• last month
La relación extramatrimonial entre Wanda Nara y el futbolista Keita Baldé ha salido a la luz, generando un gran revuelo en la televisión italiana. Simona, exesposa de Baldé, reveló detalles del engaño y su impacto familiar. Mientras tanto, Mauro Icardi podría usar grabaciones comprometedoras a su favor en un posible juicio por adulterio. La situación sigue desarrollándose con nuevas pruebas que podrían perjudicar a Nara.


00:00Oh, boy.
00:00Keita Valdé came in.
00:02You're interested, great player.
00:04Once upon a time, El Bananero, of course, El Bananero,
00:07Uruguayan, he, one of the most famous YouTubers in the world,
00:11probably the most important in Latin America,
00:14said a joke that became a reality,
00:17that they were going to have a relationship,
00:18Wanda Nara with Valdé,
00:20something that finally ended up confessing
00:23on Italian television.
00:24Well, a difficult situation for Wanda,
00:27but as always, she knows how to get out of trouble.
00:31Because I'm going to tell you what happened.
00:32She had an extra marital relationship with Valdé,
00:34who was also married at that time.
00:36It cost her the marriage.
00:38Simona is the name of the woman who was Keita Valdé's wife
00:42during this cheating situation.
00:46And Simona appeared on Italian television
00:49and talked about everything.
00:50She talked about how she found out,
00:51that she found out through Wanda, more or less,
00:55that she explained the whole situation to her.
00:57I don't know if it sounds a little bit to you.
00:59Later I'm going to make some coincidences
01:01with Wanda's current situation.
01:03But what happens?
01:05She appears on Italian television,
01:06she appeared, she charged and she charged very well.
01:08100,000, she says.
01:09100,000 dollars.
01:11Wanda said, the one who speaks last charges better.
01:14Yes, because Wanda...
01:15She hasn't spoken yet, she's waiting.
01:17No, because Wanda already has a date to go to Milan.
01:22On March 11, she's going to appear before the court
01:26because they have a date with Mauro Icardi
01:28and she also has a date to appear on the same show
01:32that Simona was on.
01:33And she says that they are going to pay her a lot more than her.
01:37And I tell you that I'm not just talking about Simona,
01:39I'm talking about Keita.
01:39Before going to that note,
01:41where I already tell you, he says they don't have a heart.
01:43Icardi and Wanda say they don't have a heart
01:45because they leaked the chats
01:47and made Simona, Valdé's wife, find out.
01:50She told it on TV, in a sea of tears,
01:53that later she didn't care about the 100,000 that they paid her.
01:56But well, there it goes.
01:58And the divorce too, when you...
02:01The lady, if you can call her that,
02:05where, in fact...
02:08She looked for you?
02:09She looked for me
02:11because she had looked for my husband again.
02:15And you had seen him?
02:16Yes, I had asked for explanations
02:18and she told me that I shouldn't have thought badly of her.
02:22I begged Mr. Mauro Icardi not to let her go out,
02:25but that's not how it was.
02:27And why do you think they did it?
02:29Why did they do it?
02:30I don't know.
02:31Probably to damage my husband's image.
02:34Well, in a way, they did it
02:36because, anyway,
02:38putting a person like that in agony is not nice.
02:41You betrayed me once, you betrayed me with this other one,
02:44you with this other one.
02:46This little game between Mauro and Wanda
02:49is something that doesn't belong to my life.
02:53I repeat, I am aware of the mistake I made.
02:57I'm not just blaming Wanda,
03:01but how they monitored it,
03:04how they brought it out,
03:05I don't think I have a heart
03:07because there are other people out there,
03:09you know there's a woman,
03:11you know there are children.
03:13And we, anyway, my family,
03:14we dissociate, we move away from this kind of thing.
03:19The lady comments on her own,
03:20in the sense that all of Italy, the world,
03:24she comments on her own.
03:26It's not me who has to say something to her.
03:29I think the news that comes out day after day
03:34perfectly reflects the idea of the woman she is.
03:38I want to clarify that this happens every day in the neighborhood,
03:41but it doesn't have this transcendence, let's say.
03:44Well, because a lot of things are at stake here,
03:46among other things, many millions of dollars.
