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La Promesa Capitulo 523 Completo - La Promesa Episodio 523 Completo - La Promesa RTVE Serie - video Dailymotion
00:00I've been thinking about you.
00:04I had to talk to you.
00:06As I've told you, it's too late.
00:08I'm just asking you to listen to me for a few minutes.
00:11Don't make me repeat myself.
00:19Getting married to a young woman who has talent can be the solution to our situation.
00:23Of course it is. I already told you.
00:25A convenient marriage in exchange for a convenient percentage of the promise.
00:31We pay off our debts and, by the way, we get rid of the middleman.
00:34Dolores was my mother.
00:36But then you didn't come to the promise by chance.
00:42I came here to find out what had happened to my mother.
00:47And you've done it.
00:50My life is still close to the parish and far from sin.
00:54And that's me to you? A sin?
00:56You are one of the nicest people I've met in my life.
01:00And the sin would be to break the vows I once promised to God.
01:05I can't say or do anything to keep you, right?
01:08I'm afraid not.
01:09Less land means less income.
01:12I agree with Catalina.
01:14We will sell 50% of the land.
01:17That will give us liquidity for at least the next two years.
01:21Enough time to reorganize the accounts and move forward.
01:24And there is nothing more to say.
01:25No, no, there is more to say.
01:27The secret room is over. Accept it.
01:32And that Marcelo and López forget too.
01:34Well, that's it, that's all of them.
01:36Well, I'll remind them.
01:37I'm not going to forgive you, nor am I going to break the promise.
01:41And much less now that I'm starting to get over it,
01:44seeing how everything around you is sinking.
01:48And then how did you see her?
01:50Well, like someone who got better grades than them,
01:52and besides, she was a foreigner.
01:54I mean, like a competitor.
01:55But then that means you've never had a boyfriend.
01:58Lately, I've led a life a little lonely.
02:01I understand perfectly well that you are excited about those letters.
02:04I envy you.
02:05I'm going to Madrid for a moment to start my management.
02:07Lorenzo, I don't want you to get us in trouble with your twins.
02:10Would it matter to stop doubting?
02:12Give me a little credit.
02:13This situation is making me nervous.
02:15And what I don't understand, the truth, is why she is crying now.
02:18It was clear that that woman would appear here sooner or later.
02:21But then she was in the promise.
02:24Are you sure?
02:34You're lying. She was never in the promise.
02:36The truth is, what I don't understand are the reasons why she tried to have her boyfriend
02:40so as not to give him that information.
02:42Well, it's not true.
02:43I see that you don't trust me, but you can ask anyone.
02:47Although perhaps the most suitable is Mr. Ricardo.
02:50I realize that yesterday I was talking to your wife about the promise.
02:57I understand, Mrs. Adarre.
02:59Such a serious lack of trust for you.
03:02I don't know what you're thinking, Mr. Ricardo.
03:05Don't judge her.
03:06Because she has no right to do so.
03:09You're right.
03:10For prudence, it is better not to issue any judgment.
03:14Because the truth is, I'm not sure if your wife came on her own initiative
03:19or warned by the mayor.
03:21Although the truth is, I'm more inclined to the latter.
03:26And why? What makes you think that?
03:28You really ask me.
03:30Well, for the same reasons why Mr. Pellicer has not informed him of his visit, clearly.
03:36And also because Santos didn't know either.
03:38That's what they both told me when Santos introduced me to his mother.
03:42And tell me, what need were they going to have to lie to me?
03:46You really like this game of intrigues, don't you?
03:50Game of intrigues?
03:52But what game of intrigues?
03:53My only role in this whole story has been to reveal to Santos a truth that his father denied him treasonously.
03:59Because tell me, what father and what monster hides from his son that his mother is alive?
04:05That woman abandoned them for keeping an adultery with her brother-in-law.
04:09Yes, I already know the version that Mr. Pellicer preaches, but you know,
04:14I also know that of Santos' mother.
04:17And believe me, that scoundrel makes trouble everywhere.
04:22You still don't trust me, do you?
04:24A shame.
04:25Although you will end up giving me the reason when I meet her.
04:30She is a wonderful woman.
04:32Charming, polite and kind.
04:35And very beautiful.
04:36Of course, somewhere Santos had to show his charm, right?
04:42You don't say anything?
04:46Because I hope the visit was for the best.
04:51Who are you trying to fool, Mrs. Pia?
05:07A few days later
05:20What are you thinking about?
05:24About lunch.
05:26We can finally eat in peace.
05:29You say that because of yesterday's fight, don't you?
05:35Is the situation of La Promesa really as compromised as the Marquis says?
05:40I guess.
05:42Otherwise, the Marquis would not be willing to sell half an hectare of La Promesa.
05:48I just don't understand.
05:49Look at this palace.
05:51It is delicious and I have had the opportunity to ride all afternoon through its wonderful lands.
05:57The problem is not the land itself.
06:00Although the solution does seem to be what happens to them.
06:05But the real problem are the other businesses that my uncle has.
06:10No, but you don't understand me.
06:12What I mean is that I don't understand how a family that has so much can be in need.
06:17Necessity either, Mrs. Rita.
06:19Well, of course, it is the feeling that the Marquis transmits.
06:22Yes, it is a complicated situation.
06:25But I consider it a bummer.
06:28A bummer?
06:29Yes, a small stone in the road.
06:31And it will not be the first or the last.
06:34I see.
06:36Maintaining such an abundant heritage as La Promesa is subject to ups and downs.
06:42It is so.
06:44So you are not worried?
06:46No, don't misinterpret me. Yes, but it's okay.
