• last month
प्रदेश के साढ़े 19 हजार से अधिक माध्यमिक व उच्च माध्यमिक विद्यालयों में से मात्र साढ़े 10 हजार में ही है में स्वीकृत है कम्प्यूटर शिक्षक


00:00When I came here in 2010, when the computer lab was here, I used to teach the kids how to use the computer.
00:10After 3-4 years, it was auctioned off.
00:14I used to teach in the holidays of May-June.
00:18But today, there is a great need for computers.
00:23The government asked us to do it again.
00:29The process is still going on.
00:33It is still not going on?
00:35No, it is not going on.
00:37It was auctioned off after 2017.
