• last month
 María Jesús contó su testimonio.


00:00We continue to talk about this fundamental issue, because when we talk about breast cancer, the truth is that prevention is key, and especially self-examination, let's not stop doing it.
00:12I want to make contact at this time with a new witness. She is on Zoom. Hello, how are you?
00:19Hello, fine, and you?
00:22Well, thank you very much, María Jesús, for being in contact with us on the program. We want to know your story and we also want to learn from your experience.
00:31Well, I am 32 years old. My name is María Jesús. I was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer at the end of 2019.
00:46And it was purely by chance. I was breastfeeding, I had my one-year-old baby, and I felt a little lump in the port of a lentil, and I said, oh, how strange, I'm going to the doctor.
01:02And the doctor told me, don't worry, it's a mammary nodule. In six months, control it. But it turns out that after three weeks, I was in the port of a cherry, and it hurt.
01:17I went to the oncologist every week, and it turned out to be breast cancer.
01:26And when you receive that information, María Jesús, how did you take it?
01:34I couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe it because I just had my baby, I was working, I lived alone. So it was like a bucket of cold water. I didn't know how to react. I think I was in shock for a long time.
01:53I did all the procedures, I went to the doctor, I went back and forth, but I didn't take the weight of the situation and the type of cancer it was. It's the worst of all.
02:04María Jesús, how old is your son?
02:08My baby is already a boy, he is three years and ten months old. He's tiny. But the truth is that he has grown up with me in the hospital, in the doctors, in the clinic, full of patches, with wounds, with pain.
02:28He has seen the whole process, the good and the bad, too. So it's still super strong, like for him, for a baby, for a child.
02:38María Jesús, I imagine that your way of dealing with this, and probably with the intention of not going beyond your concern for your son, has helped you to deal with this disease in a different way. And probably that has also helped you in your spirit.
02:56Yes. What happens is that when you are young, you have a profession, you have a job, you have a house, you are independent,
03:06that they tell you this is super strong. For all people it is super strong. And you say, chuta, my life is over. But with a baby it is different. With a child, one says, no.
03:17On the contrary, I'm going to fight it and I'm going to fight it until I can no longer. So my goal is my day-to-day, I don't think about cancer, I don't think I have cancer.
03:29I don't think that two weeks ago an oncologist told me, you don't heal anymore, from now on you have to win time.
03:37Now, that attitude is also fundamental, because what you do, and your day-to-day, is for the good of your son. Because he sees you happy, not losing that smile, not losing that, finally, the desire to enjoy every moment that life gives you.
03:58The last year I have lived it, I have done all the things that I would not have done being alone, I have done them with my son. We spent the whole summer on the beach, camping with cousins,
04:16in Asayito, climbing hills, learning some sports, things that I did not consider. But when they tell you cancer, when they tell you that your life expectancies have a figure, they have a number, your mind, everything changes.
04:38So, the only thing you want to do is live concho and give everything you can to your son in this case, to your baby.
04:46How incredible, and it is how we should always live, because no one has a bought life. It is to enjoy the day-to-day, to enjoy the moment, to worry about what is really important.
04:56And we are here in the studio with Mila Correa. She, in some way, has given a tremendous battle. Mila, do you know her?
05:05Maria Jesus, I send you a giant hug, a lot of love, a lot of positive energy. Thank you for the invitation once again to the program.
05:13Thank you for coming, Mila. Because, in the end, what Maria Jesus says is that they give you a diagnosis, it may change all your projects, but the way she faces life is fundamental.
05:28Without a doubt, I want to tell all the beautiful girls, because that is how I refer to them, because they are all beautiful, that we all feel different.
05:37Maybe if we don't have the interest of Maria Jesus, or we don't have the energy of Sofia, or the laughter of Mila, it doesn't matter, it's okay.
05:46It's okay that we don't feel good, it's okay that we are sad, that we are down, but without a doubt, staying optimistic,
05:53or taking full advantage of the time to do what we didn't dare to do before, will generate a much better quality of life.
06:01I opted for quality of life and not quantity of life. When they diagnosed me and told me everything was bad, everything was bad, everything was negative,
06:09I took four months in public, but I said, you know what? I'm going to do everything that depends on me.
06:14It depends on me to get up and put on makeup, and that makes me feel better? Okay, it makes me feel better.
06:21A walk, as Maria Jesus said, I took the holidays, as I had never done before. After ten years of working without paying Priscila,
06:29I took the holidays for a month, which I didn't do. So I opted for my quality of life, and I left it in the hands of God.
