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Mamá por Accidente Capitulo 27 Completo HD
Mamá por Accidente Capitulo 27 Completo HD
Mamá por Accidente Capitulo 27 Completo HD
Mamá por Accidente Capitulo 27 Completo HD
Mamá por Accidente Capitulo 27 Completo HD
Mamá por Accidente Capitulo 27 Completo HD
00:01:28¿Qué pasó, Zona?
00:01:31Ya me voy.
00:01:35Puedes venir con nosotros si quieres, ¿o no es así?
00:01:37Claro que sí.
00:01:38Somos como una familia.
00:01:39Ya pasará.
00:01:40Te puedes quedar con nosotros y...
00:01:42mañana estarás mejor para...
00:01:44Ven, vamos a hablar afuera, ¿sí?
00:01:46No, no, no quiero hablar, de verdad.
00:01:48Solo, solo quiero irme.
00:01:49No me sigan.
00:01:50Quiero estar sola.
00:02:12Perdóname, hija.
00:02:16No estuve ahí para ti, Zona.
00:02:27Espere, voy a hablar con ese tonto.
00:02:34Papá, ¿qué fue lo que le dijiste a Zona?
00:02:40Papá, no le dijiste nada malo, ¿verdad?
00:02:42Chef Ketven, siéntate.
00:02:44Vamos a llamar a Zona y...
00:02:46a hablar todos juntos.
00:02:50Zona ya no vive en esta casa, ¿entendido?
00:02:55¿De qué estás hablando?
00:02:58Tafet, vas a renunciar al empleo que te dio ese hombre,
00:03:02¿me entendiste?
00:03:04De inmediato.
00:03:07A partir de ahora,
00:03:08quien hable con Zona no puede sentarse en mi mesa.
00:03:18Papá, no hagas esto, por favor.
00:03:20¿Por qué haces eso?
00:03:22Chef Ket, no puedes obligarlos a hacer eso,
00:03:24son hermanos.
00:03:26No te metas en esto, Enis.
00:03:28No necesito el permiso de nadie
00:03:30para decirle a mis hijos qué hacer.
00:03:34Ya me escucharon.
00:03:36Es su hermana o yo.
00:03:39Y si no les gusta, pueden irse.
00:03:43Papá, ¿dónde vas?
00:03:57¿Qué vamos a hacer con él?
00:04:10Señor Chef Ket,
00:04:12¿ya habló con su hija Zona?
00:04:14No tiene nada que hacer aquí.
00:04:16¿Cómo se atreve a estar frente a mí?
00:04:18No sé qué habló con Zona,
00:04:20pero ella no hizo nada malo.
00:04:22Todo es mi culpa.
00:04:24Su error fue verse...
00:04:26envuelta en este juego que yo inventé por mi hija
00:04:29y no haberle dicho nada.
00:04:32Créame, no sé cómo decírselo.
00:04:36Ni siquiera pude decírselo a mis seres queridos.
00:04:40Estaba desesperado.
00:04:42Yo obligué a Zona a hacerlo,
00:04:44así que no la culpe por esto.
00:04:47Tomo la responsabilidad.
00:04:49Descargue su furia contra mí.
00:04:52Discúlpeme por dañar la buena relación que hemos tenido.
00:04:56¿La buena relación?
00:04:58Usted me miró a los ojos y me dijo mentiras,
00:05:01señor Neyat.
00:05:04¿Alguna vez pensó en el resultado?
00:05:07Mire lo que nos ha hecho.
00:05:09Mire lo que le hizo a mi familia.
00:05:12Creo que está exagerando.
00:05:14Si no lo conociera, diría...
00:05:16Yo no lo conozco.
00:05:18¿Quién es usted?
00:05:20¿Qué clase de padre es?
00:05:22Es un cobarde que le dijo una terrible mentira a su hija.
00:05:27Y a Zona le dirá de qué hablamos.
00:05:29Se va a arrepentir de lo que está haciendo.
00:05:31No merece esto.
00:05:33No se atreva a volver.
00:05:35O le diré lo que merece y lo que no.
00:05:38¿Entendido, señor Neyat?
00:07:10Papá ya no me quiere.
00:07:16Hubieras escuchado lo que me dijo.
00:07:21Haría lo que fuera por borrar ese momento.
00:07:27Decía que hablaba con un extraño y no con su hija.
00:07:31Me miraba como si me odiara.
00:07:36Papá me sacó de su vida, mamá.
00:07:41Tal vez fue la última vez que estuve en casa.
00:07:45Pero ¿sabes lo que imaginé?
00:07:48Que estabas ahí esperando.
00:07:52Que no moriste.
00:07:54Que estás viva.
00:07:59Nunca te preguntaría dónde has estado estos años.
00:08:03Porque volviste.
00:08:07Y estarías para mí cuando te necesite.
00:08:14Ojalá nunca te hubieras ido, mamá.
00:08:17Quizás sería alguien diferente.
00:08:22Y no tendría un lugar a dónde ir.
00:08:52Señor Aylin, sé que es un momento difícil, pero...
00:09:09¿Y si le decimos a algún familiar a quien conozca?
00:09:15No tengo a nadie en Estambul.
00:09:18¿No tuvo más hijos?
00:09:27Tengo una hija.
00:09:33Una hija de seis años.
00:09:36Qué bueno.
00:09:37No es de mi incumbencia, pero su hija estaría triste si la ve así.
00:09:41¿Cómo se llama?
00:09:56Vamos a hablar con el doctor.
00:09:58Firmaré lo que tenga que firmar para que me den de alta mañana.
00:10:03Está bien, señora.
00:10:42¿Qué haces aquí?
00:10:44Pensé que vendrías aquí para estar sola.
00:10:48¿Me voy?
00:11:11Hablé con el señor Şevket.
00:11:16Pensé que tomaría toda la responsabilidad por ti
00:11:20y no me dejó.
00:11:23No me atrevo a preguntarte qué te dijo.
00:11:26No lo hagas.
00:11:28Perdón por meterte en todo esto, Suna.
00:11:32No sé cómo, pero buscaré la forma de que tú y tu papá
00:11:35se reconcilien.
00:11:41¿Qué has hecho?
00:11:47Estoy bien.
00:11:53Todo es culpa mía.
00:11:56Está bien, ya no voy a llorar.
00:12:01¿Sabes qué?
00:12:02Me siento...
00:12:05Me siento tan...
00:12:07Tan abandonada.
00:12:10Tan sola.
00:12:15Él era mi hogar, Neyat.
00:12:18Mi almohada era su cabello blanco.
00:12:20Su espalda era...
00:12:23Como mi cama.
00:12:25Su sonrisa me hacía dormir tranquila.
00:12:31Ahora ya no tengo un hogar al cual regresar.
00:12:39¿Qué es lo que voy a hacer?
00:12:45No es cierto.
00:12:49Nos tienes a Kaira y a mí.
00:12:52Somos tu hogar.
00:12:56Vine a llevarte a casa, Suna.
00:13:03Vamos a casa.
