दिल्ली: संसद में आज पेश की जाने वाली नई जेपीसी रिपोर्ट पर वक्फ जेपीसी के अध्यक्ष जगदंबिका पाल ने कहा कि लोकसभा अध्यक्ष ओम बिरला ने आज बिजनेस एडवाइजरी एजेंडे पर चर्चा की। सरकार ने वक्फ संपत्तियों से संबंधित वक्फ संशोधन विधेयक 1995 के मूल अधिनियम में पेश किया था। हालांकि, सरकार ने सीधे विधेयक पारित करने के बजाय संसदीय समिति के अध्यक्ष किरेन रिजिजू के माध्यम से अनुरोध किया कि एक संयुक्त संसदीय समिति (जेपीसी) का गठन किया जाए। दोनों सदनों के सदस्यों वाली इस समिति को पारदर्शिता और एक सुव्यवस्थित कानून सुनिश्चित करने के लिए देश भर के हितधारकों के साथ विस्तृत चर्चा करने का काम सौंपा जाना चाहिए।
#parliament #parliamentsession #waqfboard #ombirla #ombirla #jpc #waqf #kirenrijiju #waqfbill
#parliament #parliamentsession #waqfboard #ombirla #ombirla #jpc #waqf #kirenrijiju #waqfbill
00:00The Lok Sabha President, Mr. Om Birla, has set up a work list on the basis of business advisory.
00:06And the government had come up with the Work Amendment Bill, 1995, in the Principle Act.
00:17But instead of passing that bill, the government had asked the Speaker, the Prime Minister, Mr. Kiran Riju,
00:25to make it a JPC, in which both parties can be members, and there can be a detailed discussion,
00:33and there can be a dialogue with stakeholders across the country.
00:36On that basis, we want a transparent report to come out, and a good law should be made.
00:42And we did that exercise.
00:43First, we had to give it in the winter.
00:45Till then, we had visited states in the south, but we had not been able to do so.
00:49Then, we requested the Speaker, he extended it to the budget session.
00:54Today, that report has been ready, after a series of meetings, for the last six months.
01:01Today, we are presenting that report.
01:03Some of our members are saying that they did not hear our disagreements.
01:11We heard their talks for six months in a row.
01:13We had asked for their amendments, clause by clause.
01:19There was a vote on that, which is the process of the Parliament.
01:22There can be agreement on any law, or disagreement on any report.
01:26That is the way it is.
01:27It is put to vote.
01:28We got everyone to vote.
01:30We adopted the majority.
01:32And we turned down the minority.
01:35But, even after the adoption of the report, I had asked for a note of dissent from them.
01:41The note of dissent that they have given, we have included that as well.
01:46Apart from that, all the stakeholders that we have met,
01:50we have included their statements in the JPC.