06:50The sale proposed by the Marquis is an extreme measure.
06:55With which I do not agree.
06:57But you just said that it is the only solution to economic problems.
07:00No, that's what the Marquis thinks.
07:04However, I think that, no matter how bad the odds are,
07:09La Promesa will never collapse.
07:12But how can you be so sure?
07:14I mean, in Switzerland I have witnessed how the fall of a small stone
07:18can cause a great avalanche.
07:21A great avalanche?
07:23Angela, what is this concern for my uncle's economy due to?
07:26No, it's not that strange.
07:28My mother is a friend of her aunt and I just want to understand the scope of the crisis.
07:35You are an exaggeration.
07:37Well, maybe I am an exaggeration.
07:40But she has not yet given me a single argument that supports her words.
07:44Very well.
07:48Catalina what?
07:50She has an undisputed talent for business.
07:53She is the one who has refloated the last times of the farm.
07:57First by installing a novel system of land rentals.
08:01And then with a jam business.
08:03Which has even exported to other countries.
08:07And then how is it possible that she has allowed this situation to happen?
08:10No, she has not allowed it.
08:12She has not depended on it.
08:15I mean, for some time now, she has disconnected from the management of the farm.
08:21For what reason?
08:24Her personal things.
08:27Her pregnancy?
08:29Yes, yes.
08:32But if she wants to find out more, it will be up to her to ask her, right?
08:40And your father? The captain of the map?
08:43What about the captain?
08:45Well, you live in the promise.
08:47Is he also one of the owners?
08:50He was.
08:51For a few months.
08:53Now that percentage belongs to Martino.
08:56And then why did he travel to Madrid?
08:58I thought he had something to do with all this.
09:01Yes, that says, of course.
09:04But to know.
09:06And what other reason was he going to have?
09:10I don't know, Angela.
09:11He has plenty of reasons.
09:13I mean, a meeting with former army comrades or ...
09:19an advance ... I don't know.
09:22Has he said anything to you about his intentions?
09:25To me?
09:27He didn't even say goodbye.
09:29What's more, I found out about his departure at the same time as you.
09:33And, thinking about it, maybe it's even better this way.
09:53Everything okay, Pia?
09:55What's going on?
09:56Well, I just met his wife.
09:58And I don't know, I don't think he should ...
10:01Oh, but he told me.
10:03He was going to do it.
10:04Just that he hadn't found the right time.
10:06Until now.
10:08He was going to tell me now, now that I'm telling him.
10:10It's a shame, right?
10:11No, no, I promise you it was the idea.
10:13Look, he doesn't have to give me explanations, so I'm sorry.
10:17I'm also having a hard time with this.
10:19Well, it hasn't taken long to invite him to the promenade.
10:22Who told him that?
10:23What's more, did he invite him or not?
10:25No, no, for God's sake.
10:26Of course not.
10:27I was the first one surprised to see her here in the palace.
10:29And it was a pretty unpleasant surprise.
10:32So it was Santos who invited him.
10:35Well, no, it seems not.
10:36At least directly.
10:38She has known the existence of the promenade because of Santos.
10:41But she didn't tell anyone about his visit.
10:44Look, I promise you that if I had known he was coming,
10:48I would have been the first to stop him.
10:51However, he did agree to see her.
10:53Well, what did he want me to do?
10:55He's still Santos' mother.
10:56Yes, Santos' mother and his wife, Ricardo.
11:02Look, Pia.
11:04I understand.
11:06I understand that he is like that.
11:07I was the one who told him that I didn't know how he was going to react
11:09when he had her face to face.
11:12And what was that reaction?
11:15I swear I kicked her out as soon as I could.
11:19I have nothing to say to that woman.
11:22So you already have clear feelings for your wife.
11:28No, no, I don't know.
11:31I thought I did, but it was something so fortunate and brief.
11:37I did feel something.
11:38It moved inside.
11:40But I guess it's normal.
11:42Not when you haven't seen someone for so long.
11:45I'm sorry.
11:46I'm sorry I'm not more precise in this.
11:50But I'm telling you, it's not easy for me.
11:54I'm sorry I asked for explanations.
11:57Because I can't question it,
11:58because what happened between us
12:01is part of the past.
12:08I'm sorry.
12:23That's not the point, Martina.
12:25It's not, not even by far.
12:27It's easier to ignore the problems and get out of the way
12:30or look for a solution.
12:32Ignore them?
12:34I'm going to get a maid to help you get ready.
12:36She doesn't listen to me and I don't know what else I can do.
12:39I've done everything for this farm.
12:41I know, I know.
12:42But at this time of night you can't do anything.
12:45All you have to do is rest.
12:46It's just ...
12:47No, okay, okay.
12:48Okay, okay.
12:49That's it.
12:50It's okay.
12:53What's wrong with you?
12:55But it's going to happen to you if you don't stop turning your head
12:58and walking from one side to the other.
13:01You see? Much better.
13:04My babies are fine.
13:05Yes, I hope so.
13:07Because the doctor gave you permission to get up, yes,
13:09but not to put all the weight of the promise on your shoulders.
13:12But you've heard my father.
13:14He wants to sell the land.
13:15I've heard it very clearly, Catalina.
13:17But at this time of night,
13:18the man is not going to sell anything at all
13:20and you have to rest.
13:22I appreciate your laziness, Martina.
13:24But I don't think you take responsibility for the gravity of the situation.
13:27But I don't think you take responsibility for the gravity of the situation.
13:31I am perfectly aware of the gravity of the situation.
13:34And I also know that Uncle Alonso loves the promise
13:37and that he wouldn't think of selling if he saw another way out.
