• last month
00:00I've seen young Oli Allblasters out in the Middle East, I think.
00:02Is that more a mental health break than anything else?
00:06Because he's been working... It's not a bad one, is it?
00:08No, it's not, but I wish I got sent out there for a mental health break.
00:12But usually, like you said, it was a day off.
00:15It was a day off.
00:17No, yeah, it was something that
00:21we talked about and was needed from Oli.
00:24He's worked extremely hard.
00:25He's absolutely desperate to get back, but we can't rush that process.
00:30So, yeah, again, talked about it to you guys at length in terms of
00:36these boys don't feel comfortable being injured.
00:40They don't want to be injured.
00:41They won't be out there playing.
00:43They won't be out there adding and contributing to the team.
00:50Especially, you know, Blaster and what his career path has been so far
00:55and how well he's done.
00:56So, we have to make decisions and it's good for him to, as I said,
01:01get a little bit of...
01:04He'll be working out there as well,
01:06but get a bit of sun on his back and come back
01:10because, as you said, they don't want to be coming in at half seven,
01:13eight o'clock and leaving at five o'clock and watching the team-mates play
01:17and experiencing the highs that they did.
01:21He's delighted he's a team player.
01:22I mean, he's made up that the team's winning
01:26games of football and playing like we did on Wednesday night.
01:29He'd have watched that,
01:31but he would have watched it and felt a little bit of the envy
01:35of the players because, you know, he'd love to have been a part of it.
01:39Yes, I'm sure if you let him, he'd probably play tomorrow, wouldn't he?
01:42Yes, he would.
01:42Are you still looking at possibly next year or is there a chance that he might be back?
01:46Well, let's wait and see, but it's usually a nine-month injury.
01:49So, going back to that day in November.
01:55So, yes, it's going to be super tight.
01:58So, there's no gun to his head in terms of rushing him back.
02:03And at times, I should imagine our challenge will be to slow him down.
