• letzten Monat
The Handmaid's Tale ist eine US-amerikanische Dramaserie aus dem Hause Hulu, die auf Margaret Atwoods gleichnamigem Roman basiert, der hierzulande unter dem Titel Der Report der Magd erschienen ist. Die Geschichte spielt in einer dystopischen Welt, in der die meisten Menschen unfruchtbar sind.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/the-handmaid-s-tale


00:00They believed that these garments that they put on our bodies told the world who we are.
00:11To mark us, they put us in red, the color of blood.
00:20They forgot that it's also the color of rage.
00:25The dress became our uniform.
00:32And we became an army.
00:38Something big is about to happen.
00:40If you want to fight, let's fight together.
00:56Where is she?
01:02Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
01:09we will fear no evil.