13:39That's the thing, there is.
13:41Well, you can discuss it with him tomorrow, calmly.
13:43Yes, and what good will it do if he doesn't listen to me?
13:45He has been told that the only way to earn money urgently
13:48is to sell the land.
13:49I also tell you that you have been away from the management of the promise for some time
13:52and that maybe there is no other right now.
13:54And a cheat!
13:55And a cheat!
13:56The economic problem is not something specific,
13:58it is a structural thing.
14:00It will always be there.
14:01Well, put it that way.
14:02Because if it will always be there,
14:04maybe it would be to sell and forget about the problem.
14:06No, I know it would be a drama, but ...
14:08but it is better than staying in a boat that is going to sink without a remedy.
14:11No, that's not the case.
14:12What you have to do is adapt.
14:14Before, a latifundista could have hundreds of day laborers
14:17for the sowing and the sowing,
14:19because those poor people had no rights.
14:21And they were satisfied with ...
14:22with a peseta de jornal.
14:24And that's why you proposed the lease, right?
14:27Yes, exactly.
14:28And thanks to them, the farm continues.
14:30Now things have changed
14:32and many customers have disappeared because of the war.
14:35And because of the scandal of ...
14:37of Manuel and Jana's wedding too.
14:39Yes, that too.
14:40It has caused my father to lose customers.
14:42But with a correct management of resources,
14:44everything would be more profitable.
14:46But do you think Uncle Alonso doesn't know that?
14:49I'm sure he doesn't know.
14:51He has not walked all the paths of the farm.
14:53He has barely gone to the hills.
14:55It has been a long time since he has gone back to the river, to the waterfalls.
14:58The promise has an endless possibilities.
15:00Yeah, but those possibilities will require money
15:03that Uncle Alonso may not have.
15:05Of course, that's why he wants to cut by Lozano.
15:08But how are we going to improve production
15:10if we have half the land?
15:12In the long term, we would only lose.
15:17Martina, at least you listen to me.
15:19He doesn't listen to me.
15:21And I'm convinced that if Manuel told the clear ones,
15:24he would pay attention to him.
15:26Well, but that's why you don't get mad
15:28because you know that your father, sooner or later,
15:30always ends up listening.
15:31No, I do get mad.
15:33That in the middle of my pregnancy I have to take care of everything,
15:35I get mad.
15:36You have said it, in the middle of your pregnancy,
15:38that you should be resting.
15:40And at this time, really, Catalina, we are not going to fix anything.
15:43And don't take me the opposite,
15:45because if not, I'm going to call the doctor and you're not going to leave this room
15:47with me.
15:54You can say whatever you want, but I miss him.
15:59I miss your feather pillow,
16:01which I don't know if you have forgotten,
16:03but this makes your neck more stiff.
16:06I haven't forgotten.
16:08But I don't know, I fell asleep in this bed and ...
16:11and I feel that everything that has happened
16:13since I left this room has been a dream.
16:16And a very nice dream.
16:18That the noble plant has not been lost to you,
16:20one that you don't know.
16:22You haven't changed anything,
16:24everything is still the same as before.
16:26Well, do you forget that we live on loan,
16:28that I can't change anything, or put anything of mine?
16:30And much less now that María Mandrajo is in charge.
16:32Well, until a partner comes to you
16:34and wants to decorate everything to her liking.
16:36Well, well, over my corpse.
16:38That bed stays the same as the day
16:40you went to the noble plant.
16:42And I'm thinking of putting a plaque
16:44that says,
16:46here slept Doña Jana,
16:48like the banks of the church.
16:58Are you still upset?
17:02I was thinking about how much I needed this.
17:06To talk to you without ...
17:08without rush,
17:10without having to measure my words.
17:12I ...
17:14I missed you too, don't believe me.
17:18That I can't go to your room anymore
17:20to be chatting with you, because now you have a little husband.
17:23I don't forget.
17:27And of course, you can talk to him about your things.
17:30And here I have Vera and Teresa.
17:32That's true, but ...
17:34it's not the same.
17:36It's not the same.
17:38No. And don't misinterpret me,
17:40because they listen to me.
17:42In everything I'm going to tell them.
17:44But there are things that ...
17:46I can only tell you.
17:48Do you understand?
18:10I love you.
18:40I love you.
19:04Jana, are you okay?
19:06It looks like you were going to tell me something and ...
19:08Are you stoned?
19:10I'm fine. It's ...
19:14Nothing. I remembered Manuel.
19:16And you? What? Tell me something.
19:22Well, I ...
19:24I also have something to tell you.
19:28Well ...
19:30Samuel is leaving La Promesa.
19:34And that? I guess ...
19:36The doctor told him that he has already recovered from the leg, right?
19:40And has he finished the works of the parish house?
19:44They haven't said anything upstairs, but well, I guess the Marquise will still be ...
19:48in the square.
19:51María, what happened?
19:55He may also leave Luján.
19:58But the church?
20:01It's not final yet, but he may move the threads ...
20:04so that they move him out and ...
20:07And I know why.
20:10What is it? For you?
20:13Man, if everything is going well in the parish and he has been here for a long time and he gets along with everyone,
20:17why would he want to leave? Huh?
20:19Well, I don't know, but I didn't imagine you could react like that.
20:24And neither do I.
20:27Well, I know you're not going to see him now, María, but ...
20:30maybe it's for the best for you.
20:33Come on, come here.
20:59López, what happened today? Why are you so early?
21:03What do you have in the pots?
21:05The breakfast of the service.
21:07Oh, don't tell me you've prepared a chocolate that gives me life.