00:13:33Kaira está dormida.
00:14:05Mi abejita.
00:14:12Es tan inocente.
00:14:21¿Puedo dormir con Kaira, por favor?
00:14:26Lo que quieras.
00:14:30Estaré en mi habitación, ¿sí?
00:14:34Buenas noches.
00:15:05Mi hermosa niña.
00:15:27Nunca crezcas, por favor.
00:15:30Nunca crezcas.
00:15:34¿Viniste a dormir?
00:15:37Si no te molesta, hoy voy a dormir contigo.
00:15:41¿Estás triste, mami?
00:15:44Solo cansada.
00:15:46Entonces, vamos a dormir.
00:15:49Vamos a dormir.
00:16:32¿Qué estás haciendo aquí?
00:16:38Cometí un grave error.
00:16:42Te lastimé, lo siento.
00:16:44¿Hablas en serio?
00:16:47Deberías perdonarme, Suna.
00:16:51Lo que dijiste me lastimó.
00:16:55Lo sé.
00:16:57Estaba molesto y no me controlé,
00:17:00pero me di cuenta de que no hiciste nada malo.
00:17:09¿Recuerdas lo que te decía siempre que llorabas?
00:17:16Si llueve sobre tu rostro, tu corazón está floreciendo.
00:17:23Estarás triste por nada.
00:17:26Eres el tesoro de papá.
00:18:06Me desperté temprano, pero seguías dormida.
00:18:10Buenos días, abejita.
00:18:12No escuché cuando te levantaste.
00:18:14¿Estabas llorando?
00:18:16No te preocupes.
00:18:19Estaba soñando.
00:18:21¿Fue una pesadilla?
00:18:25Bueno, olvide ese sueño.
00:18:27Vamos a lavarnos la cara, mamá.
00:18:30Está bien, mi amor.
00:18:31Vamos a listarnos.
00:18:40Se fue a dormir en cuanto llegaron.
00:18:43Estaba muy mal cuando la encontré.
00:18:46Ni siquiera sabemos de qué habló con papá.
00:18:49Zuna no nos dio detalles.
00:18:52Tal vez nos diga todo cuando despierte.
00:18:55¿Y eso qué importa ahora?
00:18:57De todos modos, papá ya corrió a Zuna de la casa.
00:19:02Hay que pensar en lo que debemos hacer ahora
00:19:05y creo que deberíamos llevar a Zuna a casa.
00:19:09No se puede quedar aquí.
00:19:11Lo siento, señor Neyat, pero desde el principio
00:19:13todo esto fue una tontería.
00:19:15Sabíamos lo que hacíamos desde el principio.
00:19:18Fue por mi hija.
00:19:19Zuna estuvo en mis momentos más difíciles.
00:19:23No la voy a dejar sola.
00:19:25Haré todo lo que pueda.
00:19:27Estoy dispuesto a pagar el precio que sea.
00:19:31Eso es lo que me asusta.
00:19:40¿Qué hacen aquí?
00:19:42Ay, hermana, vinimos a verte. ¿Estás bien?
00:19:49Mi pequeño.
00:19:53Ah, tenemos muchos invitados.
00:19:56Papá, ¿por qué vinieron todos?
00:20:00Ven aquí.
00:20:02Vinieron porque nos extrañan mucho.
00:20:06Pero hoy iba a pasar el día con mamá.
00:20:11¿Nos estás echando de aquí?
00:20:13Sí, íbamos a ir al parque y a ver una película, ¿verdad?
00:20:18¿Segura que quieres hacer algo así ahora?
00:20:21Estoy segura.
00:20:25Amor, antes de que salgas con mamá,
00:20:27¿puedes ir a la panadería con el tío Sherkan?
00:20:29¿Puedes traer unos pastelillos?
00:20:32Es una gran idea.
00:20:35Si tú corres, yo te alcanzo.
00:20:37¡A que no me atrapas!
00:20:43¡Eres muy lento, Sherkan!
00:20:45Repite eso y voy a morderte.
00:20:47Entonces yo te atrapo.
00:20:49Yo ya voy.
00:20:55¿Estás bien?
00:20:56Estoy bien.
00:20:57Perdón, no la vi, señora.
00:20:59No te preocupes.
00:21:00Cariño, ¿estás bien?
00:21:02Estoy bien.
00:21:05No hay ningún problema.
00:21:07¿Ves lo que pasa cuando escapas de mí, pequeña?
00:21:09Voy a escapar otra vez.
00:21:11¡Voy a escapar otra vez!
00:21:23Zuna, ¿te das cuenta de lo que haces?
00:21:27Le voy a cumplir la palabra.
00:21:31Le voy a cumplir la promesa, Kaira.
00:21:33No voy a decepcionarla.
00:21:35¿Estás loca?
00:21:37¿Lo haces a propósito, Zuna?
00:21:39Papá te corrió de la casa.
00:21:41¿Qué más quieres?
00:21:42¿Qué más quieres?
00:21:46Si papá sabe que sigues aquí, no te va a perdonar.
00:21:51¿Perdonar por qué?
00:21:54No he hecho nada malo.
00:21:57Además, en este punto ya no me importa lo que papá piense.
00:22:02No iré a casa.
00:22:05A menos que quieras terminar esto.
00:22:09Por supuesto que no.
00:22:13Te apoyaré en lo que tú decidas.
00:22:15Esto no puede ser.
00:22:17¿De verdad?
00:22:18¿Qué crees que estás haciendo, Zuna?
00:22:20Sé bien lo que estoy haciendo, hermana.
00:22:22¿Sabes lo que hiciste?
00:22:24Le dijiste a mi papá una gran mentira.
00:22:26¿A poco nos involucraste?
00:22:28Zuna, tus fotos casi aparecen en una revista.
00:22:32Papá solo se molestó un poco contigo.
00:22:35Él me corrió.
00:22:36Me corrió de la casa, a pesar de que le conté todo.
00:22:39Me dijo...
00:22:47Es lo que él quiere.
00:22:50Y así será.
00:22:52Si no hay nada más que decir, tengo cosas que hacer con Kaira.
00:22:58¿Podemos calmarnos y hablar más tranquilos después?
00:23:01Lo estás haciendo de nuevo.
00:23:03Estás pensando en Ejadi y en Kaira, no en ti, Zuna.
00:23:08No cambiaré mi decisión.
00:23:17Ven, Rafet, vámonos.
00:23:19No quiero ver que Zuna se haga miserable de esta manera.
00:23:23Zamiye, espera.
00:23:24No, no hay nada de qué hablar.
00:23:28No está bien, Zuna.
00:23:53Todo va a estar bien, te lo prometo.
00:24:08Las está tirando.
00:24:13De verdad, son fotos de su hija.
00:24:22¿Qué habrá pasado?
00:24:23Qué extraño.
00:24:27¿Qué les pasa?
00:24:28¿Tienen algún problema?
00:24:30No, Shevket.
00:24:31¿Qué te pasa?
