• letzten Monat
Die Fotografin Pia (Simone Ashley) erhält einen Orakelspruch von einer Wahrsagerin: Die wahre Liebe und der lang ersehnte Erfolg als Fotografin warten auf sie. Eines ihrer nächsten 5 Dates wird sie glücklich machen und ihr Leben in die richtige Bahn lenken. Doch ihr Dating Plan, um in nur 5 Dates auf schnellstem Wege zum Glück zu finden, werden in der Rom-Com Picture This von ihrem Ex-Freund gestört.


00:00Ladies and gentlemen, make some noise.
00:04Alright, next star.
00:06Your first love, Charlie?
00:11My beautiful daughters, this is your wedding jewelry.
00:16What if I don't want to get married?
00:18I'm building a life for myself.
00:19I don't need a man to do that.
00:21Oh, God.
00:23It's a mammal.
00:24What's a mammal?
00:25Middle-aged man in Lycra.
00:28How are you?
00:29I'm good.
00:30Did you come alone tonight?
00:32What happened to you two then?
00:33You just turned out to be another suburban boy,
00:35and I'm a smoking hot diva.
00:37Plumes of horrors.
00:38She doesn't know what she wants.
00:40Can you not talk about me like I'm not sitting right here?
00:42God, you're so touchy.
00:44So touchy.
00:47I've got an idea.
00:48Why don't we each plan a date for Pia?
00:50I would literally stab a baby in the throat to have your bones structured.
00:54She then chooses a winner.
00:56Are you ready to change your life?
00:57As sure as the earth is round.
00:59No, this is what I've been trying to tell people.
01:01The earth is flat.
01:02And brings them as a date on our wedding day.
01:04I'm allergic to nuts.
01:07I don't want to. I don't think it's a good idea.
01:09That sounds like a TV show I'd like to binge.
01:11Excellent. I'm going to kill you.
01:14How do you do it?
01:15Take such good photos.
01:17Why are you here?
01:18Wanted to see you.
01:20What do you think?
01:21You tell me. I'm asking.
01:23I still think about you, Pia.
01:27That's my process.
01:28I just ask questions and you get a really authentic photo.
01:31You just drew that out of me. You're not going to respond to it.
01:36I don't really want to talk about Charlie anymore.
01:38I just want to live in the moment.
01:40You're a beautiful, strong, independent woman.
01:44You have a lot of people in your corner.
01:46You've just got to let them in.
01:47Pia, just wait.
01:49Come on, what have you got to lose?
01:50You might even get some D.
01:51That is highly unlikely.
01:53It's like an abandoned subway down there.
01:57You're out in the world, doing remarkable things.
02:03I thought being independent meant being alone.
02:06But taking photos
02:08made me realise the kind of life that I wanted to have.
02:12Sometimes, Pia, we have to take a risk.
02:15Even if it's scary.
