• last month
Three lynx illegally released in the Cairngorms are doing well, having completed their 30 day quarantine at the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland’s (RZSS) Edinburgh Zoo.
The wildlife conservation charity humanely trapped the cats in early January after they were spotted in the Drumguish area, near Kingussie.

It has now been confirmed that all three lynx are female and believed to be less than a year old.

RZSS chief executive David Field said, “Illegally releasing these cats into the wild was highly irresponsible and it is likely they would have died had they not been rescued.

“Thankfully, the lynx are healthy and recovering in our quarantine facilities at Edinburgh Zoo. Our team of expert keepers and veterinarians have been delighted by how well they have settled in and have been observing closely how all three are becoming more confident and beginning to show their personalities.


