Veena Malik on how marriage has changed her life. In an exclusive interview with tabloid! Veena Malik speaks about her recent marriage, her future plans as an actress and how finding her life partner has changed her life. See more at:
00:00It was a kind of a thing at first sight.
00:16We happened to meet each other at the U.S. Embassy.
00:19He went there just for some business work and I was there just to get my U.S. visa.
00:27I think that's what I keep telling him, that from the whole lot, he was the only person
00:32that I noticed.
00:34Maybe he was angry because he was in the queue for a long, long time, but there was something
00:38about him.
00:39And later on, when we got to know each other, we got to know that my dad and his dad, they
00:44were kind of best friends and they were in the army together.
00:47But what attracted me towards him was that he's too transparent.
00:54He's transparent, he's direct, he's honest, and he's a kind of a shy guy like me.
01:00I'm a shy person, he's shy too, so I think there's so much that we have in common.
01:11It was like we know each other for ages.
01:13Everything went so smooth, and I think on the eighth day, the way he proposed to me,
01:19it was probably the most beautiful thing that happened to me.
01:22On the eighth day of meeting, he proposed to me, and I said yes to it, and on the tenth
01:27day, we were married.
01:29Tenth day you were married?
01:31I was married on the 25th.
01:32I said to her that, listen, I want to marry you.
01:35She was quiet for some second, and she said, when?
01:39I said, tomorrow.
01:41I thought maybe he's going to say that, oh, I'm going to, like, in a couple of years'
01:44time, or probably in a year's time, but it was like tomorrow, and I was like, huh?
01:47I just hold her hand and I said, listen, I really love you and I want you to marry me.
01:52I'm very happy to have her, and I'm very lucky to have her.
01:56She's the best friend, and she's the best wife I can dedicate to.
02:03I think entertainment is my first love.
02:05I'm so much in love with my career, but then at one point of time, something comes into
02:10your life, and then you say, oh, this thing is, you know, dearest, and this is dear to
02:19Yes, career is very important.
02:20I'm not going to leave entertainment at all.
02:23I'm open to do commercials, certain films which are kind of, you know, kind of family
02:29oriented, where there's some positive message for the betterment of this world or this universe
02:33or for anyone, where there's a message in it which is positive.
02:38I'm open to do those kind of films, but definitely, the typical kind of films, I'm not going to
02:42be a part of the typical Hollywood, Bollywood films at all.
02:45I've said no to my already four projects, which I signed already, like, by the end of
02:502013 for 2014, but I just excused my producer that I might not be able to be a part of those
03:02It's a new phase of life, and it has just started, so we are leaving for Umbra, Inshallah,
03:07day after.
03:08We will be spending four good days there, Inshallah, and then we are heading to the
03:14There is going to be my white wedding ceremony.
03:16We are going to celebrate Valentine's Day there, and then my birthday, which would be
03:23on the 26th.
03:24Oh, he remembers.
03:25Brownie points day.
03:26Yeah, he gets so many brownie points anyway, every day, all the time.
03:34And then, once we are back from the U.S., then we are planning to have a ten day, like
03:39a rocking event, because still, our friends, we have a huge, you know, extended family
03:45in the U.S., Dubai, Pakistan, and they are like, all complaining, oh, we would like to
03:49be a part of your wedding, and I'm like, yeah, why not, it was just a nikah ceremony, but
03:53yeah, we'll definitely have a wedding ceremony for friends and family for ten days.
04:01Just love.
04:02I think whatever comes, it's a laughing matter for him.
04:04I just used to call, come, come, new thing coming.
04:06There's a new thing coming in.
04:07Come, I have a joke for you.
04:08He would say that.
04:09But, yeah, I mean, there's so much that you have to take it with a pinch of salt, because
04:13when you are part of this trade, and that is part of the parcel of the trade, you know,
04:18how big the celebrity you are, you know, controversy comes, you know, regarding the same amount.
04:26But I think, you know, when you are in the limelight, you know, controversy is, you know,
04:32is meant to be there.
04:35The funniest rumor, we got married, and very next day, there was an article that Asad is
04:42married and he's having kids.
04:43And the second one, there were two articles.
04:46The other one was, Asad is a very poor guy.
04:49He works in a factory.
04:50He has 1,000 dirhams salary.
04:51He wants to work in Durham, and his family is living in a very poor place.
04:56See, Alhamdulillah, I won't say that.
05:00We appreciate that article, because people should know that we are married to a very poor guy.
05:09I tell you honestly, when I used to work, there was so much of limelight and everything
05:13I used to enjoy.
05:14But whenever there used to be calm and peace, but my heart was not at peace.
05:19There used to be kind of so much of chaos going on.
05:22But I used to always pray to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala that show me the right path.
05:29After marriage, yes, I must say that my life has been transformed.
05:32And it was a sudden U-turn.
05:34And it has changed my life upside down.
05:37Yes, I'm a very calm and relaxed person now.
05:40The kind of sleep I used to fancy and I used to desire for all those 13 years that I've
05:46been working, I get it now.
05:48And I mean, I get such a beautiful and peaceful sleep that mashallah, it's a kind of a miracle to me.
05:59Assalamualaikum everyone.
06:00This is Veena Asad Khan Khattak.
06:03And this is Asad Bashir Khan Khattak.
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