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Lifestyle coach Luke Coutinho reveals mantra of healthy living in Dubai

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00:00Right, so inflammation is the root cause of every single disease.
00:03And inflammation is not a bad thing. It's part of the immune system.
00:07So when we fall down or we have a virus or a bacteria in our body,
00:11part of the immune response is to create inflammation to protect us.
00:14The problem is when the immune system doesn't know how to switch it off
00:18and the inflammation continues, then it becomes something called chronic inflammation.
00:22And that causes all the disease, whether it's cardiovascular health, Alzheimer's, cancer.
00:27So it's very important. Again, there are medicines that can reduce it, but that's temporary.
00:33What we have to look at is lifestyle. Again, there are certain anti-inflammatory foods
00:37like your spices, your turmeric, your fruits, your vegetables.
00:40There are antioxidants that break down and neutralize free radicals.
00:44Sleep. Inflammation reduces when we sleep better.
00:46It increases when we're sleep deprived. And stress also creates inflammation.
00:50Chronic stress. So we have to learn how to relax.
00:53So all of these things, over-training in the gym, over-exercising creates inflammation,
00:59under-exercising creates inflammation.
01:01So it all comes down to the balance of all of these things.
01:03Certain drugs that we take for our own treatment also creates inflammation,
01:07which is why you need to balance it with lifestyle to reduce inflammation on the side.
01:12Sleep deprivation is the root cause of most problems today.
01:14Emotional, spiritual, intellectual, physical, mental.
01:18So we need to sleep better. We need to sleep deeper.
01:20It's not a quantity, it's a quality of sleep.
01:22Number two, we have to learn how to reconnect with ourselves.
01:25Everyone's connected outwards. So we're like puppets.
01:28Someone says something, we're pulled in one direction.
01:30Someone's doing something, we're pulled in another direction.
01:32It's nice to learn from the outside world, but we have to stay connected within.
01:36Because our body's always telling us what's right, what decisions to make, what not to do.
01:40So that inner connection has to be rebuilt.
01:42How does that happen?
01:43Whether it's meditation, sitting in silence,
01:46distancing yourself sometimes from social media.
01:48I'm not saying you've got to get off social media, but limit it.
01:51It can't be your whole life. The virtual world will make your world virtual.
01:54So that's extremely important.
01:56Nutrition has to be simple.
01:57Right food, right time, right quantity, right quality.
02:01As simple as that. Eat for you.
02:03Don't eat what everyone else is eating because we're all unique individuals.
02:07And exercise again, movement.
02:09Most people are sedentary right now.
02:11So the more movement we get, these are the four most powerful lifestyle changes
02:14that form actually the fundamentals of integrative and lifestyle medicine.
02:19And they don't cost money to do. They're free.
02:21So people now need to decide that was the past.
02:25Okay, now move forward.
02:26Like in any situation in life, you've got to keep moving.
02:29What's happened has happened.
02:30You've got to get back to your workouts because you have access to the outdoors right now.
02:34Get back to socializing and meeting people
02:37because it's so important to understand that we lost that during the pandemic.
02:41And that's why we had emotional and mental issues.
02:43People have to realize that stress is always going to be part of our life.
02:47It's always going to be part of our life.
02:48But how we relate to it is different.
02:50So I think the problems happen when people stall.
02:53They stop taking action.
02:54They become a victim and slave to their emotions and anxiety and fears.
02:58There's always some action that you can take.
03:00The smallest, littlest thing.
03:02Keep taking those actions and then you distance yourself between anxiety and fear.
03:07So fasting is therapeutic.
03:08We're meant to fast.
03:09The very fact that we sleep and we don't eat when we sleep is a fasting period.
03:13So the body is meant to fast.
03:14The only thing is don't don't fall into fads.
03:1716 eights and all of that stuff.
03:19It doesn't make sense.
03:19Why not 17?
03:20Why not 15?
03:21So we have to learn to keep gaps between our meals
03:23and between our last meal and our next meal next morning.
03:26So smart fasting is what we should do.
03:29Whether it's 12, 13, 14, 15 hours.
03:31It's different for everyone.
03:32Different every day.
03:34So we fast basically to give the digestive system a break
03:37because we're eating too much.
03:38We're eating at different times all the time.
03:40So when you give your digestive system a break,
03:42all that energy that goes towards digestion now goes towards repairing cells,
03:47growing hormones and all of that stuff.
03:49If we're constantly eating, the energy first goes towards digestion.
03:53So fasting is therapeutic for recovery, for healing, for rejuvenation,
03:57for even recovery from deadly diseases when it's done in a supervised way.
04:01Listen to your body.
04:02It's always telling you what to do.
04:12So I'm going to give you a couple of minutes to think about what you want to do.
04:15I'm going to give you a couple of minutes to think about what you want to do.
04:18I'm going to give you a couple of minutes to think about what you want to do.
04:20I'm going to give you a couple of minutes to think about what you want to do.
04:23I'm going to give you a couple of minutes to think about what you want to do.
04:25I'm going to give you a couple of minutes to think about what you want to do.
04:27I'm going to give you a couple of minutes to think about what you want to do.
04:30I'm going to give you a couple of minutes to think about what you want to do.
04:32I'm going to give you a couple of minutes to think about what you want to do.
04:35I'm going to give you a couple of minutes to think about what you want to do.
