• 2 days ago
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 51 en HD Completo
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 51 en HD Completo
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 51 en HD Completo
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 51 en HD Completo
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 51 en HD Completo
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 51 en HD Completo
Nina De Azúcar Capítulo 51 en HD Completo
00:19Come over on a
00:20Controlled a monitor yeah
00:23No, Samosa burado de que reciba la
00:26cantidad exacta de oxigenación así como la medicación pertinente con tal de contrarrestar la sobredosis
00:35Cuando va a despertar doctor
00:38Lamentablemente no lo sabemos señora gray pero va a despertar no tengamos fe sí
00:43de inefuerte
00:46Disculpen pero solo una persona puede quedarse con ella
00:58No voy a quedar yo
01:00Yo sé que es muy difícil lo que les voy a pedir pero por favor me quiero quedar yo necesito que armen
01:07por favor
01:11Por favor
01:13Anoche me capes de que casi me maten para cuidarla de él
01:22No cuidamos mucho no saben cómo nos cuidamos
01:27Como nos abrazamos lloramos juntos nos explicamos todo
01:33Nos hacemos bien
01:38Yo sé que ella está orgullosa de ser la esposa de
01:41De este jaguar
01:44De ser nina moran me lo dijo
01:50Y yo estoy orgulloso de ser su esposo
01:54Quiero respetarla déjenme por favor por favor
02:06Lo tenemos que dejar
02:10No tenemos que dejar no se va a quedar solito
02:17Deba estar con la persona que eligió estar
02:35No le voy a fachar
03:25Me Nina de azúcar
03:39Tenés que despertarte vos tenés que despertarte
03:48Dale vos podés dale sola más fuerte
03:59Solo más fuerte sola que caso al jaguar moran dale dale
04:13Sabes una cosa
04:16Son las mejores personas que conocí en mi vida
04:21Nunca me reí tanto como con vos
04:27Quiero volver a reírme con vos
04:32Yo sé que podemos
04:35Sigue así
04:38Yo sé que podemos pero juntos
04:43Como anoche
04:47Es mucho más tarde que ayer
04:52Te esperaría otra vez
05:00No sé si la gente en coma puede escuchar
05:06Donde está nuestro error sin solucion
05:10Pero te lo digo
05:12Fuiste tu el culpable
05:15Te quiero mucho
05:17Ni tu ni nadie nadie puede cambiar
05:23Y no te lo dije porque soy un boludo
05:25Porque soy un cobarde
05:27Porque no me animaba
05:29Porque no quería lastimarte
05:31Porque no quiero que me lastimen
05:37Porque no sé amar no sé
05:45Nunca quise tanto a nadie como vos
05:49Te tenés que despertar por favor
05:51Volve dale
05:53Volve dale
05:55Volve dale
05:57Volve dale
06:04Despertate por favor
06:07Donde está nuestro error sin solucion
06:13Fuiste tu el culpable
06:16No fui yo
06:19Soy otro
06:21Y más guapo todavía
06:23¿Qué te parece Gael?
06:25Yo pensaba que era imposible que se vuelva más guapo
06:28¿Alguna novedad de Nina?
06:30Nada, ninguna novedad
06:34Nadie me cuenta nada
06:36Ni Mirta ni Emma responden mis mensajes
06:38Estoy desesperada
06:40Es que es terrible
06:42Si Monsito no puede enterarse
06:43No, por favor, el ama a Nina
06:45No le digas nada
06:46Y al futbolista
06:48Eso sería una gran desilusión para él
06:50¿Por qué sería una gran desilusión?
06:52Diana, tú eres la mejor amiga de Nina
06:55Tú la viste, estaba destrozada
06:56Luego de ver las fotos de la traición de Morán
06:58Estaba sufriendo
06:59Pero esas fotos son una invención de la prensa como siempre
07:02Imagínate que así fuese
07:04¿No te parece mucha coincidencia que ella llega a su casa
07:07Herida por la traición, devastada
07:09Luego se encuentra con Morán
07:11Pueden haber peleado, discutido
07:13No sé, pero no me gusta nada
07:17¿Qué quiere decir con eso?
