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Full Story Here: https://gn24.ae/89508bf3ef3b000

The 40-year-old Bangladeshi was going about his business as usual on Monday evening, transporting people from either side of Deira Creek for Dh1 a ride, when to his surprise a royal visitor embarked.
#SheikhMohammad #AbraDriver #Suprise


00:00Mohammed Alam, the famous Abra driver who took Sheikh Mohammed on his Abra last night.
00:05What was it like to take Sheikh Mohammed on your Abra?
00:23He said that he just saw him, he was surprised and when he shook hands with Sheikh Mohammed
00:28he was happy and he respected him and he asked him, how are you, what are you doing?
00:34He asked him, how are you, how are you feeling, like that he was asking.
00:37He was happy that he saw Sheikh Mohammed, the ruler of Dubai, on his boat and he gave him a ride
00:43and he was happy that he got an honour to give a ride to the ruler of Dubai.
00:47He was very happy. And people were asking, how do you feel?
00:50He said, I'm happy, I saw him.
00:52First time in front of me in life, first time in 13 years.
00:57And in the time that you've worked on the Abra, which is in 13 years, have you ever had anyone that famous?
01:05No, I haven't had anyone that famous.
01:19He's saying no, first time in 13 years he got famous, Sheikh Mohammed on the bike
01:25and he heard that somebody, some tourist or some VIP are coming, he didn't know that Sheikh was coming.
01:32So he didn't even know that...
01:34This morning, did you wake up feeling famous because you're the man that took Sheikh Mohammed?
01:39You woke up famous?
01:49Yeah, he was saying, he's saying yes, I feel famous that I have Sheikh, Sheikh Mohammed on the boat.
01:55He was feeling happy that he was famous now.
01:58Because he saw the video of RTA page on Facebook, that he was Sheikh Mohammed.
02:05So now you're going viral on the internet.
02:07Yeah, he's going viral now.
02:08As the most famous Abra driver in Dera.
02:12Have your family called you in Bangladesh?
02:16Have they family called you to ask you, will you ring your family and tell them about the experience?
02:21No, they haven't called me.
02:27He's saying not yet, he didn't tell them anything about this.
02:31But does he expect some phone calls now that he's famous on the internet?
02:35He will call them later and tell them about this.
02:39Most importantly, did you walk around the boat and collect dirhams from everyone?
02:43Yeah, he's saying he collected money from all 20 people.
02:53And after collecting, they are going out and talking to Dera side.
02:58Brilliant, thank you very much.
