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Israeli influencer Max Veifer has posted the alleged full unedited video of his chat with two nurses from Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital who allegedly made threats against Israeli patients. Video by Max Veifer


00:06You know
00:10Good how are you? I'm in pretty good. Are you a nurse a doctor? I'm a doctor moment a doctor for what?
00:19In hospital, what about you where you from I'm from Israel from the whole land
00:26You know what I'm gonna be really honest with you, all right, I'm gonna be really honest with you
00:31You actually got a really really beautiful eyes. Thank you
00:33I'm so but I'm so upset that you Israeli like eventually gonna get killed and you're gonna go to your hand them inshallah
00:39You like this pretty eyes. They should stay in this world for longer. What do you think? Why do you think I'm gonna get killed?
00:47Because inshallah one day God will maybe because I served in the IDF that's why
00:55That's the reason because I served in the IDF what's the what's the problem with that? What's the issue with that?
01:03Killed I was protecting my country
01:10In the war people die as you know, they started the war
01:19Who started who started this war
01:21I hope you guys who elected Hamas who elected Hamas is it's Palestine's country. Not your country
01:29What's your name?
01:30No, we're talking politely here. We're talking politely here one day one day
01:36One day time will come and you will die the most horrible use great. Hey, we sprayed positivity. We spread
01:44Protection we spread
01:46Peace and you spread
01:50How are you doctors wait, I want you to remember I have a okay, okay
01:56I have a question
01:59All right. All right for sure. I have a question though. I have a question. Let's say let's say an Israeli
02:06God forbid them. I won't treat them. I'll kill them. You'll kill them
02:10So if an Israeli is in the in Australia and God forbid something happened to him and he comes to your hospital
02:17Would you kill him? Yeah. Okay. You have no idea how many Israeli had a dog came to this hospital and I
02:25sent it to Jahannam
02:29For real so if and if if just Jewish people comes there