07:20Bueno, las cosas son las...
07:22Gracias Diana
07:24¿Nos vamos a ver?
07:26Bueno, nos vamos
07:27¿Cuánto te debo Diana?
07:29Nada, es un regalo para Simóncito
07:32Tengo hambre
07:34¿Podemos ir al lugar?
07:35Yo también tengo mucha hambre
07:36No me despeines
07:37Me gusta mucho como lo dejó Diana
07:39Está bien, pero no me contestes así
07:41Estamos haciendo cosas bien bonitas, ¿no?
07:44Ya, despídete Diana
07:55Te quiero
07:56Te quiero, te quiero, te quiero
08:24Te quiero mucho, mucho, mucho
08:43Lo siento tanto Rami
08:51Lo siento mucho amigo
08:57Va a estar bien, lo sé
08:59Tiene que estar bien
09:01Sí, va a estar bien
09:03Mira, lamento ser el mensajero más inoportuno del mundo
09:07Pero la policía y Ferrara están en camino
09:12Lo quieren enterrar ese hijo de puta Estrada
09:14Todos queremos preso Estrada
09:16Pero hay que estar alertas, ¿sí?
09:18Porque como tú estuviste con Nina cuando se descompuso
09:21Podrían querer inculparte de todo
09:27No van a poder, no
09:29Se metieron con lo que más me duele
09:32Y sé perfectamente lo que me pasa cuando se meten con los que quiero
09:37Estamos juntos en esto, ¿sí?
09:40Te espero afuera
09:55Te lo dije
09:59Juntos no somos perfectos
10:02No somos como otros
10:05Pero lo nuestro es real
10:08Y fuerte
10:12Juntos somos los mejores
10:16Esta vez vamos a ganar los buenos
10:20Te lo prometo
10:24Yo lo haré
10:30¿Dónde está nuestro error sin solución?
10:36¿Fuiste tú el culpable o no fui yo?
10:42Ni tú ni nadie, nadie puede cambiarme
10:49Sirena querida
10:51Yo sé que es el décimo mensaje que te envío pero
10:56Realmente me haces falta
10:59Yo entiendo que estás molesta y que no me respondas ahora pero
11:04Al menos no me has bloqueado y eso
11:07Pienso, quiere decir
11:10Que tengo una oportunidad
11:15Me bloqueaste
11:19No, no, no
11:44No somos de los que se deprimen
11:53¿Soy yo?
11:55No busques a nadie
11:56No puede ser
11:57Sí, es estrés
11:59Somos la voz interior evolucionada
12:01Ahora venimos en imágenes
12:03Entonces, ¿yo me estoy hablando a mí?
12:07¿Quién mejor que tú para abrirte los ojos a ti mismo?
12:11Estás hecho un desastre
12:13Damos lástima
12:15Mírame, ¿te recuerdas así?
12:18Ganador, firme, decidido, poderoso
12:22¿Y cómo quieres que estemos?
12:25Me ha dejado mi hija, me ha dejado mi ángel
12:28Y mi novia me ha bloqueado
12:30Esa es mi sirena
12:32No, esa es mi sirena
12:35Somos uno
12:36Solo debes volver a ti, volver a ser lo que éramos
12:40Miren que te has convertido
12:42Vuelve a ti, al verdadero Leandro
12:45Al empresario exitoso, al gerente de los valientes, al top
12:49Tú deberías ser el nuevo alcalde, Leandro Montes
12:52¿Yo el nuevo alcalde?
12:54Debes ser el sucesor de Octavia Olivares
12:57Debes derrotar a Ignacio de la Torre
12:59Y tener el poder que tanto mereces
13:03Leandro Montes, alcalde
13:07Me gusta, ese eres tú
13:11Tú serás el que triunfe
13:34Vamos a hacer como que estás dormida, ¿sí?
13:37¿Te parece?
