• last month


00:00Ma'am, the child who was instructed to commit suicide in your class,
00:06what would have happened if the parents blamed the school for it?
00:11Sir, I was shocked to hear this.
00:15I was not in a condition to pick up the phone.
00:19But the child was fine.
00:21The child left with a smile.
00:23We have all the proof.
00:26But I don't know what happened after that.
00:29That's why I don't want to comment on this.
00:33Did you talk to the school staff about the child's depression?
00:41No, I didn't even talk to the child.
00:43Because he was always smiling.
00:45It's not like his face has never been sad.
00:48He was always smiling.
00:50He was smiling that day as well.
00:52I spoke to the teacher of the class.
00:54She said that the child was playing.
00:57Nothing like this has happened in the school.
00:59Can you give us your full name?
01:02My name is Reena Thomas.
01:05Ma'am, did you talk to the school staff about the child's depression?
01:10No, I didn't talk to them.
01:13I just told them to do it.
01:16After that, the child was fine.
01:18He was smiling.
01:20Ma'am, his parents said that the child was playing outside the class for 2 minutes.
01:25His parents said that.
01:27Sir, you have proof.
01:30We can't say anything more than that.
