00:00Um, the top free agents, uh, as free agency is a couple weeks away in the NFL, uh, Sam
00:07Darnold at the top.
00:09Uh, T Higgins, who, uh, you sent me that story, the Patriots are allegedly going to go very
00:14hard after them.
00:15Josh sweat.
00:16I mean, geez, you talk about cashing in that guy had a hell of a Superbowl, uh, when it's
00:20two and a half sacks, Trey Smith from the offensive line from the chiefs, Ronnie Stanley,
00:25Milton Williams.
00:26That guy was awesome in the Superbowl for the Eagles, Drew Dallman, DJ Reed, Javon Holland
00:30and Zach.
00:31Three guys on the Eagle defense, Scotty, in this top 10 free agents, three guys that were
00:37really good for them in that Superbowl win.
00:40I, at least one of them is going to get some huge bags somewhere else.
00:45You know how that goes.
00:46Let me just say this, that I really believe that most teams when they, I mean, this is
00:53just ad nauseum.
00:54It happens every time.
00:56Most teams that win in sports, they try to find a way to resign all the guys that won
01:03with them.
01:04And I think it's a mistake.
01:07I think the reason the Patriots were so good at winning Superbowls and catching the Steelers
01:12at six Lombardi's was that they didn't do that.
01:15What they did was every year they hired guys to do jobs.
01:19All right, we're going to, we're going to bring this player in and this is your job.
01:23Do nothing else.
01:24We don't want you to do anything.
01:25Uh, this is what we need you to do on Sundays.
01:28We don't really care about Saturday or Friday or Thursday or, or any day, just Sunday.
01:34I need you to do this job.
01:36And that's what they did every year.
01:38And every year when a season was over, they got rid of them.
01:41We just, we're going to get someone else to do the job.
01:44And that's what works.
01:47I don't think re-signing all these guys in Philadelphia and giving them tons of money
01:51is going to do anything except make that credit card bill at 23% interest even worse.
01:56Honestly, like I am not buying all the same players again and giving them even more money.
02:02What you need to do to be smart in business is you already got me the title.
02:07Thanks so much.
02:08Now get out.
02:11We've already got it done with you.
02:13It's not going to happen again with any certainty.
02:16So I'm not giving you a ton of money.
02:19Tell your wife, thank you for everything and get out.