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Prepare for a journey through the most disturbing and unsettling Super Bowl commercials that will haunt your nightmares! From robot children to dancing tongues, these ads push the boundaries of comfort and sanity. Get ready for a wild ride of bizarre marketing gone wrong!
00:00Not everyone in this commercial will have a Miller time, but you might.
00:04Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we're counting down our picks for the scariest
00:08and most unsettling Super Bowl commercials of all time.
00:16Number 10. Puppy Monkey Baby, Mountain Dew, Super Bowl 50
00:21Puppy Monkey Baby. Puppy Monkey Baby.
00:24There are freaky mascots and then there's Puppy Monkey Baby.
00:27Mountain Dew was coming out with a new drink called Kickstart, which was a combination of
00:32regular Mountain Dew, juice, and caffeine. So, to celebrate, they created the Puppy Monkey Baby,
00:37a combination of, well, you can probably guess. Puppy. Monkey. Baby.
00:43This thing is a complete horror show, with the head of a dog,
00:45the body of a monkey, and the legs of a human baby. As if it didn't look scary enough,
00:50it also dances around the room in a jerky stop-motion manner, making it look like
00:54something out of The Nightmare Before Christmas. Catchy tune, though.
01:02Number 9. Robo Child, Turbo Tax, Super Bowl 53
01:06All right, check it out. I call him Robo Child.
01:10Call us crazy, but we get the shivers any time we see robots with human faces.
01:14In this horrific commercial for Turbo Tax, a man shows off his new Robo Child,
01:19which is a metal figure with a human child's face and one of those weird pre-Siri robot voices.
01:31This kind of human face plastered on a robot body was creepy when RoboCop did it,
01:35and it's still creepy today. Props to the design team who made this thing,
01:39because it looks fantastic. It's just too bad that it is deeply, deeply unsettling.
01:49Still perfecting emotion.
01:51Number 8. The Singularity, Squarespace, Super Bowl 57
02:03It's amazing how much work goes into Super Bowl commercials nowadays.
02:07These things are basically short movies at this point. Unfortunately, horror shorts are very
02:13popular. Adam Driver stars in this impeccably produced ad for Squarespace, which shows him
02:18walking in a vast desert landscape backed by moody synth music. It's already quite eerie
02:27in a Blade Runner kind of way, but then he comes across The Singularity. Suddenly,
02:31multiple Adam Drivers emerge and speak in unison, and then The Singularity activates
02:36and sucks them all into its gravitational pull. Who knew that the year's best piece
02:40of sci-fi horror would come via a Super Bowl commercial?
02:49Number 7. Rabbit Holes, Tubi, Super Bowl 57
03:08Heck, this commercial's so scary that it even starts like a horror movie.
03:12A woman is working away on her computer when a figure walks by the doorway.
03:16She hears a creak and turns around, but of course, no one is there.
03:20And then, she's violently yanked away by a giant rabbit paw.
03:33So begins this Armageddon-type scenario where giant rabbits are kidnapping humans
03:37and throwing them into pits. The imagery is apocalyptic, and we don't even want to know
03:42why rabbits are 7 feet tall and walking on two legs. Luckily, the holes have TVs in them,
03:48so the humans can enjoy a bit of entertainment as they plummet to their apparent deaths.
04:03Number 6. Robot, General Motors, Super Bowl 41
04:07General Motors wanted to make a statement about their obsession with quality,
04:15but they went about it in a highly contentious and controversial manner.
04:19A robot is working on an assembly line when it drops a screw,
04:22throwing it into a pit of inescapable despair. The robot loses its job, and then takes a number
04:28of menial opportunities like holding a speaker at a fast food drive-thru.
04:31Hopeless and despondent, the robot then throws itself off a bridge.
04:37What were you thinking, GM? The Super Bowl is a time for careless fun,
04:46not hopeless unemployment and death. The company eventually altered the commercial
04:50after a public outcry, removing the bridge-jumping sequence from all subsequent airings.
05:01Number 5. The Dancing Tongue, Coffee Mate, Super Bowl 59
05:08Mmm. We don't know why, but Super Bowl 59 had a bizarre amount of commercials devoted to body
05:16horror. In this one from Coffee Mate, a guy takes a sip of their new cold foam,
05:21prompting his happy tongue to go absolutely bananas. His head shoots back, his tongue
05:26slowly emerges from his mouth like some kind of alien creature, and it proceeds to dance
05:30around to a custom Shania Twain song. No, we don't know what's going on either. And then,
05:42just to make the commercial a little weirder, the guy's tongue detaches from his mouth and spins
05:47around while fireworks erupt around it. You see his buddy's facial expression? We think he speaks
05:52for everyone. Number 4. Evil Beaver, Miller Lite, Super Bowl 32
06:06Just like robots with human faces, we'll never get over humans doing animal things.
06:11Enter Miller Lite's Evil Beaver commercial. A group of pioneers make a small settlement
06:16in a forest, and to celebrate, they drink Miller Lite, just as the real pioneers did.
06:22Well, the new settlement doesn't go over well with the local beavers, who are portrayed as
06:31human men in beaver costumes. They attack the place on motorbikes, and one proceeds to eat
06:36away at the log house. It's a disturbing visual to say the least. The goofy 80s power ballad
06:42certainly helps lighten the tone, but just imagine if this was set to scary music. It'd give most
06:47horror movies a run for their money. Number 3. Boy, Nationwide, Super Bowl 49
07:09Nationwide said that this commercial was meant, quote, to start a conversation,
07:13not sell insurance. So you know it's gonna be bad. The commercial shows a young boy telling
07:18viewers that he'll never do certain things like travel the world or get married. Why not? Because
07:23he's dead. Yep. In some mis-aimed twist ending, we find out that the boy died in a vague household
07:33accident. Because this is what people want to watch while eating their pretzels and dip.
07:37The backlash was both fierce and immediate, with many people calling out Nationwide for their
07:42depressing stunt, and the company was forced to make a public statement. Well, they certainly
07:46started a conversation, just not the one they were hoping for. Number 2. The Seal Seal, Mountain Dew,
08:00Super Bowl 59. What on earth is this? Everyone knows about the Seal Seal by now,
08:12but just imagine watching the game and coming across this monstrosity for the first time.
08:17Seal's face is superimposed over a CGI seal, and he sings Kiss from a Lime,
08:22a parody of his popular Kiss from a Rose. We don't even know where to start with this thing.
08:34This is the definition of a fever dream. A visual and auditory onslaught that doesn't
08:39make a lick of sense and leaves us feeling horribly confused and soaked from the fear sweats.
08:44We don't know what Mountain Dew's obsession is with terrifying animal-human hybrids,
08:48but we wish they'd knock it off. Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel
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09:06occasional videos or all of them. If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings
09:10and switch on notifications. Number 1. Cowboy Head, Toobie, Super Bowl 59.
09:30Toobie are the kings of making weird commercials, and they topped themselves in 2025,
09:35crafting a commercial that would make David Lynch proud. A young boy is born with a head
09:39shaped like a cowboy hat, and he goes through life suffering mistreatment from other people
09:43with other head shapes. These fleshy scalps are extremely disturbing. There's no other word for
09:55it. We never thought we'd see young children with cowboy hats and wizard caps for heads,
09:59but the Super Bowl always delivers the unexpected. The commercial actually has a cute message,
10:04and its ending is quite touching. It's just too bad about those dang heads. We will never unsee
10:09this. Did we miss anything that has been ingrained in your memory? Let us know in the
10:23comments below. Did you enjoy this video? Check out these other clips from WatchMojo,
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