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Check out our Ramadan etiquette tips for visitors to the UAE and other Muslim countries.

#RamadanEtiquette #HowTo
00:00Ramadan is a month of fasting observed by Muslims all across the world including the
00:14UAE and the UAE being a Muslim nation comes with certain etiquette tips that both residents
00:20and visitors have to follow whether you're Muslim or non-Muslim. Let me start off with
00:24the first one and the most obvious one. Please do not eat while you're in public. If you're
00:30a non-Muslim and you're not fasting the UAE being a very tolerant nation understands that
00:36all residents and visitors in the UAE may not be fasting but as a sign of respect to
00:41those who are fasting please avoid eating or drinking in public. Several restaurants
00:47and food courts in malls will be open for dine-in during Ramadan but they will be covered
00:53and behind closed doors so as to not disrespect those who are fasting. So do remember not
00:59to eat or drink in public places during the fasting times of Ramadan while staying here
01:05in the UAE. Our second tip is please wear respectful clothing. When we say respectful
01:10we mean please do not wear anything that's too sheer, too short or too revealing. This
01:16stands true for all times including Ramadan while living or visiting the UAE. A third
01:22tip, a quite common one to the region, no public display of affection. This stands true
01:28for the rest of the year as well as Ramadan while visiting or staying in the UAE. Our
01:34fourth tip is specific to your workplace. If you're a business person visiting the UAE
01:39during Ramadan please be mindful of the fasting periods that most Muslims follow. Make sure
01:45that you do not schedule meetings towards the evening when everyone is tired and it
01:50is almost close to the time of ending their fast. Try and schedule your meetings during
01:55the morning when people are more energised. In the workplace also try not to eat or drink
02:00while people who fast are around you as a sign of respect. Our fifth tip is actually
02:06quite simple. Schedule your time around the new fasting schedule that people follow during
02:12Ramadan. Avoid travelling during iftar time because traffic is at its peak during the
02:17time and people are hurrying to get home to end their fast. In case you're going out
02:21for some entertainment, call ahead to make sure that your venue is open because some
02:27venues might shut down temporarily during Ramadan. In all other cases ensure that you
02:32follow this new schedule that UAE will be under for the next 29 or 30 days. Our sixth
02:38tip is actually a do. Please do go out with your family and friends during Ramadan after
02:44iftar. There are a lot of Ramadan night markets and pop-up markets that you will want to visit.
02:49Food, traditional entertainment, shopping opportunities, shopping discounts and more
02:54await both residents and tourists during Ramadan. This is the best time to be out and about
02:59in Dubai and given that summer hasn't yet reached its peak, you might make use of the
03:05first few days of Ramadan to attend all these Ramadan markets. Our last tip imbibes the
03:11spirit of Ramadan. Please be charitable and friendly. Ramadan is a celebration of charity
03:17and kindness and humanity. So if you're able to help someone in need, even if that be through
03:23a simple action of stocking up a nearby Ramadan fridge or helping a domestic worker with something
03:29that they need, please be charitable and friendly this Ramadan. Let's all be kind to one another
03:35and enjoy the next 29 to 30 days of Ramadan in the UAE. We hope you liked and understood
03:41all the etiquette tips that we had for you this Ramadan in the UAE. For more Ramadan
03:45news, stories, guides and features, visit us at gulfnews.com through the link given below.
