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Video Information:
Interview Session, 12.02.20, Greater Noida, India

Who was Saint Valentine?
How to celebrate Valentine's day?
What's the history of Valentine’s Day?
What are six surprising Facts About St. Valentine?

Music Credits: Milind Date
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00:00Alright Anu, would you now tell me what is all this about?
00:21It's Valentine's Day, so I just wanted to share all the gifts that I got with you.
00:28Oh, you received so many gifts.
00:32It's Valentine, it's actually been a week, so it's, you know, the love is in the air
00:38and everybody is very very happy and so this is one of the mediums in which people have
00:43been sharing their happiness.
00:45So I've got cards, I've got chocolates, like rose obviously, you know, so some jewellery
00:54as well.
00:55So a fat lot of gifts, who is it?
01:03A few, not just, you know, one.
01:06Okay, so who are they?
01:08They're there, they're, you know, they're trying to…
01:12Looks like half a dozen of them at least.
01:15Not really, but you know, they're trying because, you know, Valentine's, they get the courage
01:22to approach apparently, so they've been, you know, so it's said that it's a special day
01:27where you can, you know, kind of approach somebody in that manner, you know.
01:34Looks like it has been a pretty happy week for you.
01:38Fine, good, good for you.
01:40Now, why have I brought them to you, that is the question.
01:44So although it has been a very happy week, however, I do remember, you know, your teachings
01:51and so you've, you know, it's something that you're not very fond of.
01:57So the gifts would not, is not something that would make you very, very happy.
02:02That much like I'm pretty, that much I've learned.
02:06So I just wanted to understand, like, what is your take on this?
02:11Because it does make everybody else who I've met happy and it does, it's, and you know,
02:16those people who wanted to show their affection were able to do it on this day or throughout
02:22this week.
02:23So just wanted to understand, you know, your take on Valentine's Day and, you know, and
02:28gift giving in that manner.
02:34Who is this fellow called Valentine?
02:37He was Saint Valentine, I hear, Roman in times.
02:45There have been at least three Saint Valentines and there are at least three dates in the
02:57calendar that are officially designated by three different churches as Valentine's Day.
03:0714th of February happens to be the most popular and the most celebrated of those dates.
03:21You said that I'm not very fond of these things, I'm actually very, very fond of Saint Valentines.
03:35Though we do not know about him with much historical accuracy, yet whatsoever has come
03:44to us by way of legend or myth or folklore, it's still quite sufficient to make him a special character.
03:56You know his story?
03:58What do you know about him?
03:59Okay, so the most popular ones that I like read on and I've heard, so in the Roman days
04:08marriage was banned because the king thought that soldiers focus better if they weren't
04:16So he put a ban on marriages and Saint Valentine was the one who would, you know, still officiate
04:21the weddings of those couples and have them, you know, so in the sense of flourishing of
04:28love in that manner.
04:29It was not merely to get people married.
04:37The king wanted war, the king wanted war and he would say that if you have love, then your
04:49tendency to be ferocious and violent reduces.
04:56So therefore he said that young men should be dedicating their energies towards war,
05:06bloodshed, violence, these things.
05:11Saint Valentine, he said this won't do.
05:18So when he would find a genuinely loving couple, he would arrange for them to get married.
05:31He was probably a priest, probably a pastor, some religious figure he was.
05:39So he would get them married.
05:42So first thing is this, he was not someone who wanted man pitted against man, he did
05:52not want violence amongst human beings.
05:57So he is arrested and put into the jail and again there are various stories, but the gist
06:10is that there he grew into affection for the judges or the jailer's daughter and she
06:32happened to be blind.
06:35He restored her eyesight and this is metaphorical, the true meaning has to be understood.
06:47You see, he is a saint, he is no ordinary lover.
06:54So when it is said that he restored her eyesight, what it means is that he got her in the fold
07:04of the religion of Jesus.
07:08Actually the story says that 40 to 50 members of the jailer's household converted to Christianity
07:19and obviously that included the jailer's daughter as well.
07:25So when he loves, that's the action of his love, to bring the beloved to the path of
07:35religion and that is also what is symbolically meant by giving eyes to someone.
07:42She was blind and he gave her eyes.
07:45She was blind probably not in the physical sense, but in the mental sense that she could
07:51not see the truth.