00:24:32Sí, quité las fotos de Zuna de la pared.
00:24:35¿Qué chismes están inventando de eso?
00:24:37Es una pena, Shevket.
00:24:39Háblenme de frente.
00:24:40¿Qué es lo que están diciendo a mis espaldas?
00:24:43Shevket, tranquilízate.
00:24:44Vamos, entremos.
00:24:45¿Qué les pasa?
00:24:46¿Qué les pasa?
00:24:47¿No les gusta escuchar la verdad?
00:24:49Qué vergüenza.
00:24:50Son unos idiotas y unos habladores.
00:24:53Basta, amigo, basta.
00:24:56No hagas esto, por favor.
00:24:57Déjame, Krem, por amor de Dios.
00:24:59Tú también vete.
00:25:00Sí, está bien.
00:25:02Ya me voy.
00:25:06Claro, gracias, Krem.
00:25:09Todos váyanse.
00:25:10Ya está cerrado.
00:25:12Sí, todos fuera.
00:25:14Todo el día se la pasan diciendo chismes.
00:25:16Lárguense todos.
00:25:18No los necesito.
00:25:36Hoy estoy libre.
00:25:37¿Quieres que salgamos?
00:25:40Bueno, me gustaría estar a solas con Kaira.
00:25:43¿No quieres que vaya?
00:25:45No quise decir eso.
00:25:47Bueno, como tú quieres.
00:25:49Lo importante es que estés bien.
00:25:51Estoy bien.
00:25:52No te preocupes.
00:25:54Estoy muy bien.
00:25:57¿Suna, tu papá te dijo algo más?
00:25:59¿Hay algo que no me estás diciendo?
00:26:11No soporto verte tan triste.
00:26:15Quisiera poder curar tus heridas.
00:26:19Dime qué puedo hacer por ti.
00:26:27No hagas esto, Nihat.
00:26:30No me tomes de las manos.
00:26:32No te acerques así.
00:26:37Lo siento, Suna.
00:26:39No puedo contenerme.
00:26:41¿Qué hago?
00:26:46Vamos, mi amor.
00:26:47Ven, ven, ven.
00:26:49Ven, abejita.
00:26:52Estábamos jugando de camino a la panadería.
00:26:56Shirka no puede correr.
00:26:59Escucha lo que dice esa pequeña insolente.
00:27:02Bueno, entonces vámonos.
00:27:04¿Está bien, abejita?
00:27:05Ah, mamá, espera.
00:27:07Creí que íbamos a desayunar juntos.
00:27:10¿Kaniyia y los otros ya se fueron?
00:27:14Así es.
00:27:15Podemos desayunar afuera.
00:27:16¿Estás segura?
00:27:17Podríamos desayunar juntos.
00:27:19Pero si nos quedamos a desayunar,
00:27:21no llegaremos a la película.
00:27:24Adiós, papá.
00:27:25Nos vemos.
00:27:26Adiós, pequeña.
00:27:27Nos vemos, Burku.
00:27:28Que disfruten el desayuno.
00:27:38Suna no está bien.
00:27:39Parece, pero no es así.
00:27:43Quiero ayudarla a recuperarse.
00:27:46Ya tengo algo en mente.
00:27:48Quisiera que fuéramos a la tienda de su mamá.
00:27:51Ahí se sentirá mejor.
00:27:53Qué buena idea, señor Neyat.
00:27:55Hablaré con el contratista para ver qué pueden hacer.
00:27:59Aunque no esté terminado,
00:28:00al menos podrán limpiar el lugar.
00:28:02Quiero ver a Suna feliz otra vez.
00:28:04Ustedes también tienen que ir.
00:28:07¿Están de acuerdo?
00:28:11Muy bien.
00:28:12Vamos a hacerlo.
00:28:13Voy a reunir a todos.
00:28:16¿Puedes convencer a Saniye y a Rafet?
00:28:18Te lo encargo.
00:28:19Está bien.
00:28:23Me voy.
00:28:24Los llamo.
00:28:28Señor Neyat.
00:28:31Hay algo que debo decirle antes de irme.
00:28:34El señor Sher Khan le dirá.
00:28:37¿No se acuerda?
00:28:38Es sobre Hande.
00:28:40¿Qué cosa?
00:28:45Hande quiere cambiar a uno de los proveedores,
00:28:49aunque para eso no necesita tu aprobación ni nada de eso.
00:28:54Puede hacer lo que quiera.
00:28:56¿Algo más?
00:29:02Es para todo.
00:29:04Nos vemos luego.
00:29:22Rosas, claveles.
00:29:25Ah, margaritas.
00:29:27Mamá, ¿a ti te gustan las margaritas?
00:29:29Sí, abejita.
00:29:30Ven, vamos.
00:29:36Mami, ¿me llevas a los columpios, por favor?
00:29:39Sí, abejita.
00:29:40Ven, dame tu mochila.
00:29:44Y dame un beso.
00:30:02Lo siento, señora Berrin.
00:30:04No estoy de humor para ser Aylin.
00:30:32No respondió, ¿verdad?
00:30:34Por desgracia, no.
00:30:35No quiere hablar con un extraño,
00:30:37en medio de todo lo que está pasando con ella.
00:30:40¿Sabes qué es lo que más lamento, Enis?
00:30:43Es mi hija.
00:30:44Ahora me necesita más que nunca.
00:30:47Y yo solo estoy aquí sentada.
00:30:49¿Y tú?
00:30:50¿Y tú?
00:30:51¿Y tú?
00:30:52¿Y tú?
00:30:53¿Y tú?
00:30:54¿Y tú?
00:30:55¿Y tú?
00:30:56¿Y tú?
00:30:57¿Y tú?
00:30:58¿Y tú?
00:31:00Y yo solo estoy aquí sentada.
00:31:01No tengo poder sobre Shafquit, ni soy útil para mis hijos.
00:31:05No sirvo para nada.
00:31:11tú decidiste tratarlos como si fueran extraños.
00:31:14Por favor, Enis.
00:31:15¿No puedo hacer nada más?
00:31:22Oye, ¿estás esperando a alguien?
00:31:29Rafet, what are you doing here?
00:31:45No, no, Mrs. Avery. I came to talk to you.
00:31:49Is something wrong?
00:31:51I'm afraid I can't keep working with you, ma'am.
00:31:57Why? You were very good to me.
00:32:02Thank you. Me too, but...
00:32:07It's for... It's for reasons other than mine.
00:32:11Can we do something to solve it?
00:32:15No, unfortunately, nothing can be done.
00:32:24You can come back whenever you want. Just call me Rafet.
00:32:29Thank you very much, ma'am.
00:32:34I told you.
00:32:37At least tell them you're their mother.
00:32:40You'll always live like this.
00:33:03My little girl, come with daddy.
00:33:22Run, run, run, run, run, run.
00:33:24Oh, how big my daughter is.
00:33:27How much you've grown, how much you've grown.
00:33:30Hey, let's go to the park?
00:33:32Do you want to get on the swing or do you want to get on the slide?
