• letzten Monat
In der von Seth Rogen und Evan Goldberg entwickelten Comedy-Serie The Studio muss ein legendäres Filmstudio aus Hollywood in der sich rasant entwickelnden Unterhaltungsindustrie ums Überleben kämpfen.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/serie/the-studio


00:00Breaking news. Tonight, chaos has spread across the city.
00:07Officials are advising to shelter in place.
00:11This summer.
00:13You smell that?
00:17He's dropping trail.
00:20We got this.
00:31I got juked.
00:33Is this mean I'm gonna die?
00:34We all gotta die sooner or later, buddy.
00:37And you're dying sooner.
00:41The Apocalypse.
00:45All right, y'all. We love it, but let's whack up in here.
00:48We got a trailer crisis.
00:50Heartland Theater owners are refusing to show this because of the diarrhea explosion.
00:54That's literally the funniest part of the trailer.
00:55No, no, no, hold on. This is a movie where zombies infect people with their diarrhea.
01:00How the f*** else are we supposed to sell this?
01:02Hold on now. Are we losing the point of the film in the comedy?
01:06We made a dark satire about medical disinformation, and I don't want that to get lost.
01:10It's true. It's a very deep and complex film, but I want that diarrhea explosion in the trailer.
01:14As long as you maintain my client's vision.
