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Gulf News asks Dubai residents from around the world their thought on the upcoming August 1st gas price increase. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv
00:00Well, thoughts on the gas price going up? It's about time that it found its own level.
00:13Hopefully it will go down when the worldwide price of oil and gas goes down, as well as
00:19going up. We find that in a lot of markets, prices often go up, never to come down. So
00:25it's going to make it interesting to see. Well, prices have been cheap for a long time,
00:30so it's definitely going to make some people unhappy.
00:34UAE is the highest price in the Gulf region already. I have little information about that
00:40in UAE, they don't have already petrol, they have petrol and natural gas, but the price
00:45is going up. It's already the price is high here in UAE.
00:49It's never good news when prices are going up, and especially now everything is going
00:54up. I mean, so we don't know where we're going.
00:59I just think generally the cost of living in the whole area is going up drastically
01:03and it's not very helpful at all. Not helpful at all. Life's becoming quite tough in the
01:08UAE generally. People are just surviving these days. It's very, very hard.
01:13Yeah, it's going to affect us because people, especially here, they never thought of a petrol
01:18increase in this area. So yeah, it's going to be really tough.
01:23Of course, it will be difficult for all the people in different, we can say, categories.
01:32It's really bad actually. Everybody, everything is rising up in here, so living in UAE is
01:39becoming difficult day after day. So, so bad. So bad to hear about that.