13:40Como cuando eras pequeñita
13:45Y te contaba los cuentos que no te gustaban
13:49Sino que te gustaba que armáramos historias juntos
13:53¿Te acuerdas, chiquita?
13:58Desde niñita eras muy creativa
14:02Muy soñadora, niña
14:04Por eso mientras sueñas ahora
14:08Te voy a contar una historia
14:15Afuera hay un príncipe que tiene que rescatar
14:21Pero este príncipe no lleva capa
14:25No tiene caballo, no tiene castillo
14:29Por eso es que te gusta mucho a él
14:33Es el príncipe valiente de las canchas
14:37Que pelea por su gente con sus goles
14:41Pero sin ti
14:44Sin tu ánimo
14:49Sin tu pastelito
14:52Sin tu azúcar, niña
14:55No puede pelear
14:59No puede seguir
15:04Yo sé que tú ya no estás molesta con él
15:07Por eso tiene que despertarte
15:13Para que puedas seguir viviendo juntos para siempre
15:19Como las historias
15:22Este tipo es honesto, niña
15:25Yo ya lo sé
15:28Es sincero
15:30No miente
15:33Es muy aguerrido
15:34No tienes idea cómo pelea
15:37Afuera está peleando
15:38Por eso usted tiene que despertar
15:39Para que tú mismo lo veas, hijita
15:45Vuelve, por favor
15:48Vuelve, por favor
15:50Tengo su hijo
15:56Todos te queremos
15:58Todos te amamos
16:04Este mundo no puede quedarse sin su mina
16:10Y yo no puedo quedarme sin ti, hija
16:12Por favor
16:20Por favor, hijita
16:35No lo podemos dejar así, Mocito, con Gael
16:37No, no
16:38Pero no lo voy a denunciar hasta que esté a salvo
16:40Entonces hay que pensar bien qué hacer
16:42¿Qué hacemos? ¿Qué hacemos? ¿Qué hacemos?
16:44Pensemos bien
16:45Ya sé
16:46Ándalo a dar sonrisitas y espéralo ahí
16:48Cuando llegue, cuando ya esté a salvo, yo voy y lo denuncio
16:51¿Hacemos eso?
16:52A ver, muéstrame la foto una vez más
16:58Me da suerte que no se vea dónde está
17:00No se vea, no se vea, te pillo
17:01No hay ningún boludo, no hay ningún boludo
17:03Pero no, no, no
17:05No se va a permitir, no me va a joder eso
17:07No va a joder lo mío
17:09No va a joder lo mío
17:16El gatito no
17:19Es como mi hijo
17:21Es como mi hijo el gatito
17:34¿Qué sorpresa que quieras verme?
17:37¿Por qué lo dices?
17:38Porque tú y mi marido son rivales en las elecciones
17:41Sí, pero también somos dos mujeres inteligentes
17:43Que pueden hablar de forma civilizada
17:46Por supuesto
17:47Si no lo pensara, no estaría aquí
17:49Pero yo, además de ser inteligente, soy periodista
17:51Y sé cómo funcionan las cosas
17:53Así que cuéntame qué quieres
17:56Me encanta tu estilo
17:58Comprenderás que Ignacio la tiene muy difícil
18:01Comprenderás que Ignacio la tiene muy difícil conmigo
18:04Yo voy por la reelección
18:06Y él no ha ganado nunca
18:08No, no, es cierto
18:09Este va a ser su primer gobierno municipal
18:12Sería una ventaja tenerte
18:14Pero no puedo robarte
18:15Así que a eso he venido
18:19Si en algún momento llegara a pasar algo entre ustedes
18:22Ustedes se separaran
18:24Quiero que te sumes inmediatamente a mi equipo
18:30Sí, sí
18:49Hija, ¿cómo sigue Nina?
18:55Las cosas siguen igual, mamá
18:56Pero he venido por un poco de ropa
18:58There are some documents that they are asking me in the clinic.
19:00Yes, yes. Well, here I have already prepared the suitcase.
19:02I'll go with you.
19:04But first I have something to tell you.
19:06I can do it alone, Grandma.
