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Filipino artist Bamboo talks about The Voice of The Philippines and being a solo artist. Award-winning singer and The Voice of The Philippines star coach, Bamboo, talks about his career as a solo artist and being a singing coach ahead of his concert in Dubai. See more at: http://gulfnews.com/gntv


00:00I think we're just a lot more comfortable now. I mean the chemistry is
00:16amazing now between us coaches because now we know each other on a personal
00:20level. Especially for myself, Leia and Sarah, we've been doing this for the past
00:24how many years already? Three years? I mean and with the kids and then the
00:28first season. And then Apple, I just hang out, we just hung out in LA for a while
00:33after the ASAP. So on a personal level, it's just our chemistry is just getting
00:38a lot better and it shows. When we sit down in those chairs, no one's so
00:43defensive anymore, you know what I mean? It's just we just let all out and just have a
00:47lot of fun. And then when it comes to the artists, I think we've gotten such a
00:51great crop this year. Kudos to the show, the producers of the show to finding
00:56these great singers and artists, man. We'll see what they can do, but then
00:59there's a lot more experience, I feel, in the teams this round,
01:05right? And so I'm looking forward to how they progress and how they sort of bloom
01:11into what, you know, with all the pressure and everything. That changes
01:16everything. You could be, you know, you could be an experienced singer singing
01:19for how many years and be great, but there's stories of guys there who once
01:23they get up on that stage, they just freeze up. And they've told me,
01:27I've talked to them, and guys I've known there, I go, what
01:31happened? You know, I've heard you sing so many times and what happened? And they
01:35said, you know, I thought I had it. I thought I had it. And then when I got on
01:39that stage, I just froze. I just kept thinking, what to say to you guys
01:43instead of singing, you know what I mean? So those things happen and I'm looking
01:47forward to sort of finding the real in reality, as always.
01:55I'm hoping. I'm pretty confident to say I have a great team this year, but then
01:58again, it's, at the end of the day, it's by votes, you know what I mean? And
02:02hopefully, they let us have a bit of say at the finals also, a bit of
02:08percent, percentage-wise, because I would like that. I still would like to have a
02:12voice at the end of the show that I can say, this is who I want to win, you know
02:17what I mean? Regardless. So, yeah. So, yeah, Camp Kauai should win this year.
02:26From all the singers, it's about developing sort of the artists within,
02:30you know what I mean? Trying to push them a little more, some of them out of their
02:34comfort zone, because some of them are, because you have, it's so different. Some
02:37are just very raw, so that's easy to teach and you sort of guide them, you
02:41sort of feed them. Some are very experienced, but they sort of picked up
02:44on things that are bad habits. That's even harder to do, so I try to help
02:50them out with that, but it's a matter of taste, right? To them, they sound
02:54great, they think they're doing the right thing, but for me, it's a matter of
02:57taste, and I'm trying to sort of instill that in them. Like, some guy would sing,
03:01let's say, Imagine, and he would sing, oh, imagine all the people, baby, baby, and he
03:05would ad-lib, he would put baby, baby, and I go, you can't do that. I mean, you
03:09can't, some songs are so sacred, you don't ad-lib that way, you know what I mean? So,
03:13it's just certain points. Yes, you have a voice, but how do we sort of put
03:17everything together? Like, this voice, this voice, this voice, so that's my job to do
03:21that. I don't know the secret to that myself, I just love what I do, and I just
03:30continue to push myself, and I continue to try to do different things,
03:34to keep it fresh. I always say, it's always about your album, it
03:38starts right there, and that's what makes me happy first, you know what I mean? So,
03:43once I do that, and once that's established, and I mark that time, and
03:48everything else sort of falls into place. No water, no moon happened, and this all
03:52happened, you know what I mean? So, I'm looking forward to the next sort of round
03:57of things. I mean, this is long overdue, I should have had an album a few years back
04:00already, but then, yeah, I'm just tackling the schedule, how busy it's gotten for me
04:07with the TV show, something I've never done before. So, yeah, now I've sort of
04:12figured things out, like this is how I'm gonna do this, this is how I'm gonna write,
04:14this is how I'm gonna do the TV show at the same time, this is how I'm gonna gig,
04:17and I love all three. I'm great being a solo artist, I mean, when I say
04:24great, I'm happy, that's what I mean, that's what I mean. It's been great for
04:28me, and I love what I'm doing right now. Like I said, when I was here last
04:33year, I'm in such a good place right now, happy place right now. No water was
04:38written at a time when I was sort of, I say the first song's like in shadow, right?
04:42It was, things were a bit dark, did not know where it was all gonna
04:47head, but through the process of that album, I sort of found greed, and I found
04:51myself, found the joy again, and rekindled that, and now through the years, after how
04:55many years, it's been three years since that album, it's just, you know, it
04:59just keeps going up. I keep getting happier and happier, chattier and
05:02chattier, and I'm just having a great time. The secret is just love what you do,
05:06and you gotta work hard. I mean, it's in anything you want, right? It's the day
05:12you say, oh, I'm okay, I'm great, I'm done, you know, that's the day you start, you
05:17know, dropping like a comet, or sinking like an anchor. You just
05:21gotta remain hungry, and I've said that. I mean, this is, for me, this is still the
05:26beginning. I still see this as the beginning. That must be a Zen thing,
05:30because I read too much stuff, to be honest, right? Beginner's mind and stuff like
05:34that, so this is a beginner. So this is a beginning, a start for me, here in Dubai,
05:39here in Manila, and in the rest of the world. So thank you. Hello, love, this is Bamboo,
05:44and you're watching GNTV. Peace.
