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The PDSA study found that Owners of rabbits said they were 46% more expensive than expected, with 30% of owners of dogs and cats saying the price of keeping their pet had increased. But what do locals think?
00:00According to the PDSA, 86% of owners say that the cost of owning their pet has increased,
00:06with 33% saying that the cost of owning a pet was more expensive than they had expected.
00:12Not really. It's just, as you say, it's very expensive all round. I mean, a friend of ours
00:20had a dog and just taking it to the vet just cost so much money. Incredible.
00:25Looking after a pet is expensive. It really is. And that's the same, do all your homework
00:30before doing it. Look at what your average annual costs are. Insurance is so needed.
00:37You know, yes, it can be expensive and it gets more expensive as you go on. But check
00:40before you purchase that there is a reasonable insurance. There are some breeds, especially
00:46dogs, that is almost impossible to insure.
00:49The PDSA study found that owners of rabbits say they were 46% more expensive than expected,
00:57with 30% of owners of cats and dogs saying the prices for keeping their pet had increased.
01:03But what do locals think?
01:05A little bit, but not so much as just having, if I was going to have a pet, I'd have a dog.
01:11And then there are certain places you can't take dogs and things like that.
01:16Everything is rising and pet food is no different. And pet food is so important. If you look
01:21at a healthy diet, a healthy diet creates a healthy mind and it's no different for pets.
01:27If you're going to be feeding, an animal would rather eat than not. So if you can't afford
01:35a good quality diet, just do your best because not everybody can afford this kind of the
01:41nature's best or whatever, you know, whatever make it is. And it doesn't matter what make
01:45it is, but an animal would much rather eat than not.
01:49I think as they say, a lot of people bought pets for a company during lockdown and now
01:54it's over. They're thinking, oh gosh, I can't really afford this. So yeah, it's a shame.