19:08What's up, Bruno?
19:10The thing is that I already found out that Ignacio de la Torre is Nina's biological father.
19:13Oh, we talked too much with Nile and Galentina.
19:17No, no, no. Mom, there is nothing to forgive.
19:19I should have talked about this a long time ago.
19:21Especially with Dad.
19:24Considering that guy has been in our lives for a long time.
19:29Bruno, what are you trying to say?
19:31Careful, Bruno.
19:32No, Grandma. No.
19:34She was not careful with me or with Nina or with anyone.
19:37And really, I don't understand.
19:39I don't understand why that guy was always around here.
19:41Turning you around.
19:43Or did you already forget?
19:44No? Did you forget that he abandoned you?
19:46And the one who took care of all of you was my dad.
19:50Leave him.
19:52Time will take care of proving how wrong he is.
19:58And for now, son.
20:01I don't care what you think.
20:03Because at this moment, your sister is in a clinic fighting for her life.
20:07And your father, his father, the man I respect and have always respected,
20:12is suffering as much as I do for her.
20:15I'm also suffering for Nina, just in case.
20:17Prove it then.
20:19Prove it, son.
20:21Like everyone here.
20:23Prove that you respect her with your actions and with what you say.
20:28None of this is good for anyone.
20:31So go and meditate and think very well about what's important.
20:39I'm done here.
20:41And I've already said what I have to say.
20:44Let's go, Mom.
20:56Sometimes words hurt more than beatings.
21:24Oh, honey.
21:36Hey, hey.
21:39Calm down, calm down.
21:41She's my best friend, Cesar, and she's dying.
21:44No, no, Nina, she's not dying.
21:46She's fighting, Dayana.
21:47I know, but what if I don't make it?
21:49That's not going to happen, okay?
21:51Have faith.
21:52And why doesn't anyone tell me anything?
21:54I'm here.
21:56But I didn't miss any news.
21:58I'm tired of texting that bitch and she doesn't tell me anything.
22:01It's like no one cares.
22:02Hey, I care about you.
22:07But unfortunately, I don't have any news.
22:09Everything is still the same.
22:13I'm scared.
22:14I know.
22:16That's why I don't want to leave you alone.
22:19You're very nice, Cesar, thank you.
22:21Well, I have a great stylist who does miracles.
22:27Look, honey, what do you think if we go get Simoncito?
22:30To distract you a little bit.
22:32I'm worried about him.
22:35Maybe Simoncito doesn't know anything about Nina, okay?
22:38How are you so sure?
22:40Because he came here, he cut his hair.
22:42He came here? What did he do with Tomasa?
22:44No, with Gael.
22:47I was also very surprised that you came with him.
22:50And I felt weird, you know, seeing them leave together.
22:53I can't believe that guy wants it.
22:56I don't understand.
23:03Come back, come on.
23:09Wake up, come on.
23:12Wake up, come on.
23:17I can't anymore.
23:19I can't anymore.
23:28I don't know how dark it looks without you.
23:46Look at all the moments we spent together.
23:54Do you know how much we still have?
24:04This is when we got married.
24:08We got married, baby.
24:12Come on, baby.
24:14What do you tell me?
24:18Wake up.
24:21I miss you.
24:37These photos are serious.
24:42It's really us.
24:48Because what we have is real.
25:12Come back, come on.
25:15We still have the kisses.
25:19We still have a lot of hugs.
25:25What do I have to do? Tell me what to do and I'll do it.
25:28Come on, give me a sign. Come back.
25:32Come on, come on.
25:34Come on, come on.
25:40Oh, God.
25:56Leave me alone with the no love.
26:01No love, no love.
26:05No love.
26:08All this night I understood.
26:12I understood what was happening to me.
26:17I die without you.
26:21I die if something happens to you, Nina.
26:40Doctor, please help me.
26:42I don't know what's wrong with him.
26:44He's starting to bleed.
26:46He's bleeding.
26:48Get him out of here.
26:50Don't touch me.
26:52Don't touch me.