21:10Today I dreamed of a cup of chocolate with some spicy hot tea.
21:13Well, the chocolate doesn't smell.
21:16What did you put in it?
21:18It's a bone broth. It also has knee and spine.
21:21A broth for breakfast?
21:23López, the thing is not to gossip, huh?
21:25That people with hunger lose their sense of humor.
21:27Well, precisely for that.
21:29To cure hunger, that we can not only feed ourselves with achicor and water,
21:32which we are used to.
21:34To feed, it will feed.
21:36But come on, I don't know what stomach is going to resist a broth of that so early.
21:40Well, a hungry stomach, Candela.
21:42Well, it won't be mine.
21:43It's not that strange.
21:44They told me in Madrid that in eastern Asia,
21:46it's what they have for breakfast.
21:48Chicken broth with vegetables and noodles.
21:50So why don't you know a toast with oil and a good slice of ham from here,
21:54from the Pedroses Valley?
21:55You don't know it, do you?
21:57And you haven't been here for a while either, Candela.
21:59Do you agree with breakfast and lunch?
22:01Why not?
22:02And what are those?
22:13Be careful, it burns.
22:20And when you crush them, you get the gofio.
22:24That's right.
22:25And we will work it as if it were a loaf of bread.
22:27Which we will call pella.
22:29It's eaten in the Canary Islands and it's delicious.
22:31With a little honey and sugar.
22:33Well, let's hope it's delicious without that.
22:35Because we don't have any honey or sugar left.
22:37I'm sure that with the bone broth, it won't even taste good.
22:41Well, this is what we are going to have for breakfast today.
22:45I understand that we are not used to it,
22:47but I assure you that it will keep the hunger alive.
22:49Well, talk to you later.
22:51Chicken broth?
22:53And canary bread?
22:55I haven't seen or heard of it.
22:57Oh, Candela, less complaints and let's get to work.
22:59Let's see, hat.
23:00This has to be done innocently.
23:02Where do we start, Lopillo?
23:04Well, to prepare the pella.
23:18Good morning, Father.
23:19Did you send for me?
23:21Did we have breakfast?
23:23It has to be right now.
23:25I was going to take a walk with Hanna through the springs.
23:27That walk will have to wait.
23:29Sit down.
23:40I have a very delicate matter to discuss with you.
23:44I see.
23:47I'm going to be direct.
23:49Hanna must not get involved again in the decisions regarding the Promesa businesses.
23:54What decisions?
24:01Father, if you mean that book of accounts, Hanna didn't even open it.
24:04Mother took care of it.
24:06I don't know what book you're talking about, but I'd rather not know because you're giving me the reason.
24:11May I know what is the problem that my wife is concerned about the situation that affects us all?
24:16She is also part of this house.
24:18It is not her role, and you know it.
24:20From now on, she abstains from giving an opinion.
24:24Let her stay quiet in a corner.
24:26Is that what you're asking me?
24:28When we talk about business, yes. It's her own business.
24:30Her own business for whom?
24:31First of all, for her.
24:33The only thing she can do is to be in the limelight.
24:35In the limelight?
24:37Father, that my wife has her own opinion and that it does not coincide with her or her mother's is not being in the limelight.
24:42Is she an economist now?
24:44She's a maid, for God's sake.
24:46She was.
24:47Until two days ago, Manuel.
24:49And she doesn't know anything about the problems we face.
24:51She doesn't know how much she's wrong.
24:53Hanna is as smart as anyone else.
24:55And if she doesn't know more about the economic problems of the family, it's because you and your mother are in charge of it.
25:00Are you reproaching me?
25:02Yes, father, I reproach you when your only argument against Hanna is that she is Hanna.
25:05It's good that Martina and Catalina meddle in these matters.
25:08Don't compare.
25:09One thing has nothing to do with the other.
25:12Catalina has shown her worth before taking on part of the responsibility of the farm.
25:17And Martina now has a voice and a vote since your aunt Margarita has pledged her participation of 25% of the promise.
25:23And my wife will help me manage the other 75% remaining when she is Marquise of Lujan.
25:33I hope that when that time comes, age has made you reflect and you don't make that mistake.
25:43You have insinuated that I have something against your wife.
25:45It's not true, Manuel.
25:47Look at your mother's example.
25:49If my mother doesn't meddle in these matters, it's because she doesn't want to or she's not interested.
25:52Or because she knows what her place is.
25:55Do I have an opinion about the menus? Or about the appearance of the gardens?
25:59Because that's women's competition.
26:01But business is our thing.
26:06I tell you with the best of will and for the good of all.
26:09Hanna shouldn't meddle.
26:15A few days later.
26:21Little one, come and take a look at this.
26:23Let's see if I did it right.
26:25I think this is a disease, more than anything else.
26:29Because it's called gofio, Candela, not bofio.
26:32Don't disarm me, my little job has cost me ...
26:35What is it?
26:38All he needs is half a glass of milk.
26:40But if there is no milk, then pour him some water.
26:42You'll see how he gets sick.
26:44Good morning.
26:45Good morning.
26:46Don't you have to be up there to eat the ladies' breakfast?
26:49No, today it's not our turn.
26:53And what are you doing in the kitchens?
26:55Has anyone asked for anything?
26:59Well, Jaire, I don't think your father asked you to be here, hand in hand, right?
27:03It's just that we're hungry, Mrs. Candela.
27:05Well, wait until it's breakfast time, you'll love today's menu.
27:08We don't complain about the quality, but the quantity.
27:11Last night I got up the dinner with more gas than I had when I sat down.
27:16You can cry all you want.
27:18They're lentils.
27:19I wish they were lentils.