00:33:35Come on, come on, my little girl, come on.
00:34:02Oh, my God.
00:34:31Good afternoon.
00:34:33Good afternoon, Mr. Neyat.
00:34:35Hello, how are you?
00:34:36Very well, thank you. And you?
00:34:37Fine, thank you. How's it going? When will you be ready?
00:34:40I estimate about a week.
00:34:43I understand. Do you think we can advance it?
00:34:46Well, we'll do our best. When do you need it?
00:34:50Are you serious?
00:34:52I want to surprise someone. That's why I'm in a hurry.
00:34:55I'll pay you more.
00:34:57Mr. Neyat, that's not what this is about.
00:34:59Each project has a delivery time.
00:35:02Then do everything you can.
00:35:04I ask you to hurry your team.
00:35:07And clean up a little.
00:35:08My guests will come tomorrow.
00:35:10I'll call you when I'm done and you can get back to work.
00:35:12All right?
00:35:13As you wish, sir.
00:35:14By the way, we found the ceramics that came from another state.
00:35:17It arrives in two days.
00:35:19Mrs. Pervin also wanted to use it.
00:35:21I'm glad.
00:35:23What a good memory you have.
00:35:24It reminds me of that request 20 years ago.
00:35:26But that request was three years ago.
00:35:29No, I think you're mistaken. Mrs. Pervin couldn't ask for it.
00:35:33It was her, Mrs. Pervin.
00:35:35But Mrs. Pervin died 22 years ago.
00:35:38What are you talking about?
00:35:41I talked to her myself over the phone.
00:35:43In fact, her family owns all these stores.
00:35:46It's a wealthy family.
00:35:48Are you sure about that?
00:35:49Very sure.
00:35:50I talked to her two or three times.
00:35:53Well, we'll start cleaning.
00:35:55There's a lot to do.
00:35:56Excuse me.
00:36:01Come on, guys.
00:36:02Hurry up.
00:36:03Hurry up.
00:36:09Ma'am, can I have some yellow daisies?
00:36:12Of course.
00:36:13Hurry up, please.
00:36:14Of course.
00:36:23Here you go.
00:36:24It's 20 liras.
00:36:29Is that okay?
00:36:32Just give me another 10.
00:36:34But I don't have any more.
00:36:37Are you buying flowers?
00:36:39I shouldn't talk to strangers.
00:36:43The little one is missing 10 liras.
00:36:51Here you go.
00:36:53Well, I gave her the 10 liras.
00:36:59Can we talk now?
00:37:01Thank you very much.
00:37:02My mom will be very happy.
00:37:12Your mom?
00:37:48Excuse me.
00:37:49Excuse me.
00:37:50Can you help me with a braid?
00:37:57I'd like to talk to your client.
00:37:59Is something wrong with the store?
00:38:01No, everything is fine.
00:38:02We're remodeling.
00:38:03I'd like you to give me your number
00:38:05so I can ask you some questions.
00:38:07Excuse me, Mr. Neyat.
00:38:08My client put me in charge of everything.
00:38:11If you have any questions, I'll try to answer them.
00:38:14Why can't you talk?
00:38:15That's what he wanted.
00:38:17And could you ask him about me?
00:38:19He gave very precise instructions about me.
00:38:25Just tell me one thing.
00:38:27Is your client's name Spervin?
00:38:32Excuse me, I can't give you that information.
00:38:35See you later.
00:38:36See you later.
00:38:44Neyat, I can't find Kaira.
00:38:47She's not here.
00:38:48She was sitting on the swing.
00:38:50Wait, I'm going there.
00:38:52What do I do, Neyat?
00:39:00You scared me.
00:39:02I found her, Neyat.
00:39:06Zuna, I'm done here.
00:39:08I'm coming.
00:39:09Wait for me.
00:39:10Okay, bye.
00:39:11Where were you, honey?
00:39:12You scared me.
00:39:13I'm sorry, Mom.
00:39:15You were crying.
00:39:16And I thought you'd feel better with some flowers.
00:39:21Thank you, but don't leave like that again, okay?
00:39:28I'm sorry, Mom.
00:39:31I found the girl buying flowers.
00:39:34Is she your daughter?
00:39:36Yes, thank you very much.
00:39:38She usually doesn't do this and it scared me a lot.
00:39:41I can imagine.
00:39:44Honey, go play, but don't go too far, okay?
00:39:48Yes, Mom.
00:39:52Why don't you sit down? You look bad.
00:39:54Thank you very much.
00:40:13What's up, Hande? How's your nightmare going?
00:40:18Did you tell Neyat?
00:40:20No one likes intruders.
00:40:23I appreciate it.
00:40:27If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you a question.
00:40:31What is it?
00:40:32I don't know.
00:40:33I don't know.
00:40:34I don't know.
00:40:35I don't know.
00:40:36I don't know.
00:40:37I don't know.
00:40:38I don't know.
00:40:39I don't know.
00:40:40I don't know.
00:40:41I don't know.
00:40:43I knew you wouldn't tell him anything.
00:40:45You're a good friend.
00:40:50But there's a problem.
00:40:52Neyat needs to know this.
00:40:55So you'll tell him?
00:40:59Burku will do it.
00:41:02I'll do you a favor as a good friend and you'll be the one to tell him.
00:41:07I can't.
00:41:09Hande, as you wish.
00:41:11I won't tell Neyat anything until tomorrow.
00:41:14I promise.
00:41:16But if you haven't told him,
00:41:20I won't tolerate it.
00:41:42You have a very sweet daughter.
00:41:45It's true.
00:41:54But she doesn't look like you.
00:41:57She looks like her father.
00:41:59He's about to arrive.
00:42:02Is her father blond too?
00:42:04Yes, Neyat is blond like Kaira.
00:42:07So her name is Neyat?
00:42:16What's your name?
00:42:28You have a beautiful name.
00:42:37What a beautiful family.
00:42:39Aylin, Neyat, Kaira.
00:42:45Where's your daughter?
00:42:48My daughter?
00:42:50Yes, your daughter.
00:42:51Where is she?
00:42:55She's not here.
00:43:01we're too far apart.
00:43:08I'm sorry.
00:43:13It's okay.
00:43:22Have you arrived, Neyat?
00:43:24Almost. You're still in the park, right?
00:43:26Yes, yes. You can see us as soon as you enter the park.
00:43:29Okay, I'm coming.
00:43:30Okay, bye.
00:43:34Has Neyat arrived?
00:43:35Yes, he's parking. He'll be here soon.
00:43:42Kaira, come here, honey.
00:43:46I'm coming.
00:43:57I think she's sweating.
00:43:59Also on her back.
00:44:00Look who's here. It's your dad.
00:44:04Slow down, we could fall.
00:44:06Dad, don't be mad at mom. It's all my fault.
00:44:10No, if anyone's to blame, it's me.
00:44:12I should have watched you, honey.
00:44:17Can you tell me what happened?
00:44:20I went to buy some flowers for mom, but the florist was far away.