26:54Don't touch me.
26:56Get out.
26:58Get out.
27:00Get out.
27:02Get out.
27:30Get out.
27:32Get out.
27:34Get out.
27:36Get out.
27:38Get out.
27:40Get out.
27:42Get out.
27:44Get out.
27:46Get out.
27:48Get out.
27:50Get out.
27:52Get out.
27:54Get out.
27:56Get out.
27:58Get out.
28:00Get out.
28:02Get out.
28:04Get out.
28:06Get out.
28:08Get out.
28:10Get out.
28:12Get out.
28:14Get out.
28:16Get out.
28:18Get out.
28:20Get out.
28:22Get out.
28:24Get out.
28:26Get out.
28:28Get out.
28:30Get out.
28:32Get out.
28:34Get out.
28:36Get out.
28:38Get out.
28:40Get out.
28:42Get out.
28:44Get out.
28:46Get out.
28:48Get out.
28:50Get out.
28:52Get out.
28:54Get out.
28:56Get out.
28:58Get out.
29:00Get out.
29:02Get out.
29:04Get out.
29:06Get out.
29:08Get out.
29:10Get out.
29:12Get out.
29:14Get out.
29:16Get out.
29:18Get out.
29:20Get out.
29:22Get out.
29:24Get out.
29:26Get out.
29:28Get out.
29:30Get out.
29:32Get out.
29:34Get out.
29:36Get out.
29:38Get out.
29:40Get out.
29:42Get out.
29:44Get out.
29:46Get out.
29:48Get out.
29:50Get out.
29:52Get out.
29:58From jail.
30:04The failed marriages.
30:09The guy who loves himself more than anyone.
30:14Now I love Nina more, and I know that you love her.
30:33Help me then, down here it is necessary.
30:41Help me.
30:44In raising my tension.
30:49In crushing my ambition.
30:54You are still like this, and you will see.
31:00I do not know very well how this is done.
31:03I look at the clock, it is much later.
31:08We always talk before entering the court.
31:11I would wait for you again, and I will not.
31:17But I'm going to ask you face to face.
31:24Save her.
31:27Save her please.
31:30I love her.
31:32Save her.
31:38Help me.
31:42Help me with Nina.
31:48Help me with Simoncito.
31:54Save her please.
32:08Son, what happened?
32:09They told us you were here.
32:10Did my daughter get worse?
32:11Tell me how my Nina is.
32:12No, no.
32:13Everything is fine.
32:14I just came to talk for a while with the one above.
32:16That's it.
32:17But why aren't you with my granddaughter?
32:19Because the doctors asked me to go out to check on her.
32:23They wanted to see her on quiet monitors and ...
32:25And well, I came here.
32:28If I'm close to her, the heartbeat is shot.
32:33The jaguar effect.
32:35Daughter, would you please bring me some water?
32:38I'll go, Emma.
32:39I'll go.
32:40No, no, no.
32:41Let my daughter go, please.
32:42She gets distracted.
32:43Come on, daughter.
32:45I'll wait for you there.
32:46I can't be far from my daughter.
32:52Tell me the truth.
32:55I already told you, Emma.
32:58Son, I adore you.
33:01And despite all your little jokes,
33:04for me you are a great boy.
33:07And you beat my granddaughter
33:09looking to be your best version for her.
33:16Please, tell me.
33:25I've been talking to Nina
33:30and suddenly the alarms started ringing.
33:34They started putting things on her chest to stabilize her.
33:46I know she's going to come out.
33:50I know she's strong.
33:54This is one more test.
33:59It's one more test, isn't it?
34:02Nothing worthwhile in this life is easy, son.
34:07But it has to be so difficult.
34:10It's in proportion to the reward.
34:16Look, movie loves
34:20are solved in an hour.
34:23The real ones last a lifetime.
34:46Guille cooked it.
34:47What a traitor.
34:49You can't go on like this.
34:51If you don't like it, I can tell you.
34:53You've never been like this with me.
34:55You're ungrateful and rude.