27:21It's just that we can't work like this.
27:23We eat worse than the beggars.
27:25A little bit of hunger and I'll tell you that I'd sell you to your hair.
27:29It's okay.
27:31My kitchen is a place of peace.
27:33The quarrels in the tavern.
27:36We already know you're hungry.
27:38Like everyone else.
27:40And we're going to do everything we can to resolve this.
27:51Who gave you permission to organize quarrels at work hours?
27:55No, no quarrels, Mrs. Petra.
27:58We've come to ask for something to quench our hunger.
28:05Do you have any complaints about what you get to eat?
28:08No, we just wanted a sandwich.
28:12Excuses is what you have left over, Marcelo.
28:16The thing is that you're used to living in the body of a king.
28:19And it was time for you to appreciate the extraordinary effort the Marquises make to feed you.
28:24So get to work.
28:26Let's go.
28:34And you, keep doing what you're doing.
28:39Without further ado, I'll tell you that this time, Marismandrao is right.
28:43And when she's right, you have to give it to her.
28:51What is this?
28:54Well, if I'm not mistaken, something that will make you very excited.
28:59I'm sorry.
29:07You see, Hanna, I took those things from that room.
29:12To see if they would help you remember.
29:30Do you remember anything? Is it perhaps your mother?
29:37I don't know, I don't know.
29:40It's as if all my childhood memories had disappeared from my mind.
29:45Well, Hanna, don't worry. Memories come and go.
29:48And when you least expect it, you'll be able to remember everything.
29:51You'll see.
29:52I know.
29:53I know.
29:55You see, yesterday I didn't want to tell you anything in front of Teresa,
29:59but I think we should talk about what it implies that Mr. Curro is the son of Mr. Marquis
30:07and therefore brother of Don Manuel, Catalina and Leonor.
30:12Hanna, your role in the promise changes radically.
30:15And Mrs. Marquesa will not be able to say anything because now he is the son of her husband.
30:21So if Mr. Marquis recognizes him as a son,
30:25Mr. and your Curro would become the second in the line of succession of the Marquis.
30:31Yes, but you said it. Mr. Alonso would have to recognize him and that will not happen.
30:37Yes, because when he conceived him, he was already married to Mrs. Cruz.
30:42Well, I don't know, Hanna, in the letters, your mother's love seems sincere.
30:46And maybe, in a flash of memory, she does.
30:51Well, I think that first we would have to verify that all these belongings were my brother's.
30:58But what more proof do you need?
31:00It is clear that the man opened that room to be with your mother and her son.
31:05And then there are the letters.
31:07It may be, but my memories are exhausted in that little house where I lived with my mother, so no.
31:12Well, the same goes for you. I don't take you there to protect you, not to put you in danger.
31:16Maybe. But what is clear is that we need something more to be able to be sure.
31:22And what are you going to do? You can't talk to anyone. You would put yourself in danger and Mr. Curro.
31:28There is still a loose thread that we can pull.
31:35We have to open the other door in that room.
31:37What do you have in that room?
31:41That if we complained about what the gentlemen gave us to eat and that we valued the kindness of the gentlemen.
31:47Marcelo, the sheets.
31:50That we work for four bitches.
31:53That this job is only worth it because they give us a roof and food.
31:56That we break our backs for four bitches.
31:59I guess you won't talk about yourself.
32:00About me what?
32:01That you bring me the sheets.
32:04It seems that you are not interested in what I am telling you.
32:07Of course I do, but I also think you are exaggerating.
32:10I do not exaggerate the least.
32:12That Mrs. Arcos became a basilisk.
32:15I don't think she became very basilisk precisely because Santos was in front of her.
32:19What's more, I take advantage of that to carry even more against me.
32:23And maybe you didn't bring the anger at home.
32:25Well, maybe when I'm hungry I can stand less nonsense.
32:29Well, you see, there you have it. But I have the solution for that.
32:32A wallpaper with a colored teak.
32:34Well, no. You're going to go to Lujan to get more starch.
32:37It won't take away your hunger, but at least it will keep you away from nonsense.
32:42What do you mean no?
32:44With what I have on me. Besides, I have to go to town.
32:47Marcelo, for God's sake, you've been giving me a good talk for a long time.
32:50Do me a favor and I'll talk to Mr. Ricardo.
32:52Teresa, no is no.
32:54And don't insist.
32:56And I'm warning you.
32:58I've come to warn you about the fumes that Mrs. Petra spends.
33:00The usual.
33:01What's more, I've been helping you to place all the sheets.
33:04I've already done you a lot of favors.
33:06You'll have a hard face.
33:15This woman gives me chills.
33:22And how's the magazine?
33:25First, you tell me what happened to you with the Marquise.
33:31She hasn't even doubted for a moment that it was her.
33:34Well, nothing really happened to me.
33:37I just crossed her through the stairs and I greeted her politely, as it should be.
33:42But she didn't look at me.
33:44She didn't even look at me as if I were invisible.
33:47She just followed her path.
33:49Well, she would have other things on her mind.
33:52I don't think so.
33:54She's been like that with me since I set the promise.
33:57It's not the impression I have.
33:58Has she always treated you with a lot of education?
34:01With education, yes.
34:03But with repairs.
34:05As if in her inner heart she wished that I didn't exist.
34:09What nonsense are you talking about, Ángela?
34:12Obviously, you're judging Malacruz.
34:14And it's also a very bad taste to criticize our hostess,
34:17whom you just met for Mas Inri.
34:19Maybe yes.
34:22Or maybe not.
34:25I don't know if I want to hear your theories.
34:28I don't know if you have anything better to do.