03:48But Simona, married to Keita Valdez,
03:51has two children with him,
03:54and what she tells a little in this interview
03:58is that at some point she finds out about this deception,
04:00because it was kind of post-WandaGate,
04:03when Wanda finds out that China
04:07had had that meeting in Paris with Mauro Icardi.
04:10Now I'm going to tell you.
04:11Now you'll see.
04:12She says, I'll tell you chronologically,
04:14according to Wanda, they were at a dead end,
04:16they were separated, and at that moment she had this meeting,
04:21and it is not known if any more,
04:22because there are some TikTok videos
04:24that are already circulating, with Keita Valdez.
04:27Keita Valdez, Mauro Icardi's partner in the Milan.
04:32And one eats close, one eats close, let's say.
04:34This is the Ardominales.
04:35But no, friends, that's why I say,
04:37here there is no Icardiada, because they were not friends,
04:41they had good vibes, companions.
04:43A Valdetiada, or a Keitada.
04:46Don't start using new terms that later
04:49In some way.
04:50In the Spanish Academy, well.
04:52What happens?
04:53Wanda Nara, what she explains is that she was threatened
04:58by Mauro Icardi lately, with circular images
05:01in which, well, Keita Valdez is with her in her house in Milan,
05:06because he has many cameras for everything.
05:07There is what we were talking about today.
05:09What are the security cameras for?
05:11You see how all the issues are intertwined.
05:12I tell you why it will be useful to Mauro Icardi.
05:15Does he have intimate recordings?
05:16Everything would indicate that he has high-voltage recordings,
05:20and that is why Simona at some point
05:22communicated with Mauro Icardi and asked him
05:24not to continue mentioning Keita Valdez,
05:27because this brought them consequences,
05:30not only, let's say, a couple who were already divorced,
05:33who ended up divorcing last year,
05:35but also with their family.
05:36And why is this material going to play in favor of Mauro Icardi?
05:40Because in Italy, it seems that adultery is paid for.
05:46It's paid, right? He doesn't like it.
05:48In March, when all the evidence is presented,
05:51Wanda Nara may be harmed.
05:54There are the chats of the matter.
05:55Ah, of course. Do you know that Keita went to play in Turkey?
05:59Ah, really?
06:00She went to Singapore.
06:01But they are chasing her.
06:02China also went to Turkey.
06:04China went to Turkey.
06:05You see how the roads bring them all together again, right?
06:07From Silvaspor, little game, little goal.
06:09They are tired of me.
06:11Say it.
06:12I say it.
06:13They are tired of me.
06:15Tired of Wanda, of Mauro, of everyone.
06:18You have to see that it comes out elegant with this,
06:20because a cumbia has to come out with this story.
06:23I'll tell you what's being prepared.
06:25It was going to be a joke.
06:26Sorry, I had it here, I'm not going to do it
06:28because they're going to misinterpret me.
06:30I don't say it.
06:31Well, you confessed.
06:32I don't say it.
06:33But say it.
06:34No, I don't say it.
06:35Say it.
06:36I repress, I self-repress.
06:37Elegant is a song that Keita dances to too, right?
06:40A little step.
06:41Let's see, everything also indicates,
06:43according to what Uno Méndez said yesterday,
06:46that Wanda Nara and Elegante,
06:49I mean, Elegante, who seemed to not get into these messes,
06:52who even at one point separated from Wanda
06:54because everything was already too messy.
06:57Wanda Ver...
06:58Well, yes, to fold the door.
07:02On a musical level, guys.
07:04Why Wanda?
07:06She already recorded a video with Elegante,
07:08who is the protagonist of this video,
07:11and the version of Amor Verdadero is coming,
07:14which is the song that, at the time,
07:16she dedicated to Mauro Icardi and Wanda,
07:18but Elegante version.
07:20The same song,
07:22but the protagonist is now Elegante.
07:27Weird, because Amor Verdadero was released
07:30in May 2024, very recently.
07:33And now she is going to present this new song,
07:36although she is already in the world of music.
07:38Women don't cry, women speak.
07:40Shakira said it, you know?
07:42This is the song.
07:43The chronology of events would be as follows.
