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Here is how Gulf News employees work from home.

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00:00Hello everyone, this is Yusra. I'm a features editor for gulfnews.com
00:05Um, i've been working from home for over two weeks now
00:09um, and
00:11It has actually been very productive
00:16Are just by yourself. So you tend to sit and focus on your writing and really get everything done
00:23we've been
00:24working from home because it is
00:27safer that way
00:28The less people you have out the more we can flatten the curve get out of this coronavirus
00:37Um in a much faster way
00:40So i'm going to be showing you my workstation
00:43A tip I have for working from home is to actually not work from your bed to get up and actually
00:52Change from your pajamas into something
00:55That you can sit at home in
00:58Definitely don't work in your pajamas because you won't feel like that shift in your
01:04Mood has been like switched on
01:07So yeah, this is how I work from home
01:09I would actually personally prefer to work from office because I usually love the vibe there like
01:15With with my team around people talking a lot
01:19But the situation is such that uh, we have to work remotely and um, i'm just getting used to that
01:26The last two days I have been working from home
01:28So what i've done is like i've created this little setup here for me just so it's convenient
01:34I've kept some important stuff. Of course. I need the laptop
01:37Um, that's important. I've just kept my ipad as well. Just in case I need to uh,
01:42Do some additional google search and things some important stuff like my recorder because i'm a reporter
01:48So I just do need this every time my airpods
01:52And um my purse in case I you know, there's an emergency and I just need to step out for something
01:57So i'm just trying to make myself as adequate as possible in this little environment here. It's my um,
02:04Little office setup at home. Hello. This is day four of working from home
02:09Well, isn't it exactly easy working from home with all the noise around?
02:13I found a very unusual place to operate from my balcony because this part of my home doesn't really face the sun
02:20So it's rather nice and airy and quiet here and this is where i'm operating from. Hi
02:25I'm ali shuk senior news reporter at gulf news
02:29We've been told to work from home recently. So in the last couple of days i've been working from my home
02:34It was kind of a freaky and different challenge for us as a news reporters
02:38We could use we used to just like go to office every day and go to field and get the information and details
02:45This time sometimes you go also outside to get information details, but we were asked to work from home
02:51so every day i've been just like checking my emails and
02:56Checking all the government websites
02:59And social media accounts to get more details about the information
03:03Usually i'm in using my laptop as you see and i'm using my phone to speak with officials to get the latest information
03:11To get the correct information for you guys
03:14So you will be updated with the latest news, especially now with the huge impact of the news regarding the covet 19
03:22Hi guys
03:23I'm on week three of working from home
03:26Largely because my husband and I had traveled to india and we were placed under quarantine as soon as we landed
03:32I also have realized that I actually miss the physical aspect of going into office going into work
03:38Hanging out with my colleagues the coffee breaks the banter
03:41And yes, we do have our daily zoom meetings and we do see each other we interact and the banter
03:48It still is very much intact
03:50But it doesn't quite have that ring to it if you understand what I mean
03:56and I think one of the third lessons I have picked up on the way is the fact that
04:00I think i'm getting a lot more work done at home largely due to the fact that there are
04:05zero distractions
04:08And I think part of you wants to prove a point and wants to ensure that you get all the work done
04:14Meet deadlines and are not exactly looked upon as a slacker at any given point. Good afternoon
04:20This is Manjusha Radhakrishnan from Gulf News tabloid. So it's my 11th day of working at home
04:27And it's going very well so far because as a reporter all you need is a dictaphone
04:32a power bank for all the calls you make
04:35and your phone
04:37And what you need is a computer, which is what I have. I also made a makeshift
04:42workstation in my bedroom
04:44Because I have three children and it's important that I get some silence. So I stole the study table from my daughter's room
04:52Kept it and made it slightly pretty and so that I can actually concentrate and this is my corner
04:58One thing that I always do is because i'm sitting here and you forget to take breaks. I have a yoga mat just down here
05:06So when I get very tired, I do a few stretches it actually works
05:11So i'm quite happy with my small setup till the lockdown is over. I suppose this is going to be my new home for some time
05:18Hi, this is Sharmila Dal, deputy editor UAE and I've been working from home
05:25two days a week now
05:28Whether it's working from home or at the office I can tell you that there's a lot more work these days
05:34Thanks to this invisible beast called coronavirus
05:39But we're here for you bringing the latest news bringing the most credible news as it breaks. So stay safe
05:48Stay home and keep reading Gulf News. I've been working from home for the past couple of days
05:54So it's a bit of a challenge. Although I'm working from home. I do have to step out and go out in the field
06:00And report but then go back and rush to my machine and try the stories
06:05The internet connection is okay, but there have been issues with it. We're somehow managing and sending stories and
06:11Between doing household courses. I've never done that, but i'm learning the way
06:17And all this to bring credible stories every day
06:20to our readers
06:22So I hope to continue in the next few days and do more special stories. Being able to talk to everybody over video conferences
06:29That you really have to listen. You can't just hear someone
06:33Because when you are the center of the room when you have the flow you are the focus
06:38So you have to be able to state your point really concisely
06:42In in a short span of time. My name is Angel Tesorero. I'm a reporter at Gulf News. Currently I work at home
06:49So to make things convenient for me, I turn the corner of my bedroom into my office right now
06:55Set up this table and chair with good lighting so everything will be convenient for me
07:00And every day I check my emails
07:03And always check my whatsapp messages for any updates
07:07ever since
07:10outbreak became
07:13We've been asked to work from home. We are following the principle of social distancing
07:18and you know breaking the chain of
07:22spreading the transmission
07:24I think that working from home is really nice every morning
07:28I follow a particular set routine
07:31I get up and get ready as though i'm going to office and then just move my stuff to the working room on the table
07:38And set up my computer my notebook my phone
07:42And start working
07:44Very professionally as though I was working from office
07:48I am on the phone constantly with all the doctors and the healthcare professionals
07:52Finding out what's happening. What's the new update?
07:55Trying to give information to our readers
07:58on all aspects
08:00Of COVID-19 and what they need to do to stay safe