34:32As I said, I recently met Mrs. Cruz.
34:35But I know that I don't get confused when judging her animosity towards me.
34:38And that can only be answered by one reason.
34:45Ángela, you must shorten your imagination.
34:48I remind you that Cruz and I have been friends since we used reason.
34:52And I remind you that I have eyes in my face.
34:54And that no matter how hard I try to repeat it,
34:55I know that the relationship I have with Mrs. Cruz
34:58is far from being a friendship.
35:00Of course.
35:02And who better than you to value it, right?
35:04Save the sarcasm.
35:08It is clear that in public they try to maintain their forms.
35:10But the face of the Marquise leaves no room for doubt.
35:14She hates her.
35:16I ask you to respect our hostess.
35:19I will.
35:21But as soon as she tells me what happened between you two.
35:25This conversation is starting to bother me.
35:28Didn't you want to know how the magazine is doing?
35:34Running away again, mother?
35:37Whenever I ask her about the past, she escapes and tries not to tell me the truth.
35:41Is it so hard for her to be honest?
35:43I need to know.
35:46You already know everything you need to know.
35:48That's not true.
35:50You're not even able to tell me what happened with Mrs. Cruz.
35:52And we share a table with her every day.
35:55Well, look, one less worry you're going to have when you return to Switzerland.
35:59Don't be rude, mother.
36:02Tell me.
36:04Just tell me everything.
36:08Look, I'm sure you've done good things and bad things in the past.
36:14But I'm not going to allow myself to judge you.
36:19Okay, then tell me what I can do.
36:22What can I do? How can I get you to trust me?
36:26Daughter, it's not a matter of trust.
36:30It's just that there are pasts that it's better not to touch.
36:34The past...
36:37The past is gone.
36:53Have you finished with the sheets?
36:55Yes, Marcelo helped me.
36:57Well, that's good.
36:59So you could order the starch.
37:01I tried.
37:03And he refused?
37:05Rather, it seemed that I was offering him, I don't know, to steal a bank
37:09or assault the civilian barracks.
37:11Come on, Teresa, you're exaggerating.
37:14Well, he would have a lot of work and he wouldn't want to get into trouble with Mr. Pellicero or Mrs. Arcos,
37:18which lately is at the minimum.
37:21Yes, he gave me the job excuse, but come on, it was more false than a tough Sevillian.
37:25Because he was here chatting with me for a long time until I told him that I had to go to Lujan.
37:29Well, you already know Marcelo.
37:31He gets distracted with the flight of a fly.
37:34And since when do you defend Marcelo so much?
37:37Me? No, I'm not defending him.
37:40I just think that if he has a lot of work, then ...
37:44Vera, do you know why my brother doesn't want to go to Lujan?
37:46No, no idea.
37:53Look, Teresa, if he hasn't told you, I wouldn't have to do it.
37:57Well, of course you would have to do it.
37:59Marcelo doesn't know how to tie himself or himself to the shoelaces of his shoes.
38:03And I'm the only one who puts a little sensibility in his life.
38:07Vera, for God's sake!
38:09Okay, okay.
38:11Well, it turns out that Marcelo thought he saw one of the men of the Duke of Sarabia in town.
38:18But he hasn't told me anything.
38:20Well, I guess not to worry you.
38:22Not to worry me? Well, I assure you that I am very worried now.
38:25And I also assure you that he will listen to me.
38:27Calm down, Teresa, calm down.
38:29Because he arrested him and in the end he confirmed that it was not him.
38:32So what's the problem?
38:34The problem is that Marcelo is going to Lujan.
38:37So what's the problem?
38:39The problem is that Marcelo lives in fear.
38:41Afraid to be discovered.
38:44And believe me, I understand it better than anyone.
39:01Maybe you thought you were going to get rid of him.
39:03But that you have brought your mother who promises.
39:06That is something that is totally out of place.
39:08Father ...
39:09And maybe this seems like a game to you.
39:11Or you have done it encouraged by Mrs. Arcos.
39:13But I want you to know that it has to end.
39:16Father, he's wrong.
39:17And I didn't call my mother.
39:19Yes, that's what Ana told me.
39:21But do you really expect me to believe such nonsense?
39:23But I'm serious.
39:25Of course I told her where I lived when I went to see her.
39:27But her visit has not been announced.
39:29For me it has also been a surprise.
39:31And having said this, I am very glad that she has come.
39:33But not me.
39:34And why not?
39:35Because the only thing that woman has said about me
39:37has been a slander behind another.
39:39Well, more reason to celebrate that you are in Lujan.
39:41So you can finally sit down and resolve your differences.
39:43I have nothing to talk about with that lady.
39:46What are you afraid of, father?
39:47That her lies are discovered?
39:49There is no conversation that can change what happened.
39:51And I don't forget it.
39:53Well, this is the perfect opportunity to prove it.
39:55I promise you that I will be impartial.
39:57I will listen to both versions equally.
39:59That conversation is not going to happen.
40:01But don't you realize that the more you deny it,
40:03the more it hurts her?
40:05Stop manipulating me.
40:07And if you see her, tell her to go where she came from.
40:12Yes, sir.
40:26Hanna, Marcelo and Lou have already proven everything.
40:28They even threw the door down.
40:30That's not what I meant, Pia.
40:31Oh, I see, I see.
40:33What matters is to find a key.
40:36But who is going to put a key next to the door that opens?
40:39Well, the same person who has put a key under a stone.
40:42Well, in any case, Lope, Marcelo, Teresa and Vera
40:44have searched the whole room.
40:47But maybe they weren't specifically looking for a key.
40:50Or they missed it, right?
