Bloom and Egret are twins, they were born on August 10, 5025, Bloom is 9 minutes older than Egret, Bloom’s theme color is green and her favorite color is green, Egret’s theme color is yellow and her favorite color is yellow.
Leni and Lena are twins, they were born on September 14, 5026, Leni is 9 minutes older than Lena, Leni’s theme color is light green and her favorite color is light green, Lena’s theme color is light yellow and her favorite color is light yellow.
Leni and Lena are twins, they were born on September 14, 5026, Leni is 9 minutes older than Lena, Leni’s theme color is light green and her favorite color is light green, Lena’s theme color is light yellow and her favorite color is light yellow.