06:37What depends on me is fine. We don't know if tomorrow, why we are going to leave. It may be that I cross the street, I have an accident, and we leave before the cancer.
06:45All the reason, and probably, of course, Barbara, that's the attitude that we have to adopt, always.
06:51But that's the key, always. It's not just because they diagnosed me with cancer, and that's what we have to call on everyone who listens to us,
07:01all of us, because men can also have breast cancer, Jairo, is that the three of them have one thing in common, and that we all have to share,
07:09and that is that they chose to interpret life in a healthy way, in a healthy way. Because we all fight battles every day,
07:19different ways, more or less, we all fight different battles. The point is how I choose to interpret it, how I choose to face that which is so difficult.
07:30And the three of them chose it by being in the present, which is one of the greatest tasks and challenges of this society, to be in the present and with a greater awareness of myself.
07:39When I evaluate myself, I know what makes me good, as Mila says, I know what I like, as Sofía said, Mary Christ chose to get excited.
07:47All of that is to position ourselves in the present, with greater self-awareness, to leave out everything that society tells us, that makes us repeat a lot of things,
07:56and to move forward in that way is the wisest thing.
07:59Yes, because each patient is a universe. Dr. Donaire, with what teaching do we stay from the experience of Mary Christ?
08:10I think there are two things. We have presented cases of young women, first, and I insist, we have to put it in context,
08:20with the percentage that that represents of the total of patients with cancer at the national level.
08:24But in these cases, the important thing is the experience they have had of cancer, how they have faced the treatments.
08:31There are many patients, when they are told about chemotherapy, they are afraid.
08:35One of the important fears is how I am going to respond to the treatments, what chemotherapy is, and here we have seen what happens with patients with chemotherapy.
08:43Especially when there is experience in the family of other types of cancer, and the patients have finally died.
08:50All patients are afraid of the treatment. However, we see that the treatments are increasingly more individualized,
08:57they have less side effects, and they generate recovery, or in the case of patients who already have spread disease, metastasis,
09:06it is not that there is nothing else to do, there is a lot to do.
09:09And what they basically said, so specific, of gaining time, is basically that it is not going to be cured in the sense that this is going to disappear,
09:18but it can be controlled for a long time, it can be remitted for a certain time.
09:24We know that at some point it will reappear.
09:27But, in some way, to face this treatment, as there is a lot to do, when people are sent to the pain unit, palliative care,
09:35there is also that fear that there is nothing else to do.
09:38I insist, there is a lot to do in terms of quality of life, and a lot to do in terms of different treatments,
09:44because, and to expand, breast cancer shows the triple negative.
09:48It is a set of different diseases, and each patient must be treated individually.
09:52Yes, you are very right. Yes, Jairo?
09:54Yes, what happens is that, look, I know that Maria Jesus has problems with her mattress.
09:59She sleeps with her little one, and the truth is that as a program we also want to activate ourselves.
10:04I'm going to be moving, Maria Jesus, I send you a kiss.
10:06Thank you very much for everything you teach me, and I'm going to be activating here.
10:09Let's see if we're doing well, dear, when we finish the program.
10:12A kiss, I love you very much.
10:13I want to support a little of what Jairo says.
10:17I liked it.
10:18Did you like it?
10:19I loved it.
10:20Please, the Tamoxifen makes me forget.
10:22I loved it.
10:24I'm going to add to what Jairo says, the importance of having a quality mattress that one says, but how a mattress?
10:30I was six months with the same mattress in chemotherapy.
10:33I had several syndromes due to the quality of the mattress.
10:36Of course.
10:37I did not know, and I came to know after the recovery from radiotherapy.
10:40So let's support Jairo here with the mattress.
10:42Yes, please.
10:44That's why it's so important.
10:45Thank you for clarifying it.
10:47Look, Maria Jesus, you have to continue enjoying it day by day.
10:51And we want to contribute with this grain of sand.
10:54I hope this activation does not result.
10:56Because the mattress, after so many operations and this recovery, which is long, of course it will help that at least you can rest better.
11:04Stay there.
11:05Very attentive.
11:06I'm not going to say goodbye.
11:08Because you probably have good news.
11:10But first, let's take a break and we'll be right back.
11:12Because here we are all.
11:13I have a concern.
11:15Is Maria Jesus still there?
11:17Maria Jesus, I'm glad you didn't leave.
11:19Because we made a commitment with you, right?
11:21But I'm going to pass all that responsibility to Jairo Valdez.
11:26To me?
11:28Maria Jesus, how are you?
11:30Fine, fine, all good.
