• last month
Indeks Harga Saham Gabungan (IHSG) melanjutkan penguatan. Indeks ditutup naik 0,66 persen ke level 6.574,81 pada sesi I perdagangan Rabu (12/2/2025).

Sejak bel pembukaan, IHSG bergerak di zona hijau dengan rentang 6.610-6.537, sebanyak 319 saham melemah, 264 menguat, dan 372 lainnya stagnan. Nilai transaksi perdagangan menembus Rp5,17 triliun, dengan volume 8,02 miliar saham.


00:30the United States is strong at 16,351
00:34there are also companies that become top gainers
00:36such as Telkom based on value
00:38Telkom increased by 5.17% at 2,440
00:42PTRO increased by 4.97% at 3,380
00:46AMMN increased by 3.69%
00:49at the position of 7,025
00:51and Brand increased by 2.5% at 6,175
00:56from the top losers, we can see that there is Bumi
00:58which decreased by 4% at the position of 92
01:01Dewa decreased by almost 3% at 109
01:04Bang Mandiri decreased by 0.61% at 4,850
01:08and BBCA decreased by 1.1% at 8,975
01:15from the movement of the sectoral infrastructure
01:17led by 2.11% strengthening
01:191.46% health
01:22two sectors with the deepest weakness
01:23are energy which decreased by 0.3%
01:25and steel 0.25%
01:56Thank you for watching
01:58Don't forget to subscribe
02:00and like
02:02See you next time