40:52I don't know, it has to be like ...
40:55behind a piece of furniture or ...
40:58holes in the floor, I don't know.
41:05Look, do you know what we're going to do?
41:07We split up the room and you get that part and I get this one.
41:11Is something wrong?
41:15Nothing, I just had a heart attack.
41:19But this room is colder than a temple, isn't it?
41:25Doesn't it have heat?
41:27Yes, my evil is not of the body, Hanna.
41:31Do you know what it is? Why don't you tell me? I can hear it.
41:34It doesn't matter, nothing happens.
41:37Well, I'm going to start crying and it's not what I was looking for.
41:40Mrs. Pia, it will be good for you to vent.
41:43Does it have to do with the conversation you had with Mr. Pellicer?
41:49I did what you suggested and I talked to him.
41:52What happened?
41:54Ricarda confessed to me
41:56that she fears to harbor feelings
41:59towards the one who was her wife.
42:04I guess that had to be hard to hear for you.
42:09But I sincerely believe that with patience,
42:12any wound in the heart can be healed.
42:14Well, he has seen her alone.
42:19But that woman is not supposed to live far from here.
42:22Well, now he's in Lujan.
42:24And he was the one who agreed to see her here, here at the promenade.
42:28Well, maybe it was just an educational act, nothing more.
42:31That's what Hanna says, but then why does she hide it from me?
42:34That she doesn't have to give me explanations,
42:36but in the end, this only reinforces the theory that ...
42:39Well, that I, next to that woman, am nothing.
42:43Calm down, Mrs. Pia, calm down.
42:46The one who is now lost with his feelings is him.
42:49And you are worth a lot.
42:51It's worth a lot.
42:53You have to be blind not to realize it.
42:55That's it, you're right.
42:57And one more tear, and we're done.
42:58We have come here to look for a key.
43:01The key that connects this door with Mrs. Marquesa's room.
43:04It's over.
43:08What do you mean with Mrs. Marquesa's door?
43:10It's what Teresa said.
43:12Mr. Marques?
43:14Well, I said that this room connects with the room that used to be Mr. Marques's,
43:19but now belongs to Mrs. Marquesa.
43:21But are you sure about that?
43:23Let's see, I trust what Teresa said, but ...
43:25The truth is that neither Ian nor I were here when that change occurred.
43:32What's going on, Hanna?
43:38I think it's better to start looking as soon as possible.
43:55Let's go.
44:10A favor?
44:12That's right.
44:14Well, of course.
44:16Anything, you can count on me.
44:18I was not expecting another answer from you, friend.
44:20Don't say that again.
44:22Don't say again that what I have to tell you should stay between us.
44:26Of course, I'll be a grave.
44:28What do you need, Leocadia?
44:30If it's not in my hands, I'll intercede with whoever I need.
44:34Allow me to doubt your influences, dear.
44:36For your good fortune, the favor is restricted to the walls of this palace.
44:40I need Angela to return to Switzerland as soon as possible to resume her studies.
44:44She has decided to leave them.
44:46Wow, and that?
44:48She doesn't listen to me.
44:50That's why I need someone close to her to provide new arguments.
44:55Well, I wouldn't define myself as someone close to your daughter,
44:59but I'm sure I'll find a way to convince her.
45:02You can't.
45:04And besides, I don't want you to do it.
45:06She would immediately realize that I am the one behind it.
45:09I had thought of Curro.
45:11I think he's the perfect person for this kind of task.
45:15Last night I talked to him and tried to convince him, but he has refused.
45:18I can talk to Curro, but I don't think he's the right person to convince your daughter.
45:23I realize that the relationship between the boys is not good.
45:26Did Curro tell you?
45:28Come on, Leocadia, it's something that stands out.
45:31Curro has no influence on your daughter.
45:33You haven't answered my question.
45:37No, Curro hasn't told me anything.
45:40Then do as I say.
45:42Talk to Curro and have that conversation with my daughter.
45:45I trust that you will be able to convince him.
45:48If you allow me, let me think about it.
45:51I'm sure I'll find another way to approach Ángela.
45:55I don't want you to think.
45:57I want you to talk to Curro.
46:01Although if you don't seem capable, I can find someone else to do it.
46:12As you wish, I'll talk to Curro.
46:18See you.
46:30Sit down, we have to talk.
46:33Has something happened?
46:36You should answer that question.
46:39Has something happened?
46:42The last time we met in this office, I left you alone with your wife.
46:46You may think I don't care, but nothing is further from the truth.
46:51I've been watching you these days.
46:54And I know that meeting didn't leave you indifferent.
47:00He split me in half, man.
47:04So many years imagining what it would be like to have him in front of me again.
47:07What would I tell him?
47:09And what did you tell him?
47:11That he leave.
47:13Well, I think it's very good.
47:16She seemed willing to talk.
47:19Has it aroused the feelings towards her that you feared?
47:25Well, no and yes.
47:27I already told you that I don't know.
47:29It's all very strange, that he suddenly showed up without warning.
47:32It disarmed me.
47:35And then Santos assures me that he didn't bring her.
47:37So maybe his approach was sincere.
47:40After all, what happened to us 20 years ago was an accumulation of youthful mistakes.
47:45Maybe it has changed.
47:48But I also know that getting close to Ana means getting away from Pía more and more.
47:56I don't know how many times I've told you already, but what you have to do is put order in your feelings.
48:02Yes, I know. That's why I told him to leave.
48:06And Santos is also pressuring us so that the three of us can reunite.
48:10And if I keep denying it, I run the risk of losing my son forever.
48:13No, but if you accept, you are the one who runs the risk of losing yourself.
