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Qaisda Wiladat e Imam Mehdi(as) | Qasida 15 Shaban | Zakir Kamran Abbas BA | Darbar Shah Chan Charagh, Rawalpindi

In this heart-touching and spiritually uplifting video, Zakir Kamran Abbas BA presents a soulful Qasida on the auspicious occasion of the Wiladat (birth) of Imam Mehdi (AS). The event is held at the revered Darbar Shah Chan Charagh in Rawalpindi, bringing together a gathering of believers to commemorate this important day in the Islamic calendar.

The Qasida beautifully praises the Imam, reflecting on his significance and the hope he brings to the Muslim Ummah. Join in this special occasion as Zakir Kamran Abbas BA eloquently narrates the virtues and divine attributes of Imam Mehdi (AS), invoking blessings and peace upon him.

Let us all unite in remembering the awaited savior and strive to embody the message of justice, peace, and guidance that Imam Mehdi (AS) represents.

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