• letzten Monat
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Interviewer: How satisfied are you with the initial position for AJ Hurt?
Lindsey: I’m not satisfied. I had no speed. I stayed in the tuck but I wasn’t there. Something isn’t right. I’ve to try to find something better for my setup and unfortunately AJ has to ski really fast. I tried to give my best like always. Unfortunately it wasn’t my World Championships. But even though I’m ahead of my plan and have to stay positive. Let’s wait for the next races.
Interviewer: Was it the slope you didn’t like so much or was it that you would have needed more time to test your material?
Lindsey: The material doesn’t fit. The skies are fast but for me in the curves something is with my boots. I don’t know I have to try something. I stay in the tuck in the curves and don’t get speed. I’m a turtle. The whole way down was weird for me. I normally a good glider but here it didn’t work.
Interviewer: AJ Hurt has to ski really fast. How can you cheer her on in the Slalom?
Lindsey: I’ll give a course report to her. She has always a lot of fun and she’s really cool. I hope she has fun. Also the other girls we suit really good together. Macuga had a great run and I think that we can maybe make one or two medals not for me but for the others for sure.
Interviewer: Thanks Lindsey.