00:44:25Why did you leave your mom?
00:44:26Because my mom was crying and I thought she'd feel better with a flower.
00:44:34So you were crying.
00:44:36It's okay, it doesn't matter.
00:44:38Fortunately, a woman found her and brought her here.
00:44:41We were lucky. I'd like to thank her.
00:44:49She was right here.
00:44:51Neyat, what if someone else had taken her?
00:44:53Honestly, I feel really bad.
00:44:55Okay, Aylin, calm down. Don't worry.
00:44:58Okay, let's go.
00:44:59Yes, let's go.
00:45:00I'll get the things.
00:45:02Are you okay?
00:45:05You learned your lesson, right?
00:45:11Let's go.
00:45:23Eni, I really can't understand Asuna anymore.
00:45:26I swear, if dad is stubborn, she is much more.
00:45:29I wonder what we'll tell my dad when he finds out that Asuna hasn't quit her job.
00:45:34I don't know either, but I think we don't know what they really talked about.
00:45:39If it wasn't for Asuna, she would have come. Don't you think?
00:45:43Who knows?
00:45:45Listen to me. Why didn't you open your mouth to say a word?
00:45:48Normally, you always have to say it.
00:45:50What do you want me to say? We already lost our job.
00:45:53Now you want us to argue with Asuna?
00:45:55I understand. You're just thinking about yourself. Very well.
00:45:58Don't talk like that, Saniye.
00:46:01What can we do? I think we could think a little more.
00:46:04Son, don't talk to us like a speaker. What's that about thinking a little more?
00:46:09What I'm saying is, let's soften my dad.
00:46:12If he gets close to Asuna, she will also correspond to him.
00:46:16She would forgive him, and my dad too.
00:46:19You finally said something smart.
00:46:24Hi, Jairi.
00:46:28Are you okay?
00:46:29My mom got a little sad today in the park.
00:46:32Don't worry about me, little bee. I'm fine.
00:46:39Do you remember the book we bought last time?
00:46:41Jairi was very interested in seeing it.
00:46:43Of course I want to see it.
00:46:44And that's how you teach him that you already know how to read?
00:46:46Of course.
00:46:47Of course I want to see it.
00:46:48And that's how you teach him that you already know how to read?
00:46:50Of course.
00:46:51Can I call Kerem, Jan?
00:46:55Because he thinks I can't read.
00:46:57Well, call him.
00:46:59Okay. Jairi, I'm going upstairs. Are you coming?
00:47:01Okay, I'm coming. Go ahead.
00:47:06Asuna, what happened?
00:47:10I lost Kaira in the park, Jairi. That happened.
00:47:14Okay, don't worry.
00:47:18Are you okay?
00:47:21I don't know. I think I have low blood pressure.
00:47:25Go get some rest.
00:47:27Lie down for a while if you want.
00:47:30Come, let me help you.
00:47:32Do you need your bag?
00:47:37They told me they wouldn't divorce.
00:47:41My mom cried today in the park.
00:47:44She's been very sad since yesterday.
00:47:46Then they're lying to you.
00:47:49I don't know. They don't lie to me, but...
00:47:52What am I going to do, Kerem, Jan?
00:47:54I'll tell my mom and we'll go see you.
00:47:57We'll think about what to do when we get there.
00:47:59Okay, I'll wait for you. See you.
00:48:02See you later.
00:48:11Neyat, what am I doing?
00:48:16You're doing the best you can.
00:48:19I'm not okay. Who do I want to lie to?
00:48:24My sister was right. Why am I still here after what happened to my dad?
00:48:29Don't you see, Neyat? I'm ruined.
00:48:32I lost Kaira.
00:48:36What if that woman hadn't taken her by the hand?
00:48:38What would have happened then?
00:48:41I'm completely distracted.
00:48:46Even if I don't want to accept it,
00:48:51a minute goes by without me thinking about it.
00:48:57I don't think I'm in a position to take responsibility.
00:49:01I'd better give up.
00:49:04I'm leaving right now.
00:49:12Where are you going?
00:49:16I don't know.
00:49:19But I'll keep going. I'll find my way.
00:49:21I can't stay here.
00:49:26I say it like a man who has nothing left but Kaira in his life.
00:49:31Life starts again where you say it's over, Zuna.
00:49:35Time will heal you, Zuna.
00:49:38Just let it pass.
00:49:41Your dad will realize his mistake.
00:49:44Believe me.
00:49:46And what will happen?
00:49:49Nothing will change.
00:49:54Sometimes some sentences hurt so much that they become wounds
00:50:00that will never heal completely.
00:50:07Even if my dad wants, there's no turning back.
00:50:11What did your dad tell you, Zuna?
00:50:15You have to tell me.
00:50:17Please, tell me.
00:50:19I've been thinking about what my mom would be like for 24 years.
00:50:24And I face the reality that she's dead.
00:50:28How strange. My dad closed early?
00:50:31Yes, this is very strange.
00:50:34What happened here?
00:50:38What happened?
00:50:39I don't understand.
00:50:42What's going on?
00:50:45What happened?
00:50:47Are you okay?
00:50:49What about the clients?
00:50:51The clients left.
00:50:53Do you think it's right to be rude to the clients?
00:50:56It is. It's right.
00:50:58The clients who can't stand their words can't come in.
00:51:05And where did you go all day?
00:51:10Did you go to see Zuna?
00:51:14We haven't seen her, Dad.
00:51:19I'm going home.
00:51:21You close the door. I'm tired of her tea and coffee.
00:51:29Okay, go. We'll take care of it.
00:51:34We'll take care of it, Dad. Don't worry.
00:51:36I have a special dinner planned for you to relax a little.
00:51:42Then do whatever you want.
00:51:47He looks pretty bad. I'm going to talk to him. You wait.
00:51:50Chef Ket?
00:51:54Look at all this mess.
00:51:56Rafet, what are we going to do?
00:51:58Chef Ket?
00:52:01Chef Ket?
00:52:03Hey, Chef Ket.
00:52:07What are you doing?
00:52:08Did you argue with Zuna and now with your clients?
00:52:10Don't come to complain. What do you care?
00:52:12We know you kicked Zuna out of the house.
00:52:15Chef Ket, what did you tell that girl?
00:52:17Don't bother, Denise.
00:52:19Do you want to know what happened to tell Pervin everything?
00:52:22What are you saying?
00:52:24Is it a lie?
00:52:25Aren't you telling him everything?
00:52:28That's enough. It's enough.
00:52:30I don't want to see you, okay?
00:52:32Not you, not Pervin.
00:52:34What's going on?
00:52:37You're kicking me out, Chef Ket.
00:52:39I'd rather be alone.
00:52:41Well done, Chef Ket. Continue with that mentality.
00:52:43When you're alone, you'll be right.
00:52:45But it'll be too late. You should know that.
00:53:02It'll be hard to convince my dad tonight.
00:53:23I always thought my mom wasn't dead.
00:53:27And that she would come back one day.
00:53:31We didn't even go to her grave.
