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Eid Al Adha is the Festival of Sacrifice. The Muslim festival the conclusion of the pilgrimage to Mecca, known as Haj. At the end of Haj, Muslims throughout the world celebrate the holiday. We explain the meaning of Eid.

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#Dubai #EidAlAdha #Muslims
00:00Hi everyone, this is Yusra and today I'm going to be talking about Eid al-Adha
00:04and what it means to Muslims all over the world.
00:10Eid al-Adha is one of two major festivals in Islam and Muslims celebrate it all over the world.
00:16This Muslim festival marks the conclusion of the pilgrimage to Mecca which is also known as Hajj.
00:22Eid al-Adha translated means the festival of sacrifice and the reason it's called the
00:27festival of sacrifice is because this is the time where Muslims really think about the story
00:32of Prophet Abraham. One of Prophet Abraham's main trials in his life is that God gave him
00:39a sign that he needed to sacrifice his son Ismail. Right before he took a knife to his son's neck,
00:46God sent down an angel to interrupt the process and tell him that he proved his faith to God.
00:51Instead he gave him a sheep to sacrifice instead and this is why Muslims sacrifice sheeps, goats,
00:58cows during Eid al-Adha. The meat that you receive from sacrificing an animal during Eid al-Adha
01:04is actually to feed the poor and the needy so it's done as an act of selflessness. Not many people
01:09have access to meat as it is very expensive so this is the time at which the needy and the poor
01:15can enjoy to have a little bit of a treat. This act sort of symbolizes our willingness to give
01:20up something that we want for ourselves and to give it to those who need it more than we do.
01:25During the days of Eid, Muslims will follow Prophet Muhammad's sunnah which is waking up early,
01:31taking a shower, wearing clean clothes and smelling really well. They then go to pray their Eid
01:37prayers and then they meet with family and friends. It is good Muslim customary to call
01:43far away family members or send gifts to people you don't have access to seeing. Make sure you
01:48wish everybody Eid Mubarak or Eid Saeed. This is Yusra Zaki reporting for Gulf News.