34:57Wait, wait.
35:01I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
35:03I didn't mean to say that.
35:05Bruno, not everything can be solved with forgiveness.
35:08Everything you say is hurtful.
35:10You're not like that.
35:11Please, stay.
35:13Only if you calm down and think before you speak.
35:17I'm hurt too.
35:18We're all supporting you, Bruno.
35:21And what are you doing?
35:24What are you doing to your mom?
35:26I know what it's like to have parents who don't listen to you.
35:29Who act as if you weren't part of their life.
35:32But Mirta isn't like that.
35:34That woman would kill for you.
35:36And my dad too.
35:37And what he did to her isn't good.
35:38What did he do to her?
35:40What are you blaming her for?
35:41For not telling her the truth, maybe.
35:43Because she loves him, Bruno.
35:44Because she's afraid of losing him.
35:47Because she's fighting.
35:48And now with Nina too.
35:50And what makes you think that I don't suffer because of Nina?
35:53Your attitude.
35:55You're not focusing on what's important.
35:57That Nina recovers.
36:07Hi, Bruno.
36:08What are you doing here?
36:09I came because I talked to Angel and he told me...
36:12Your dad keeps talking to you because he doesn't know the truth.
36:14But I do.
36:15Get out of this house. I don't want him here.
36:17Bruno, let me explain. Please.
36:19I'm not like the rest of my family, Mr. Ignacio.
36:21I don't believe in your good intentions.
36:23Bruno, what did we just talk about?
36:26Think about Nina.
36:31What happened?
36:33Don't tell me there's bad news.
36:36I just got here to take a shower and well, I'm back for her, but I can't anymore.
36:41But I can't anymore.
37:12Leave me alone, nurse. I'm going to check on the patient.
37:15Yes, doctor.
37:27You look so beautiful when you're almost dead.
37:41I'm sorry.
38:12This sun is killing my hair.
38:14To the rescue.
38:18With sedal, my hair to the rhythm of the summer.
38:22My hair to the rhythm of the summer with sedal.
38:25Dulcificate, my diary of recipes to fall in love.
38:28Buy your book on pre-sale and participate to experience the magic of recordings on the Nina de Azucar set.
38:34February, the month of love.
38:36And Dulcificate.
38:38February, the month of love.
38:40And Dulcificate, the book to make it even sweeter.
38:53And the ring?
38:54What heart did I put it in?
38:56And it was a Tiffany!
38:59Look at you, Nina.
39:02Completely defenseless.
39:06How easy it would be to end your life, right?
39:14They say it was my fault.
39:17But I never had the intention of this.
39:20I'm sorry.
39:22I'm sorry.
39:24I'm sorry.
39:26I never had the intention of this.
39:29On the contrary.
39:31In fact, I do not understand what happened.
39:34It is true that the drug I used is a bit delicate.
39:39And maybe my hand went with the dose.
39:42But I feel that it is fate.
39:45You know?
39:47Sometimes fate has strange ways to explain to us what is best.
39:54Don't you think so?
39:58Nina, Nina, Nina.
40:05I came to you wanting us to be together.
40:09Wanting to give you my love.
40:13And I imagined us happy.
40:17With the inheritance of your grandmother Paloma.
40:21And what do you do to me?
40:23You stay in a coma.
40:26Today I adopted Simon.
40:28So that we are the three.
40:30So that we are a family.
40:35Why does nothing ever reach you, Nina?
40:39How can you be so ungrateful?
40:41How can you prefer Moran instead of having me?
40:45I'm sorry, Nina, but I have to give you some news.
40:53It's late.
40:57You lost me.
41:01You lost me because...
41:04I love you.
41:06But there is no turning back.
41:08But there is no turning back.
41:13I came to say goodbye, Nina.
41:17Because I know that what is ours can no longer be.
41:20And it can't be yours with Moran either.
41:24If it's not with me...
41:27It's not with anyone.
41:29Believe me.
41:32Because life...
41:35Life is fragile.
41:37Yours is saying goodbye.
41:40Little by little.