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Emaar, the master developer of the Burj Khalifa, wowed over 2 billion people across the globe with a breathtaking pyrotechnic show on the world’s tallest building to ring in 2020. In a mesmerising story, the Burj Khalifa transformed through animation, light, sounds and a synchronized fountain show taking viewers on a journey at the onset of a new decade.


00:00Imaar, the master developer of the Burj Khalifa, wowed over 2 billion people across the globe
00:05with a breathtaking pyrotechnic show on the world's largest building to ring in 2020.
00:11In a mesmerising story, the Burj Khalifa transformed through animation, light, sounds and a synchronised
00:17fountain show taking viewers on a journey at the onset of a new decade.
00:22Following the traditional 10-second digital countdown on the lit façade of Burj Khalifa,
00:27the clock struck midnight, signalling the downtown Dubai skyline to be filled with a
00:32flurry of fireworks and colour for a record-breaking 8-minute and 43-second-long show.
00:39Those lucky enough to view the show were treated to the longest set of consecutive fireworks
00:44in the history of Burj Khalifa New Year's Eve shows, timed at over 5 minutes.
00:50That was by far one of the coolest things I've ever seen.
00:54Those fireworks, they were crazy!
00:56Did you see it?
00:57My message for Dubai is you carry on being you because Dubai is the best country in the world.
01:03Dubai 2020, I'm just going to keep coming here because I love it, so I hope it's a good year.
01:11My message for Dubai is create your life so that you make the world a better place.
01:16Best of luck for Dubai for 2020, especially I think it will be the best and successful
01:22year for 2020 for Dubai and it will be a profitable year for Dubai, inshallah.
01:30My message for Dubai is be amazing and keep it up.
01:32The UAE, you're a great country and I hope you have a great future in front of you and
01:38I think the year 2020 is a good year to start.
01:42My message for Dubai 2020 is to keep being the same and never change anything.
01:48Happy New Year, Dubai!
01:50Happy New Year!