07:45When they communicate,
07:47which apparently was initially only a communication
07:49between China Suárez and Mauro Icardi,
07:52Wanda gets very angry, and as she gets very angry,
07:55she meets Keita Valdez.
07:57Now the placard and Keita comes out.
07:58Keita comes out of the placard.
08:00If she found out that they were separated,
08:03maybe the Italian justice ...
08:05It's not what Valdez says.
08:06Valdez says that she was with Mauro Icardi,
08:08that he was with his wife,
08:09and that it was a big mistake, he says.
08:10Yes, yes.
08:11He repented.
08:12And he repented of a mistake.
08:13In addition, he repented.
08:14The noble type says he repented.
08:16I die for listening to Winokur,
08:17because he talks about politics, you know?
08:19Get in this mud, if you're handsome.
08:21It's easier for you to talk about my law.
08:25It's easier to talk about this,
08:27because you also don't know how to get out,
08:28with what bullet you get out in the head, right?
08:30With this.
08:31What would Karina say about all this?
08:33I want to hear you.
08:34What are the political consequences of this?
08:36Yes, yes, yes.
08:37Well, these things always work
08:38so that we don't talk about other topics, right?
08:39Because we are here, I have to say.
08:41At some point,
08:42here politics always gets a little ...
08:45At some point it was said that China Suárez,
08:48I say this is a version that was thrown,
08:50that's why I put it in potential,
08:52that China Suárez would be having a relationship
08:54with someone from the high political spheres,
08:57the Casa Rosa,
08:58and that it was all a pantomime,
09:01and that it is a pantomime.
09:03In fact, China Suárez joked on this trip she made to Turkey,
09:06that at one point Mauro Icardi had an envelope,
09:09and she filmed him and said,
09:10that's my payment?
09:11Because even she laughs at the matter,
09:13but hey.
09:14I don't understand anything else.
09:15And a little while ago he was with Colapinto,
09:17we also remember, right?
09:19In Madrid?
09:20Yes, in Madrid.
09:21In October this video was circulated
09:24with Colapinto in Madrid,
09:27but already at the end of November,
09:29early December.
09:30I put the date of the official start of the relationship
09:33between Mauro Icardi and China Suárez,
09:35because someone told me that he was there.
09:37Ah, when is the birthday?
09:38December 16.
09:40It is the date that ...
09:42What year?
09:43They are going to start celebrating the year ...
09:45Wait, wait, what year?
09:46Is it your birthday?
09:47No, no.
09:48What year?
09:49No, 2024.
09:51No, no.
09:52The official one.
09:53No, no.
09:54The one before was a meeting,
09:55that even, guys,
09:56we saw the chats between Wanda and China,
09:59a little while ago,
10:00that by interposed person,
10:02Wanda has circulated it.
10:04And in the chats we see that China
10:07says nothing happened,
10:09she wants to get over the problem,
10:11but Wanda wants to find out.
10:13Look, before we go,
10:14ten seconds,
10:15I'll just show you this photo.
10:16See how good it looks,
10:17this photo we have here.
10:18Let's see.
10:19And we go to Cordoba
10:20to see what happened with Wanda and Elegante,
10:22because Vero Rosales has information.
10:24I don't know if we have the photo
10:26where you see Valde and Wanda together.
10:29They look good in the photo.
10:30Let's see.
10:31They look good.
10:32It's just a transition, let's say.
10:34We are going to transition from there to Cordoba
10:36with this photo
10:37that broke Italian television.
10:42There it is.
10:43How do you see it?
10:44I see it ...
10:45Do you know what happens?
10:46It is committed.
10:47Yes, it is very committed,
10:48and with your eyes closed,
10:50when you give a kiss with your eyes closed,
10:52there is feeling.
10:53There is feeling.
10:54Because if you give a kiss with your eyes open,
10:56it's going to be a one-step kiss.
10:58And besides, he's not seeing that he's taking the photo,
11:00he didn't realize.
11:02When you give a kiss with your eyes open,
11:05you are seeing if someone is looking around.
11:07It's the one with the ball,
11:08don't let my girlfriend or my boyfriend see it.
11:10There it is, Valde has nothing,
11:11because now he says,
11:12no, I don't want to be in the scandal of ...
11:16But you got in alone, dear friend.
11:18Look at this photo.
