• letzten Monat
In Atomfall erkundet ihr ein von einem Atomunglück verstrahltes Gebiet in Nordengland. Nach dem realen Vorfall im Windscale verläuft die Geschichte im Spiel allerdings deutlich anders. Denn die gesamte Zone um das Kraftwerk wird abgeriegelt und deren Bewohner eingesperrt. Ihr gelangt fünf Jahre später nach Windscale und findet eine Welt voller Monster, Banditen, Kultisten und Überreste der ehemaligen Gesellschaft vor.

Atomfall erscheint am 27. März 2025 auf Steam und Epic, sowie für PlayStation und Xbox. In unserer Preview lest ihr, warum Fabiano nach dem ersten Anspielen richtig gespannt auf die englische Postapokalypse ist.
00:00Rated M for Mature.
00:30I've seen you around this stretch before.
00:32Shots of dilapidated woodlands are down.
00:34Text, investigate the mysteries of Asimov, a robot which wants revenge.
00:36The Critical Force is here to protect.
00:40New faces often mean trouble.
00:42And yet, they may bring new opportunities, too.
00:45Text, uncover secrets.
00:46Player uses their torch to examine desks.
00:48Certain death.
00:49If you choose to enter the woods.
00:51What's on your mind here?
00:53Come into the light where I can see you.
00:55Text, search.
00:56They open a chest and search a dead body.
00:58They craft a molotov.
00:59Text, scavenge.
01:00The player scans the ground with a metal detector.
01:02Text, survive.
01:03The player approaches a wicker effigy and equips the cricket bat.
01:05The player watches bandits in some bushes.
01:07And a man in a wooden mask dresses as a crab.
01:09Keep your eyes open.
01:10The voice in the soil.
01:12You're not welcome here.
01:13Text, fight.
01:14The player attacks humans, robots, and glowing desiccated men using a variety of melee and ranged weapons.
01:21The player lights and launches a molotov at two men standing by a tall wooden fence.
01:25The player explores a ruined building overgrown with glowing fungi-like plants.
01:28Fade out to a person standing on a rock overlooking rolling hills and a glowing power plant in the distance.
01:32Title, Atomfall, March 27th, 2025. Pre-order now.
01:35Coming to Game Pass, Xbox, Windows, PlayStation, Epic, and Steam.
01:38Standard edition includes base game and a pre-order bonus.
01:41Deluxe edition also includes additional exclusive skins, a story expansion, and 3-day early unlock.
