• el mes pasado


00:00Holy Father, Excellencies, Distinguished Guests,
00:05As we look forward to the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development in Seville next June,
00:11we must ensure that sufficient resources are mobilized at scale,
00:16both domestically and globally, to achieve the 2030 Agenda on time.
00:22Progress in international tax cooperation will be essential for that purpose.
00:27However, we are facing unprecedented challenges.
00:32Some seek to unravel hard-won agreements, weaken multilateralism,
00:37and shield the wealthiest and largest companies from contributing their fair share.
00:43This is why events like this one are so timely and necessary.
00:49Today I want to highlight three urgent priorities.
00:52First, we must build on last year's breakthrough on effectively taxing the super-rich.
00:58Under Brazil's G20 Presidency, we achieved a milestone by bringing the issue to the global stage.
01:05The growing disparity between the richest and the rest of society is not just an economic problem,
01:11it is a moral one.
01:13If billionaires pay proportionally less in tax than regular people,
01:18public trust erodes and inequality deepens.
01:22Despite the difficulties, we cannot let this Agenda fail.
01:26Second, we must engage constructively in negotiations for a UN Convention on International Tax Cooperation.
01:34The absence of certain actors should not deter us from advancing a system that benefits all.
01:41Third, we must work on a framework that is inclusive, ambitious, and that builds upon our achievements in recent years.
01:50And third, we must ensure that corporate giants, regardless of their home country, pay taxes where they generate profits.
01:59The OECD G22 Pillar solution must be ensured and implemented.
02:05If we retreat now, we send a dangerous signal that the world's biggest companies can dictate their own tax rules.
02:13The stakes could not be higher.
02:16Inequality is deepening, trust in institutions is eroding,
02:20and without fair taxation we will never have the resources to fight poverty or climate change.
02:28Tax justice is not just a policy choice.
02:32It is about upholding the principles of justice and solidarity that underpin our societies.
02:38The question before us is simple.
02:40Do we govern global taxation or do we let the wealthiest few govern us?
