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Five morning exercises to do anywhere. Gulf News Guides visits Dubai Sports World to find five morning exercises that you can do anywhere. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv
00:00Hi, we're at Dubai Sports World.
00:09I'm here to show you five morning exercises that you can do anywhere that require almost
00:14no equipment and they're good for everybody.
00:17First exercise is lunges.
00:18Lunges are very popular because they're great for your core and your lower body and anyone
00:22can do them.
00:23And this is how you start with a lunge.
00:25You stand with your legs shoulder width apart.
00:28You take one leg out, just remember which leg you did, right?
00:31Keep your core active, tummy in, back straight.
00:34You go down until your knee touches the ground and you go up.
00:37Bring that leg forward a little bit in line with the other one, right?
00:40Okay, and then you take the other one forward, just try to remember which leg you took forward.
00:44You go down, straight, up.
00:47Always remember to keep your core activated, your tummy in, bring that first leg back in
00:52line with the other one.
00:54Take it forward, come down, and it's like a string is pulling you up to the ceiling.
00:59Bring it close, in line with the other one, right?
01:02You keep doing this, give each lunge a time.
01:06Don't do it too fast, make sure you do it right.
01:09Keep your core activated, keep your chest up, your shoulders back, take a step wide
01:15When you travel, always make sure that your knees do not travel beyond your toes.
01:21So imagine a line, a straight line from your knees to your toes, so you don't want to be
01:25here and you don't want to be here.
01:26Also, what you don't want is your knees to travel this way or that way too far.
01:31It happens if you have weaker quads, our knees tend to go a different direction.
01:36What you want to pay attention to is that your knees take forward and you come down.
01:42See where they are?
01:43They're going that way or that way, yeah?
01:44And your knees are not traveling beyond your toes.
01:48Bring it in, and that's it.
01:51Second exercise is push-ups.
01:52Push-ups are very popular because they're a great way to strengthen your core, your
01:56back, your chest, your arms, and pretty much your entire body, if done correctly.
02:00Now, a few things you need to look at when you perform a push-up, make sure your arms
02:04are underneath your shoulders, shoulder width apart.
02:07Again, core is always active, you don't want your core to drop down here and you also don't
02:12want to be up here.
02:13Always try to be parallel to the ground.
02:16Feet shoulder width apart, core activated, shoulders in, that's a great start.
02:23Now, if this is too much, you can always drop on your knees, keeping everything else the
02:30If you want to have somewhere in between, you can just take your feet up a little bit.
02:35From here or from here, whichever way, go down until your chest touches the ground and
02:43slowly come back up again.
02:46You breathe in on the way down, you breathe out on the way up, and you repeat.
02:52Now, it doesn't matter if you're on your knees, it'll be the same way.
02:57As long as your core is active, head is up, you want to pay attention to where your neck
03:04You want to drop down there, you don't want it to be out here or up here.
03:07Just parallel to the ground.
03:09Gaze your eye, focus on something stable on the ground as you perform a pushup.
03:15That's how you do a pushup.
03:17Another great exercise for your midsection and pretty much your entire body, being famous,
03:22Now, for planks, take a position with your knees shoulder width apart, your feet again
03:28shoulder width apart, core activated, tummy in.
03:31Now it could be here, elbows are under you.
03:34Now, this is a slightly advanced version of the planks, what's called the plank taps.
03:41Take a plank position, you hold it, tap your right arm over your left shoulders, left arm
03:47over your right shoulders, and you repeat.
03:51Right hand touches the shoulder, opposite hand, opposite shoulder.
03:56If this is too much, you can always start on your elbow.
04:02What you don't want to happen, and it tends to happen a lot, is that you don't want to
04:06fall down here.
04:07Also, you don't want to be cheating by doing this.
04:10Try to always be parallel to the ground with your core activated.
04:15Be here.
04:16Now, this might get a little bit too boring, so what you want to look at is walk, walk,
04:22in, in.
04:23Walk, walk, in, in.
04:28And that's how you perform variations of planks.
04:31Now, squats.
04:32Squats are fantastic for your core, for your glutes, for your quadriceps, which is the
04:37front part of your legs, and also for your hamstrings, which is the back of your legs.
04:41Now, if squats are performed correctly, there's no harm on the knees whatsoever.
04:47And that's how you perform squats.
04:49You stand up straight with your legs shoulder width apart.
04:53Your toes are slightly outwards, pointed.
04:56Your knees will move towards the same direction as your big toe.
05:00Keep your core active.
05:01Your tummy's tucked in, closer to your spine.
05:05You can put your hands in the waist, or you can put your hands up front for balance, whichever
05:11way you want.
05:12Now, the most important part is the going down part.
05:16However, think of a string pulling your chest up, yeah?
05:19Core activated, shoulder back and down.
05:22That's how you perform a squat.
05:24Slowly go down as you breathe in until your legs are parallel to the floor, and you slowly
05:29bring it up.
05:31As you breathe out, and on the way up, squeeze your glutes.
05:35Now, think about this.
05:36As you go down, imagine that you're trying to close a car door with your buttocks.
05:45Want to stop?
05:46When your legs are parallel to the ground, use your heels to push yourself up.
05:53Things to look out for when you perform a squat is that you don't want your knees to
05:57travel beyond your toes.
06:00Now, you also don't want your knees to go in two separate directions.
06:05You don't want any of that movement.
06:07What you're looking for is, again, knees not beyond the big toe.
06:15Going down 90 degrees, pushing the car door, breathe in on the way down, use your heels
06:20to drive yourself up, squeeze your glutes on the way up until you stand straight, and
06:25you repeat.
06:26Inhale on the way down, you exhale on the way up.
06:30Another great exercise to be performed with no equipment, pretty much on the floor, called
06:35the glute bridges.
06:36Of course, any exercise that aims towards the glutes also is really good for your core,
06:41for your abs, and for your lower back if done correctly.
06:45Now, pretty much lie down on the ground, heels planted on the ground, hands down.
06:54Even if you're lying down, you also want to get your core activated by bringing your
06:58tummy closer to your spine.
07:01Now, with your heels on the ground, you slowly start traveling up, all the way up, as far
07:09up as you can.
07:10Hold it for a few seconds, five would be good, and then slowly again, bring your glutes down.
07:18Make sure that the spine is moving one vertebra at a time.
07:22Until you've reached your starting position again, and you repeat the movement.
07:27Make sure you're breathing naturally.
07:29Make sure you're not holding your breath.
07:32Sometimes we forget to breathe because we're trying to focus on doing the exercise correctly.
07:37Now, that's all right, but with time and practice, you'll be able to breathe normally as you
07:44perform the exercise.
07:46You want to breathe in on the way down, and you breathe out on the way up.
07:51Hold it.
07:52Now, don't hold your breath, hold the pose, bring it down.
07:58That's how you perform glutes bridges.
08:00And that was the five morning exercises that you can do almost anywhere.
