• last month
(Adnkronos) - Sarebbe un “suicidio” inviare in Ucraina, dopo un eventuale accordo di cessate il fuoco, una missione di peacekeeping composta solo di forze europee. Lo sottolinea, a Bruxelles a margine della Ministeriale Nato, il ministro della Difesa Guido Crosetto. L’Italia, aggiunge, è disponibile a partecipare ad una eventuale missione, ma sotto l’egida dell’Onu e con il coinvolgimento anche di Paesi extraeuropei.


00:00The debate on this topic has not yet begun.
00:03The day it begins, I will say that it would be a suicide to go alone as a European country.
00:08You cannot think of having, after a war like the one that there was,
00:11a commitment that is only European.
00:13It must be a commitment under the law of the United Nations,
00:16or certainly extra-European, that involves the Arab countries,
00:20that involves India, that involves the other nations,
00:23because we cannot think that it is reduced to what was the greatest provider of aid
00:30to the nation that is opposed to Russia.
00:33So it would be crazy.
00:35I hope it will be there, because it means that peace is broken.
00:38But at that point, we are available within a contingent that goes beyond Europe.
00:43The same thing we did in Lebanon, the same thing we are willing to do in Gaza,
00:47the same scheme that we used in our international peace missions,
00:51is valid here.
00:53It must move. We must give strength.
00:56If we want to think of a future of peace,
00:58we must give strength to multilateral organizations.
01:01We must revive the UN,
01:03give it a political strength that it has lost in the last decades,
01:06and this can be an opportunity to give the UN a new hope
01:10to become something important for humanity, for the world.