11:19My goodness.
11:21Well, of course,
11:22because in the province of Cordoba,
11:24Elegante and Wanda,
11:25they were delayed by the police
11:27when they circulated on the highway.
11:29They were heading for Carlos Paz.
11:31And of course, the police told them,
11:33Sir, you have more people than allowed in the truck.
11:36The Cordoban police were angry,
11:37the police of Paz.
11:38They ask you ...
11:39In the box of the truck they took ...
11:40Even the blood group, they ask you.
11:42Yes, yes, yes.
11:43How demanding, right?
11:44Yes, yes.
11:45It's a lot of work, of course,
11:46which is what corresponds.
11:47But let's also remember
11:48that Elegante and Wanda
11:49already have a history with the subject of transit.
11:52The road safety agency
11:54had already asked for the disability for Elegante.
11:58Because it was shown on social networks
11:59without a seat belt.
12:01What they have is the love for this,
12:04the cell phone,
12:05for social networks.
12:06So they are filmed without a seat belt,
12:08with the video.
12:09Well, second history for Elegante and Wanda.
12:12Nothing they had to pay.
12:14How many people were they taking?
12:16Between the count and everything,
12:17it is not known,
12:18but more than allowed, sure.
12:20Well, what they say is that Wanda,
12:22at that moment when they are stopped by the police,
12:24calls a security guard
12:26who was not with them in the car
12:28and that security guard approaches the place
12:31and, well,
12:32he takes the 4 or 5 people
12:34that were there.
12:35The extras, the extras.
12:37Because they could not continue circulating.
12:40And do you know what Wanda did?
12:43Wanda is already working there.
12:45Wanda, like the daughters,
12:46they are already schooled
12:47because they go to an international school
12:49that has, let's say, another agenda,
12:51another beginning of the elective cycle.
12:54He left the daughters on Friday morning at school
12:58and took a plane to Cordoba
13:00because Elegante went to Motorhome.
13:02So it's like,
13:03I don't know if it was given
13:04that Wanda go to Motorhome.
13:05Besides, in Motorhome,
13:06China is already ...
13:07China, of course, China.
13:08Suarez Motorhome.
13:09La Palta and ...
13:10La Mata.
13:11La Mata in Nepal.
13:12I have a moment that I get confused.
13:14The wallets.
13:15I have a moment that I don't know
13:17if it's true or not.
13:18There is a great need
13:21to show everything that is happening.
13:23We believe that it is to show it to us,
13:25but in reality it is to go ...
13:27It is between them.
13:28Crossing between them.
13:30Between Mauro and Wanda.
13:31That, in short,
13:32I also tell them,
13:34also by close people,
13:35they tell me,
13:36I don't know.
13:37If they don't end up together.
13:38And when they meet again ...
13:40Guys, they come back.
13:41They come back.
13:42They take us all for fools and come back.
13:44They don't play with us.
13:45What bothers me a little
13:46is that the boys are in the middle
13:48and I don't know,
13:49sometimes there are things
13:50that are not good for the boys.
13:51It's true.
13:52The overexposure they do,
13:54the throwing,
13:55you went to my birthday,
13:56you went to your boyfriend's daughter's,
13:59you went to your daughter's,
14:01and I don't know,
14:02they even share intimate conversations
14:06with the children.
14:07That seems to me a lot.
14:09Yes, because one ...
14:10Look, it's very similar to show business.
14:12It happens to oneself, right?
14:13Because it's fun for him.
14:14But the truth is that ...
14:15Yes, the boys in the middle
14:16are complicated.
14:17But when he separated from Maxi,
14:18it was the same,
14:19the thing is that he was not on Instagram.
14:21Or not?
14:22Well, he had his other social networks.
14:23He had others.
14:24Everything circulated.
14:25And also,
14:26Wanda has a way of handling herself,
14:29she has it so clear,
14:30that she already has,
14:31like she activates a couple of messages
14:33to different journalists,
14:35and those journalists,
14:36well, if one of the protagonists
14:38is giving you that information,
14:40that information,
14:41at least on one side, is accurate.
14:43Of course we will continue to occupy ourselves.
14:45It is a transcendental issue, right?
14:46And surely it will have ...
14:47It is a state issue.
