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French actress Elodie Yung talked to Gulf News tabloid at the Middle East Film and Comic Con on March 6. The actress, most famous for playing Elektra Natchios in the Daredevil and Defenders series, Marvel's show on Netflix, talked about her anti-hero character, the show's abrupt cancellations and her new role in the upcoming Disney Plus movie, Secret Society of Second Born Royals.

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#ElodieYung #Elektra #Daredevil
00:00When we did Daredevil, they thought I was a ninja, so we didn't rehearse.
00:04And I was like, these guys don't know what they're doing.
00:09It was an audition, it was like a multiple round of auditions actually.
00:15If I remember, I didn't know at the beginning what I was auditioning for.
00:19Yeah, it was like a blind audition.
00:21Yeah, they sent like two scenes, very well written.
00:24And I was like, oh, I'm excited by that.
00:27So yeah, this is how it started.
00:29And then I ended up with Charlie Cox to do the test with him.
00:35The showrunners, they described her as like a sociopath.
00:40So I was like, ooh, that's interesting.
00:42It was very appealing to me.
00:44And then I did my research and checked the comic books,
00:48and it just happened to be like this crazy, interesting, multi-faceted character.
00:57So I was very excited by that.
00:58I first came across Elektra Assassin, which was nuts.
01:05It was like a crazy, crazy, you know, piece of art.
01:10So I was really, really, you know, excited by that.
01:16He's amazing.
01:16You often hear that and I'm like,
01:18are you lying when you say your partner is so generous?
01:20But Charlie is like a wonderful human being.
01:23We're not close friends, but every time we're on set,
01:27it was just like pure chemistry.
01:29Like really, it started like this from the test.
01:32And we always had this thing.
01:34So I was always very excited to work with him.
01:36It's the end of a chapter.
01:38Who knows, you know, what's going to come next.
01:40I think we were all very grateful to have been part of this adventure.
01:45So yeah, we're a bit sad, of course, but also, you know,
01:50content and grateful that we've done that already.
01:53And, you know, that's also just good in itself.
01:56I don't know. I have no idea.
01:58I would love to, because I think she's such an interesting female character.
02:02You know, we're always talking about strong female character,
02:04but I think she's also someone who's just out of the norm
02:09and broken and very complex.
02:12So it'd be very interesting, you know, to see that.
02:14I would love to.
02:15It was a great arc.
02:16Every time I've been very lucky to have so much to play with
02:20and to see her evolve and just like, you know,
02:24finding my different, you know, parts of myself every time
02:29as she was evolving, you know, in the storyline.
02:32It was a great journey.
02:34I enjoyed it so much.
02:35I had to do everything, basically.
02:38And it's so funny because when we did Daredevil,
02:40they thought I was a ninja.
02:42So we didn't rehearse.
02:43And I was like, these guys don't know what they're doing.
02:46They got lucky that I had, I'm a black belt of karate.
02:48I've always done like a lot of martial arts and trained for projects.
02:52So they were lucky.
02:54But when Defenders arrived and I was like,
02:58OK, guys, you're telling me I'm going to do twice as what I've done before.
03:03We need to train.
03:04So then I had a proper training like I would have had on a movie set,
03:08you know, like a month before.
03:09And because, yes, Lauren Kim, my stand-up, she's the best.
03:16And she would do the, you know, all the crazy kicks
03:20and the wiring and stuff like that.
03:23But I would still have to go through all the choreographies.
03:26So, yeah, I trained a lot.
03:28I play the queen of this imaginary land where my daughter is.
03:39So the princess is kind of a rebel
03:43and she doesn't want a monarchy anymore.
03:46She thinks it's not democratic.
03:48And I'm like, OK, OK.
03:52And I sent her to a camp because she's a bit of a rebel.
03:55But it happens that she is a superhero.
03:58And we have a purpose here, which is protect our people and our land.
04:02And so it's about the conflict that, you know,
04:06teenagers can have with parents at some point.
04:08And it's a really fun world.
04:12That sounds like a departure for you from your other roles.
04:15Yes, very much.
04:17It was the first time that I played.
04:19It's so funny how things happen in life.
04:20Like I became a mother in the last two years.
04:23Yeah, but my baby is 19 months.
04:26And I just been given on screen like a 14-year-old.
04:32So I've learned that, you know,
04:33the teenage years of my daughter are going to be potentially a bit hard.
04:37So I'm prepared now.
04:38Yeah, lessons learned.
04:39Great. Thank you so much for your time.