00:53:34My dad didn't take us.
00:53:36He said his family buried her at home.
00:53:39I didn't even go to my mom's grave, Nijat.
00:53:48Maybe that's why I can't let her go.
00:53:53I understand.
00:53:56What would you do if you met your mom at 10?
00:54:01What a strange question.
00:54:03But you've imagined it.
00:54:08I think I'd be very happy.
00:54:12Of course.
00:54:14And what would you do if you met your mom at this age?
00:54:20I don't know.
00:54:23In my opinion, she's a great person.
00:54:28When you lose someone,
00:54:30you can create an image of her however you want.
00:54:36I don't know how my mom could really be.
00:54:42Why are you asking me this? What are you trying to do?
00:54:45No, no. I'm just asking.
00:54:49But I want you to imagine it.
00:54:52You see your mom, but it's not what you imagined.
00:54:55What would happen?
00:54:57I've imagined that moment hundreds of times.
00:55:00I still imagine it.
00:55:04The answer would be the same as when Kaira saw me for the first time.
00:55:11She missed her so much that she clung to the first person who could be her mom.
00:55:18She never asked where you were,
00:55:20why you left, why you didn't come.
00:55:22She didn't ask anything.
00:55:26She just said, don't go.
00:55:29It's such a big gap that...
00:55:34You cling to the first person you meet, Nejat.
00:55:38You hug her madly.
00:55:41For example, I can spend a week just smelling her fragrance.
00:55:46Or I can look her in the eye without saying a word for months.
00:55:53I can look her in the eye without speaking.
00:55:56I think I'd give her thousands of kisses every day.
00:56:02She owes me 22 years.
00:56:06The why, the how, they come later.
00:56:09The why, the how, they come later.
00:56:22Zuna, do you trust me?
00:56:25Without a doubt, you're the only person I trust.
00:56:29I don't have anyone else but you.
00:56:33So you're going to listen to me.
00:56:36I'm going to say it, and we're going to do it.
00:56:39You're going to get dressed now.
00:56:42From now on, we're going to be standing, Zuna.
00:56:46And you know what I'm going to show you, Zuna?
00:56:50That you're not really as alone as you think.
00:56:56Will you give me a chance?
00:56:58You know I might never say no.
00:57:02I recommend you dress elegantly.
00:57:05I'll be waiting for you downstairs, okay?
00:57:31Mr. Metin, this is Neyat Yilmaz.
00:57:35Yes, Mr. Neyat.
00:57:37I need to speak to your client.
00:57:39Mr. Neyat, I thought we had settled this.
00:57:42Get me a meeting.
00:57:44That's impossible.
00:57:48Then I have a message for her.
00:57:50Can you give it to her for me?
00:57:52Of course I can.
00:57:54This is my message.
00:57:55If she doesn't get in touch with me by noon tomorrow,
00:57:59I'll tell her children she's alive.
00:58:04Is that clear?
00:58:06Do you need me to repeat it?
00:58:08Mr. Neyat, look, about that...
00:58:10Have a good day, Mr. Metin.
00:58:12Say hello to Mrs. Pervin.
00:58:19Neyat, I know there's nothing to worry about.
00:58:23I know there's nothing to help me defend myself.
00:58:27But I wish you had told me Suna wasn't Aileen from the start.
00:58:31It won't work.
00:58:36Neyat, look,
00:58:38I'm really aware I made a big mistake, I know.
00:58:42But you don't know what Suna did to me.
00:58:46Very well.
00:58:48Blame Suna and this man will go crazy.
00:58:54I won't be able to do this.
00:58:57I won't be able to do this.
00:59:09What about this?
00:59:11Print them on separate pages and have a high resolution.
00:59:19Excuse us.
00:59:24Sher Khan, please don't do this to me.
00:59:27Neyat won't look me in the face again.
00:59:29Is that what you want?
00:59:31Hande, please don't insist.
00:59:33Go and tell Neyat everything.
00:59:36So you won't have mercy on me?
00:59:40Will you really do this for me?
00:59:42For your best friend?
00:59:44What do you want, Sher Khan?
00:59:46I'm begging you.
00:59:48I don't want anything from you, Hande.
00:59:50Why do we go around so many times?
00:59:52You don't even care, do you?
00:59:56I didn't say that.
01:00:12Ask me.
01:00:15What did you say?
01:00:17What didn't you understand? Ask me.
01:00:19Don't you want to know what Hande told me?
01:00:21No, I don't want to know.
01:00:23Besides, I know what she said.
01:00:25She probably said,
01:00:27Don't do this to me.
01:00:29Please, you're my best friend.
01:00:31If you tell Neyat,
01:00:33he won't want to look me in the face again.
01:00:35And I know that tomorrow
01:00:37I won't be able to tell Neyat anything.
01:00:39But I don't have a problem.
01:00:43Don't worry.
01:00:45I'm serious.
01:00:47I don't have a problem
01:00:49because I'll tell everything to Mr. Neyat
01:00:51and we'll print them on separate sheets.
01:00:53Print them on separate sheets,
01:00:55all of them, Burku,
01:00:57and write them by hand, okay?
01:00:59Of course.
01:01:09The evil fairy reappeared
01:01:12and gave her a needle
01:01:14in the hand of the princess.
01:01:19If you don't finish soon,
01:01:21I'll end up like the Sleeping Beauty.
01:01:23Hey, Jairi,
01:01:25how do you say that?
01:01:27Can't you become Sleeping Beauty?
01:01:30You say it because I'm a man,
01:01:32but that's what I become when I sleep.
01:01:35Burku must have spoken,
01:01:37but I also wanted to remind you.
01:01:39Mr. Neyat, I'm sorry,
01:01:41but I have to go to the store with my sister
01:01:43even though she never listens to me.
01:01:45Saniye, I know you're mad at Zuna,
01:01:47but she really needs to cheer up.
01:01:49Please bring Rafet and come.
01:01:51It doesn't mean she approves of what you're doing.
01:01:53Of course.
01:01:55And please don't yell when you get there.
01:01:57Okay, I have things to do.
01:01:59I'm going to hang up.
01:02:01Okay, see you tomorrow.
01:02:03See you.
01:02:05You're welcome.
01:02:16Aylin, you look beautiful.
01:02:18Thank you very much.
01:02:19Do you want one?
01:02:23Your mom was very sad
01:02:25when you disappeared.
01:02:27I'm going to take her to dinner to cheer her up.
01:02:30That's a great idea, Dad.
01:02:38Is that Keremcan and his mom?
01:02:41I invited them.
01:02:50I'm so sorry.
01:02:52The kids agreed to do the homework together.
01:03:00How are you, Mrs. Miltem?
01:03:02I'm fine, Mr. Neyat.
01:03:04I think you're going out.
01:03:06Well, we have some things to do.
01:03:08We'd better stay, Neyat.
01:03:10We'll leave as soon as you finish your homework.
01:03:12Please don't cancel your plans.
01:03:14Yes, we'll finish it in five minutes.
