• letzten Monat
Der Dokumentarfilm Thank You Very Much zeigt Einblicke in die Karriere des US-amerikanischen Entertainers und Performance-Künstlers Andy Kaufman, der vor allem durch seine Imitationen bekannt wurde.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/thank-you-very-much


00:00I'm going to play a little bit of a song called Abadabe Abidabuwa, Abidabuwa, Abidabuwa,
00:20Abidabuwa, Abidabuwa, Abode, Abode, Abode, Abode, Abode, Abode, Abode, Abode, Abode,
00:43I've never told a joke in my life
00:45What is he doing? Why is he doing it?
00:47What I'd like to do for you right now. It's called eating ice cream
00:52えつな nobody
00:55It's just as much touch, if you're cutting up with a razor blade
00:57Razor blade wait, can you turn what kind of parental damage was done to this boy?
01:04Passionate man always been attracted to bad boys
01:11This is not even weird
01:14Women's lib was exploding. Oh Andy, please. No, don't giving women an equal child like a stupid little wimp
01:21We're performing for an audience that doesn't know it's watching a show. I
01:26Just thought he was misguided. He was just having fun
01:33Yeah, that's the shelf care really relished taking us prisoner
01:41I think that was genius. Actually, I don't have any money
01:49So far everything I have done for you tonight really I am only fooling
01:55This is really me and
01:58Everything else was just a character
02:02He was a mirror and people didn't like what he saw a lot of the time. I would still like to know who the real Andy


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