11:32From above they will tell me if we have good news or not.
11:35Because we send the information to them.
11:37Let's see.
11:39Let them talk to me from above.
11:43It arrived, dear Priscila.
11:44The moment has arrived.
11:45I love this moment.
11:46Wait, before I say it.
11:47Why is the mattress so important in a patient with breast cancer?
11:52Look, in particular, I was very scared that being a mother,
11:56I would not be able to lie down on my stomach.
11:59I always lay down on my stomach.
12:01That happens to Maria Jesus.
12:02And out of ignorance, that position was not the best to sleep in.
12:06And I didn't have the right mattress either.
12:08Which generated a syndrome,
12:10and the doctor can correct me,
12:13because it's hard for me,
12:14but it starts with P,
12:15which affects my lumbar and tail.
12:17And I've been dealing with this syndrome for six months.
12:20And it was the result of the bad posture when sleeping on an inappropriate mattress.
12:24If you had known before,
12:26without a doubt,
12:27the story would be different.
12:32We have information.
12:33Mr. Director, please.
12:35Maria Jesus, pay attention.
12:36There's a video.
12:38There's a video?
12:39We were just watching the program,
12:41and we were very moved by the story of Maria Jesus.
12:43That's why,
12:44in Concerta mattresses,
12:45we want to make it easier for people to sleep.
12:48And we will donate a serene model mattress,
12:50which will help you avoid pain,
12:52in order to contribute in some way to improve your quality of life.
12:55We want to send a warm greeting to her,
12:57and to the whole panel.
12:59Oh, thank you very much.
13:01They're going to send it directly to Villarica, Maria Jesus.
13:03They're going to send it directly to Villarica.
13:05They're going to send it to Villarica, Maria Jesus.
13:07That's great.
13:08Thank you very much.
13:09Thank you very much.
13:10Really, thank you very much.
13:12As Emila says,
13:13it's fundamental,
13:15the issue of comfort,
13:17and the care that one needs afterwards,
13:21and during.
13:23So, thank you very much.
13:25No, thank you.
13:26Thank you very much.
13:27May that smile continue,
13:28may your son see you smile,
13:29and that is the main concern
13:31that you have to have every day of your life.
13:35Have an incredible day, Maria Jesus.
13:37A big hug.
13:38Can I make a very, very short call?
13:41Yes, yes.
13:43within all this cancer journey,
13:46which I'm going to be almost four years old,
13:50I want to make a call.
13:53I'm waiting for a treatment
13:56to be able to continue.
13:59I did pulmonary metastasis,
14:01in April they operated on me,
14:03I had sequelae,
14:06I'm still in pain,
14:08with pain treatments and everything.
14:11And I'm waiting for my treatment,
14:13which is chemotherapy plus immunotherapy.
14:16My oncologist made a request
14:19at the regional hospital in Temuco
14:23to make this extraordinary expense,
14:26which is immunotherapy,
14:28which is not in the basket,
14:30because they are high-value.
14:32But hospitals and these public entities
14:34do have the funds to make these purchases.
14:39Depending on the situation of the patient.
14:44And I'm waiting for the answer.
14:46I'm still waiting for the answer
14:48from this committee,
14:50from this hospital committee.
14:52I don't know who really makes the decision
14:55whether the funds can be used or not,
14:57from the patients.
14:58Maria Jesus, your call is very important,
15:01because this disease cannot wait.
15:04And the truth is that your treatment
15:06has to be for yesterday.
15:08And that's why it's very important
15:10what you're saying.
15:11Enough of bureaucracy,
15:12enough of thinking a lot.
15:14This has to be taken and defined soon.
15:16Because your life is in danger
15:18and because you can't keep waiting.
15:20So let's take this call,
15:22let's make it extensive,
15:24hopefully at the hospital in Temuco,
15:26and hopefully things will get better.
15:28Just like in your case,
15:29and in many others too.
15:30Maria Jesus.
15:32I'm not alone.
15:33We are many, many, many patients
15:35who are waiting to be approved.
15:38And there are even patients
15:39who die waiting.
15:41And I don't want that to happen to me.
15:42What you say is very important,
15:43Maria Jesus,
15:44and thank you very much
15:45for speaking on this program.
15:47And of course,
15:48we echo all that need,
15:50which is urgent.
15:51I wish you the best,
15:53and I hope it arrives soon.
15:54It will arrive.
15:55In fact, here we follow up
15:58so that the bed you need arrives.
16:01I wish you the best.
16:03Hugs and love for everyone.
16:04Love for you too.
16:05A hug for your son.