01:03:16Let's go, Keremcan.
01:03:17Let's go, Keremcan.
01:03:27My mom and my dad are going out for dinner.
01:03:30I don't think they're getting a divorce.
01:03:32If not, why are they going out together?
01:03:34They talk about those things at dinner
01:03:36because they can't talk about them next to you.
01:03:38Don't you realize that?
01:03:42Where does your dad spend most of his time
01:03:44when he's at home?
01:03:45He spends most of his time at school.
01:03:47Then we have to go look for him there.
01:03:49If there's anything about the divorce,
01:03:51I'm sure he's there.
01:03:53Okay, let's go.
01:03:59Come in.
01:04:07We have to hurry.
01:04:11Guard the window so you can see if someone's coming.
01:04:15Let's go.
01:04:28I hope he doesn't find anything.
01:04:39Are you feeling better?
01:04:41A little.
01:04:42Well, now we're going to a beautiful place.
01:04:45We'll have a delicious dinner,
01:04:48and then we'll go dancing.
01:04:52Come on, Suna, don't be like that.
01:04:54Let's forget everything for a few hours at least.
01:04:57Your problem with your dad, Aileen,
01:04:59all our problems.
01:05:01Let's smile a little.
01:05:03What do you think?
01:05:05I can't help it.
01:05:07I don't know how to do it.
01:05:09Then just think of us two.
01:05:10I'd have to be someone else to think about that.
01:05:13Become someone else.
01:05:17I mean, become someone else.
01:05:19Not Suna, not Aileen.
01:05:21Become someone else.
01:05:26Let me look at you.
01:05:31I think you could be Zeynep.
01:05:35Yeah, with your hair and your eyes,
01:05:37it looks like your name is Zeynep.
01:05:38Do you know what Zeynep is like?
01:05:40She's a very happy woman, you know?
01:05:42She doesn't have any problems.
01:05:44She doesn't have any problems with her dad either.
01:05:46She has a mother who loves her.
01:05:48She's always spreading positive energy around.
01:05:50She always thinks about that.
01:05:53Are you serious?
01:05:56Did you say something, Zeynep?
01:06:00Zeynep, you know what I like most about you?
01:06:03You're always happy, no matter what.
01:06:05You never get upset.
01:06:06I love that about you.
01:06:08You're also going to be someone else.
01:06:10You're not Neyat Yilmaz anymore.
01:06:12Who am I?
01:06:16You're Tariq.
01:06:18Because of the hair?
01:06:20You won't know.
01:06:22Okay, it was my grandfather's name, I like it.
01:06:25So, nice to meet you, Zeynep.
01:06:28Likewise, nice to meet you, Mr. Tariq.
01:06:37No, there's nothing here.
01:06:39They're not going to get divorced, or we'll find something.
01:06:42For sure.
01:06:44Let's go before they catch us.
01:06:52Is this your dad's handwriting?
01:06:56It is.
01:06:58Look, he wrote some things to do on some dates.
01:07:02It's true.
01:07:03I'm sorry, Kaira.
01:07:06Aileen's trial.
01:07:12They lied to me.
01:07:14Adults are like that.
01:07:16I'll make them pay for this.
01:07:18What are you going to do?
01:07:20They thought I was lost in the park today, and they got scared.
01:07:23If I get lost, they'll regret it.
01:07:26Good evening.
01:07:28Good evening.
01:07:30Do you have a reservation?
01:07:32Yes, for Tariq and Zeynep.
01:07:35I don't have it.
01:07:37I get it, the reservation isn't for Tariq and Zeynep.
01:07:40It's for Neyat and Zuna.
01:07:42They should be there.
01:07:44But they didn't come.
01:07:46They're very boring people.
01:07:48They have a lot of problems.
01:07:50I don't know.
01:07:51That's why we came.
01:07:53I'm Tariq, and this is Miss Zeynep.
01:07:56Welcome. Come in.
01:07:58Come in, Zeynep.
01:08:00Neyat and Zuna don't care about him.
01:08:02You're funny.
01:08:05Thank you very much, Tariq.
01:08:07You're very kind.
01:08:13So we forgot about Neyat and Zuna.
01:08:18So we forgot about Neyat and Zuna.
01:08:21What can I do for you, Zeynep?
01:08:23I'm going to ask for whatever I want.
01:08:26I'm an independent woman.
01:08:28A woman of the world.
01:08:30I live alone.
01:08:34I even eat out all the time for work.
01:08:37I come to this restaurant very often.
01:08:39I have a very important meeting tomorrow.
01:08:41That's why I agreed to go out tonight.
01:08:43I love independent women.
01:08:47What's your life like, Mr. Tariq?
01:08:49I don't work.
01:08:51He's not my type.
01:08:53Life is too short to work, Zeynep.
01:08:55I have a boat.
01:08:57I'm living there.
01:08:59And I have a dog.
01:09:01His name is Loco.
01:09:03I'm traveling all over the world with him.
01:09:05And I post it on social media.
01:09:07And I already have millions of followers.
01:09:09So you spend your time wherever you want.
01:09:13Wife and children? Marriage or something like that?
01:09:15No commitments?
01:09:17I haven't been able to find that woman yet.
01:09:19Besides, there are too many beautiful women.
01:09:21Oh, he's also a womanizer.
01:09:25So you don't like that, Zeynep.
01:09:27Be careful.
01:09:29You're about to fall in love with me.
01:09:31I see it in your eyes.
01:09:33I don't consider myself equal to the women
01:09:35I usually deal with, Mr. Tariq.
01:09:37It won't be that easy.
01:09:39You think so?
01:09:45We'll see.
01:09:48Excuse me.
01:10:12Don't you like the food?
01:10:17It's delicious.
01:10:19Enjoy it.
01:10:24It's Zuna's favorite food, isn't it, Traffet?
01:10:27I wish he were here.
01:10:29Yes, you're right.
01:10:31I wish my sister were here.
01:10:38I know what you're trying to do, kids.
01:10:40Why bother?
01:10:42Zuna won't be mentioned in this house.
01:10:44Wait a minute.
01:10:48What do you mean, Dad?
01:10:50Are we going to abandon my sister completely?
01:10:53She's your daughter.
01:10:55She's family.
01:10:57How can you say that?
01:10:59Someone who has no dignity can't be my daughter, Traffet.
01:11:03Don't be so hard on yourself, Dad.
01:11:05Am I lying, Zeynep?
01:11:08Why did she take that money?
01:11:11Don't you know what the neighborhood is like?
01:11:12Dad, don't question me.
01:11:14She's not ashamed.
01:11:17Do you hear what you're saying about my sister?
01:11:19Don't you know what your children are like?
01:11:22He didn't do anything wrong.
01:11:24On the contrary, he helped a little girl.
01:11:26He did her a favor.
01:11:28It was his job.
01:11:30He went to the house before she woke up.
01:11:32And he came to his house when the girl was sleeping.
01:11:34Besides, what did she do?
01:11:36She changed her life with the money they gave her.
