• last month
Ruthless criminal activity is met with force from a maverick police officer with a disregard for the rules as he confron | dG1fVk5SQm1oMFFHdzA
00:01With honesty and talent, you will have the courage to achieve.
00:03They are like a burning star.
00:12Those who are affected should get justice.
00:14It is the responsibility of the police to provide it.
00:19For a police officer, conscience is more important than a gun.
00:23One tab, one app, for a brighter future.
00:31The people are going to celebrate you as Kamarajar.
00:34We have received an important message from the media.
00:37The murderers have been arrested by the police.
00:41I have given everything I know about Guna in a written statement.
00:44I have nothing new to say.
00:46Now we have to hunt down a big criminal.
00:53The price of honesty is death.
01:03The murderers should never change.
01:10Brother, have you caught a tiger?
01:12I have hunted a big one in the department.
01:16If I jump, something will fall.
