• last month
A farm girl is on an epic quest to recover a cherished family heirloom. Her journey leads her to a strange and dangerous | dG1fLVlEUVI2TlVOWVE
00:00My plasmatics.
00:05The world's gone mad out there.
00:09Ain't safe for a gal with stars in her eyes.
00:18Name's Odessa.
00:25My daddy used to tell me...
00:28My singing had the power to bring light to the darkness.
00:32And change things.
00:42Satellite city.
00:44It is a depraved and sinful place.
00:51When you sang to me earlier tonight...
00:53Reminded me of how beautiful some things are.
00:58I am Odessa.
01:08Anyone who speaks out against him just gets shipped off.
01:11Where he tortures them in the name of entertainment.
01:16We have to do something.
01:19This world is cruel, Odessa.
01:22Maybe it doesn't have to be.
01:28We need a revolution.
01:41They're gonna get what's coming to them.
01:43Mark my words.
01:45Go! Now!
01:50You can bring light to the darkness.
01:58Ladies and gentlemen...
