• last month
See the live coverage on https://gulfnews.com/uae/modi-in-the-uae-a-new-chapter-in-bilateral-relations-1.1566616898195
00:00The relation between India and United Arab Emirates is very, very strong and we are very happy and honoured that Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi is receiving the great Sheikh Zayed Award, Order of Zayed.
00:18Sheikh Zayed was a great personality, he was a great philanthropist, he was a great administrator and a people loving leader. So, in his highness name, all Indians are very happy and all Indians are honoured that Indian Prime Minister is receiving this award.
00:38And also, our Honourable Prime Minister is launching Rupaiya Card, which is good for the Indian tourist who is coming to United Arab Emirates for shopping and also the Indians staying, residents in UAE.