48:20That's why I'm telling you I don't know. I don't know what to do.
48:23And I know what you're going to tell me.
48:26That this situation is not fair for Pía and that I'm hurting her a lot with my indecision.
48:31But what other options do I have, Romulo?
48:34No, no, no. If that's what I was going to tell you.
48:36God knows that life has put you in a very difficult situation.
48:40All I want you to know is that you are not alone.
48:44Thank you very much.
49:05Come in.
49:09They told me you were looking for me.
49:17Well, it seems that it is more serious than I thought.
49:22No, the conversation you had this morning with your father, which has left us a lot.
49:27Well, what do we do now? Let's see.
49:31Hanna, please don't make it harder for me.
49:35Okay, I'm listening.
49:40First of all, I want you to know that I am not satisfied with what I am going to ask you.
49:44But ...
49:48I think you should value it.
49:51And if I'm not satisfied, why are you asking me?
49:53Because my father's head seems to make some sense.
49:58And it is true that if you accept ...
50:02it is a resignation that would bring some peace.
50:05Until you find another excuse to bother me.
50:09It's okay, you're right. You are a mere messenger.
50:12Well, if ...
50:14doing this is going to bring peace to your family, I would.
50:18What is it about?
50:25I need you to refrain from intervening in discussions about family economics from now on.
50:33It would be just a matter of accounts and budgets.
50:35No, I don't believe you, I don't believe you.
50:37My love, I ...
50:39I know you do it with the best of your intentions, but the truth is that not everyone sees it the same way.
50:42And you?
50:44Do you also think that what I propose makes no sense?
50:49Of course not.
50:51I value it and I value it very much.
50:53Well, they don't.
50:55And just for coming from where I come from.
50:58Hanna, don't take it personally.
51:01Look at my mother.
51:03Look at my mother.
51:05She doesn't intervene in matters of this nature either.
51:08What happens is that she does it quietly.
51:12Well, do it anyway.
51:14Do it anyway, tell me. I will be your voice in those meetings.
51:19I know what I'm asking of you is very difficult, I know.
51:24But you have to understand it.
51:26These are matters that affect the Marquis and the rest of the owners of the promise.
51:32Your son will one day be a Marquis too.
51:37And I swear to you that I will fight for their interests.
51:42As I will fight for yours, I told you and I repeat it to you.
51:46I count on you in everything and for everything.
51:53All I ask of you is that we do things differently.
51:58You tell me and I ...
52:02Please Hanna, grant it to me.
52:06Will you grant it to me?
52:23What does it mean that you are leaving?
52:25Madam, the reforms of the parish house are about to conclude
52:28and if Father Samuel has postponed his departure it has been because of the fracture of the leg.
52:33Of which I am practically at rest.
52:36So I must leave with my pilgrims.
52:39It has been a long time since I have left them orphans of spiritual guidance.
52:42Madam, I have taken the liberty of having one of the boys accompany Father Estaluhan
52:47to assist him with the luggage.
52:49Detail that I thank you.
52:51As well as your hospitality during these weeks.
52:54And of course for the generosity of running with the expenses of the reform.
52:58The parish of Luján is indebted to you, Mrs. Cruz.
53:01On behalf of the gentlemen, I have also taken the liberty of talking to the cooks.
53:06Sorry to interrupt you, but I am convinced that we should not steal more time from someone as important as you, Mrs. Cruz.
53:12And more so in the moments of hard need that overwhelm this palace.
53:17And I must also leave.
53:19With God.
53:21Where do you think you're going?
53:23Do you really think it is welcome, all this theater that you have organized?
53:27We agreed that my stay here, in the promise, would be something temporary, while the works lasted.
53:32We agreed that in a favorable moment for the palace,
53:35while you received generous donations and lived in the body of the king.
53:39But now that we need it, are you really going to leave us?
53:45I owe all my parishioners.
53:47Well, start with those who have paid the reform.
53:49And the hermit's roof.
53:52This family needs your spiritual support more than ever.
53:55Especially in these moments of hard need that overwhelm our palace.
54:01Get your luggage up to the bedroom again.
54:08Or do you have anything else to add, Father?
54:20Don't worry, I'm not going to be an impediment in that path you say you have to follow.
54:26Maria, I'm not the one who says it.
54:29Maybe you think I'm arrogant for thinking that Our Lord has a path prepared for me.
54:37I think Our Lord has a path for everyone.
54:41But you are very clear about it.
54:44And I'm lost.
54:45Very clear.
54:47And I'm lost.
54:49You have to convince her to return to Switzerland to finish her law studies.
54:52I'm not the right person.
54:54I'm very sorry I can't help her, but I can't do anything.
54:56Wait, wait.
54:58It seems to me that you have not understood me, dear.
55:00This is an order.
55:02I have told you to do it and period.
55:04But how are two bags of flour going to disappear?
55:06Evidently someone has taken them.
55:08Oh, the Virgin.
55:10Oh, the Virgin that we have thieves in the promise.
55:12I was desperate because it is not normal.
55:15Don't look at me.
55:17It is true that Catalina has helped a lot in the management of the promise.
55:19But from now on, with two children on the way, she will not be able to take care of herself.
55:23Catalina is a very organized woman.
55:25She can do the same with everything.
55:27Of course, I trust her.
55:29It's not a matter of trust, Martina.
55:31Manuel and your uncle Alonso are much more apt to take care of your part of the promise.
55:34The only thing we suspect is that there is a passage that should connect this place with the secret room.
55:39And that door that leads to the passage has to be close to the fireplace, right?
55:43And it would open with a hidden mechanism.