00:00So, I mean, do you see this whole conflict, these three years of fighting, as having simply
00:05emboldened Russia, and what might Russia decide to do next?
00:10There is no any conflict at all.
00:12There is a direct and straight aggression of Russia, war of Russia against Ukraine.
00:17There is no conflict between parties.
00:20Russia attacked Ukraine and took a huge part of its territory, almost 30% of the Ukrainian
00:27Russia is a definite aggressor and must be treated as such.
00:30And Putin is an international war criminal and also should be treated as such.
00:35And I'm very much surprised that President Trump is going to invite him as an honorable
00:40guest and valuable partner in negotiations to discuss anything at all.
00:45Putin is a criminal and should be treated as a criminal.