01:11:38She spent the money she earned.
01:11:39We don't need your dirty money, daughter.
01:11:46That's exactly what you told Zeynep.
01:11:49That's what you told her.
01:11:51That's why she was so sad.
01:11:53You're just judging her unfairly.
01:11:56I don't believe it, Dad.
01:11:58That's why you don't let her go home either.
01:12:03I don't believe it, Dad.
01:12:05That's why you don't let her go home either.
01:12:06That's why you don't let her go home either.
01:12:10What a shame. I can't stay.
01:12:12I'd better go.
01:12:14Wait for me, Zeynep.
01:12:20You're our dad.
01:12:22You have my respect.
01:12:24But I wish you would have respected us the same, Dad.
01:12:29That's impossible.
01:12:31It's not your thing.
01:12:36Now you want to correct me.
01:12:38Do whatever you want.
01:12:40Go wherever you want.
01:12:45Go, all of you.
01:12:49So, have you been to this place before?
01:12:53Some people invited me, but they weren't lucky.
01:12:57Is it because Zeynep doesn't like to dance?
01:13:00No, I like it.
01:13:02But you don't dance much here.
01:13:04And I don't dance with everyone.
01:13:07So, are we going to dance?
01:13:09I don't think so.
01:13:11Are you afraid?
01:13:13Why would I be afraid?
01:13:15Do you know why you're afraid?
01:13:17Because there's a man you've never seen before.
01:13:20I'm not the typical white-collar businessman like the ones you know.
01:13:24I'm quite the opposite.
01:13:26I'm very different.
01:13:32Someone you don't know.
01:13:37Zeynep is never afraid of the unknown.
01:13:41Oh, really?
01:13:51Well, now that Zeynep has shown me.
01:13:56Would you like to dance with me?
01:14:02There's someone here who knows how to act like a gentleman.
01:14:06Let's go.
01:14:25Answer, Zuna.
01:14:28Poor girl.
01:14:30Who knows what happened to her all day?
01:14:34What are we going to do now?
01:14:36I don't know.
01:14:38We can't go to see Neyat at this time of night.
01:14:40I'm going to see Enis.
01:14:42Do you want to come with me?
01:14:44I'm not going to talk to Mrs. Berrin about work to tell her I don't want to leave him.
01:14:49Do you realize what time it is?
01:14:51You better tell her tomorrow.
01:14:53No, no.
01:14:55She can hire someone else instead of me.
01:14:59You can talk to her on the phone then, Rafet.
01:15:01Do you think that should be done over the phone?
01:15:03It's a matter of work.
01:15:04You can talk to her in person.
01:15:06Yes, goodbye.
01:15:27Are you having fun?
01:15:29I'm fine.
01:15:35Why are you laughing?
01:15:37I remembered the first time I saw you.
01:15:39The moment you approached me.
01:15:45What did you think?
01:15:47Were you angry?
01:15:49Are you asking what I thought of you the first time I saw you?
01:15:54When I saw you,
01:15:57I said to myself,
01:15:59I hope the owner of the coffee shop is this girl.
01:16:01But after that, I regretted it.
01:16:05In about 30 seconds.
01:16:08Even so, it was the first thing that occurred to me.
01:16:12Then I may forget after you insulted me and took me out of the place.
01:16:18But thinking about it,
01:16:20in such a short time,
01:16:22I have a lot of affection for you.
01:16:27I'm sorry.
01:16:28It's okay.
01:16:37Don't do it, please.
01:16:39Don't worry.
01:16:44you and I are impossible.
01:16:47Neyat and Suna are.
01:16:49I accept it.
01:16:51But nothing separates Tarik and Zeynep.
01:16:54Let's go.
01:16:56Are you sure?
01:16:58I'm not.
01:17:00But Zeynep is.
01:17:02Let's go before this dream ends and my mind changes.
01:17:05Let's go.
01:17:14You're playing, aren't you?
01:17:17This is just a bad joke.
01:17:19Tolga's call.
01:17:20You wouldn't leave me like this.
01:17:24Not when we love each other so much.
01:17:28We swore we'd be together no matter what.
01:17:31And now you're asking me for time.
01:17:33I really don't understand why.
01:17:35You have to stop doing this, soldier.
01:17:38Why would I?
01:17:40Because you're collaborating.
01:17:42You're not my enemy, Hande.
01:17:44You shouldn't be with Suna right now.
01:17:47I'm not.
01:17:48You shouldn't be with Suna right now.
01:17:51Her father found out.
01:17:53I see you know everything.
01:17:55I do.
01:17:57Unfortunately, I experienced something with Neyat that's similar to Suna's.
01:18:01Are you going to tell him what you did?
01:18:03He'll know.
01:18:05There are several people who can tell him.
01:18:07You'd have to see what would happen, Hande.
01:18:09Our love can't end.
01:18:12Tolga, have you ever been in love?
01:18:19I'm not sure.
01:18:21Of course I thought it could happen.
01:18:24I'm not stupid.
01:18:26The thing is, I'm in love.
01:18:52Good evening, Mrs. Averin.
01:18:54I'm sorry to bother you at this time of night.
01:18:59I came to tell you that I can keep working.
01:19:02I mean, as your driver.
01:19:04Of course, if it doesn't bother you.
01:19:06I'm glad.
01:19:08It doesn't bother me.
01:19:10Okay, I'll come in the morning and start.
01:19:14Are you okay?
01:19:16Yes, fine.
01:19:18Something unpleasant, but we're up.
01:19:21We left the house.
01:19:24For problems.
01:19:26We argued with my dad again.
01:19:29But I'm fine.
01:19:31You know you can tell me anything.
01:19:40I'm not really okay.
01:19:44Is it something you do to your children?
01:19:46Is it possible, Mrs. Averin?
01:19:48Is it correct?
01:19:51My dad is very radical in his decisions.
01:19:54He doesn't even listen to us.
01:19:56He always scolds us.
01:19:58He's going to be very lonely.
01:20:00Who else does he have?
01:20:03Although he is angry, why does he destroy his family?
01:20:09It looks like I'm a child.
01:20:11How am I talking to you?
01:20:13What's wrong with me?
01:20:15Please come in.
01:20:17You can't leave like this.
01:20:19No, Mrs. Averin.
01:20:21I'll stay in the car.
01:20:23Rafet, please come in.
01:20:25You're not going to spend the night there.
01:20:35Getting away from everything, even for a moment,
01:20:38did me good tonight.
01:20:40It's not over yet.
01:20:42Do you know what's strangest?
01:20:44I realized that I want to go see my mom in the morning
01:20:48and tell her everything.
01:20:50But of course, Seynep's mother.
01:20:53Maybe it will come true.
01:20:55What do you say?
01:20:57I say you can keep dreaming.
01:21:00Our agreement is for the night, and it's not over yet.
01:21:04What's going to happen?
01:21:06I don't know.
01:21:08I can't answer like Nejad,
01:21:11but I'm ashamed to answer like Tariq.
01:21:14I'm sorry.
