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Daily headlines from the UAE and around the world brought to you by Gulf News. Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson may run for US president. Donald Trump meets with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov. US Senate Intelligence Committee issues subpoena to former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

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00:00Good day. Welcome to the Gulf News update for Thursday, May 11. Here are the top stories
00:07at this hour.
00:08US President Donald Trump has called on Russia to rein in Syrian President Bashar al-Assad
00:13and his key ally, Iran, as Washington and Moscow sought to boost their fragile ties
00:18with high-profile White House talks.
00:21Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, the highest-ranking Russian official to visit
00:25Washington since Trump came to power in January, earned a rare invitation to the Oval Office
00:30for a head-to-head with the Republican president.
00:33The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee has issued a subpoena to force former National
00:37Security Adviser Michael Flynn to turn over documents related to the panel's probe into
00:42alleged Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential election. The subpoena is the first the committee
00:48has announced in the course of its Russian investigation, The Washington Post reported.
00:54Secretary Chairman Republican Richard Burr had previously warned he would issue subpoenas
00:58for those who did not cooperate with the investigation.
01:02The latest celebrity considering a foray into politics is Dwayne The Rock Johnson. In an
01:07interview with GQ magazine, the wrestler-turned-actor says a presidential run is a real possibility.
01:13Johnson isn't revealing much about his political leanings but says he's not in favour of the
01:17proposed U.S. travel ban because he believes in inclusion. Johnson would have at least
01:22one high-profile backer in NBCUniversal Vice Chairman Ron Mayer, who tells GQ he'd vote
01:28for Johnson without a question.
01:30And finally, the weather today's high across the UAE will be 38 degrees Celsius, dropping
01:34to 25 degrees at night. That's all for now, thank you for watching. A reminder, our next
01:39bulletin will be on Sunday, but as always you can get the latest news on gulfnews.com
