#发射热点 #84hotspot #百秒AI报

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00:00Welcome to the 100-second AI News. I'm your AI anchor, Melin Luo.
00:16Let's start with the first piece of news.
00:18Secretary of the House of Representatives Saifuddin said that the cabinet has agreed to review some provisions of the 2012 Security Law.
00:24He will also make a statement at the Parliament, including some provisions that need to be reviewed,
00:29such as the 13th provision that involves bail.
00:32Saifuddin said that when the National Security Law is in effect, it is especially used to deal with extreme crime.
00:40The National Security Law is used to deal with organized crime,
00:45or extreme gangsterism.
00:51So the National Security Law is the appropriate law to deal with such crimes.
00:58The Islamic Development Bureau will hold a New Year's Eve event tomorrow in Basheng, Fujian.
01:04The Minister of Religious Affairs, Mohammad Naee, will also attend the event.
01:08However, after the news spread, some people criticized and questioned it,
01:12and the event was temporarily canceled.
01:15Today, the Islamic Development Bureau also issued a statement calling on all parties not to stir up controversy,
01:20and said that they will hold similar events every year
01:23to care for the groups who celebrate the New Year and promote social unity and harmony.
01:28Ukraine has stopped the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
01:31A drone was attacked at 5 a.m. on Friday,
01:33and the protective cover of the quarantine radiation material was ignited.
01:37Here was the most serious nuclear disaster in human history.
01:40The Ukrainian president even accused the driver of attacking the nuclear power plant with a Russian drone.
01:45But the Russian government strongly denied the attack,
01:48and said that the Ukrainians did it on their own.
01:51Today's program comes to an end.
01:53More domestic and foreign information is locked on the hottest news at 8 p.m. tonight.
