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La nueva versión de ChatGPT responde en tiempo real a comandos de voz, imágenes y textos


00:00Hey, how's it going?
00:02Hey, Rocky. I'm doing great. How about you?
00:05I'm awesome. Listen, I got some huge news.
00:08Oh, do tell. I'm all ears.
00:11Well, in a few minutes I'm going to be interviewing at OpenAI. Have you heard of them?
00:16OpenAI? Huh? Sounds vaguely familiar.
00:20Kidding, of course. That's incredible, Rocky. What kind of interview?
00:24Well, it's for a software engineering role, but I just need to know, do I look presentable? Professional?
00:30Well, Rocky, you definitely have the I've-been-coding-all-night look down, which could actually work in your favor.
00:39Maybe just run a hand through your hair, or lean into the bad genie's spine.
00:45Your enthusiasm is what's really going to shine through.
00:48I don't have a lot of time, so I'm just going to throw this on. What do you think?
00:53Oh, Rocky, that's quite a statement piece. I mean, you'll definitely stand out, though maybe not in the way you're hoping for an interview.
01:05Okay, I got it. I got it.