07:54She could not really understand what the world is, what life is, what thoughts are, what
08:01emotions are, what is this entire business of taking birth, living, dying and he gave
08:11this vision to her and in that sense he gave her eyesight.
08:23Just before he was to be executed, martyred, he wrote her a letter and in that letter,
08:34he signed off with your valentine.
08:40There was the first letter in which someone declared himself as somebody's valentine and
08:49he sends this letter to the girl and soon after that he is beheaded, executed.
08:58His skull ornamented with flowers is still on display in Rome.
09:10So that is the entire thing about St. Valentine's martyrdom.
09:21Obviously it is something beautiful and entirely lovable.
09:26So do not think that I despise this day.
09:29I obviously do not.
09:32This day is important for two reasons.
09:36The first reason we have already talked of, St. Valentine's courage and sacrifice.
09:47The other reason we will come to in a while.
09:55So you see, this is what love does.
09:56This is the action of love.
09:57Two things are important here.
10:02You said that you are seeing love in the air, the sky is pink and people are going around
10:08holding hands and doing their sweet little thing.
10:11They are very happy, very romantic, all those things are there.
10:17Now you have some sort of a couple.
10:22In St. Valentine's case as well, there is a man, there is a woman and the man has developed
10:32affection for the woman.
10:34Now see what happens there.
10:38What is it that you gift to your beloved?
10:44What did he gift her?
10:48He gave her light.
10:50So that's the Valentine's Day gift, worthy of being given.
10:57That's the only gift worth giving and worth receiving obviously.
11:02Now there are all these things that you have received, surely they are all nice and cute.
11:09But you must check how much of this gives you vision.
11:13Remember that St. Valentine gave eyesight to his girl.
11:23Is this giving you eyesight and vision?
11:25If yes, wonderful.
11:27If no, then you need to take all this a little casually.
11:34So that's about what you give to the other.
11:39And related to that is, what happens to you in the process of giving a genuine gift of
11:46love to the other?
11:49What happened to St. Valentine?
11:56He gave eyes to his girl, great.
12:03And what happened to him in the process?
12:07That's the action of love.
12:09You give the greatest gift possible to the other, which is not a teddy bear or roses
12:16or jewellery or lot of other things that you have here, cards, not this.
12:24Gift her that which makes life living, worth living.
12:29And in that process, if you are to be beheaded, so be it.
12:33In fact, you cannot give the highest gift to the other without facing adverse and dire
12:40consequences upon yourself.
12:46That's the standard that the saint had set.
12:53And all the couples that are going around, they are most welcome to be in love.
12:57Love is a beautiful thing, probably the most beautiful thing.
13:01This is what we are really born for.
13:05But then what is the quality of one's love?
13:08Shouldn't that be investigated into?
13:12You give her that which she really needs and in the process, you lay down your own life
13:23and you need to have the guts, the clarity and the love to do that.
13:34That's what the whole thing is about.
13:40So the one who has given me, let's say the rose or the chocolates or this card, if they
13:48themselves do not carry the wisdom to know what is the right gift, then…
13:55You must see that the whole thing is spiritual in context.
14:01The one who lends his name to this day was a saint and only a saint can love.
14:12When a saint loves, then he gives you eyes.
14:20When an ordinary man loves, he gives you all this and a lot of nonsense, a lot of headache,
14:30a lot of mischief.
14:31I am not alleging, but isn't that what we usually observe?
14:38What is this card?
14:43So, see what it reads with due respect to the one who gave this to you.
14:52Your love is like chocolate, I want to bite into it all the time.
14:57Now does this sound even remotely like something coming from Saint Valentine?
15:07That's the issue.
15:09Your love is like chocolate, I want to bite into it all the time.
15:13Desire, consumption and hidden exploitation, trying to bite into the other.
15:25Self-gratification which necessarily comes at the cost of the other.
15:46Your love is so tempting, the more I have it, the more I want.
15:53I, I and I, temptation.
15:59Your love is so lingering, it's always playing on my mind and the ones who have known life,
16:05they have said that if something starts playing on your mind, then it is not at all good for
16:10you because it has become another burden on the mind.
16:14The mind that is already burdened a lot is now carrying constant thoughts and memories
16:21and ideas of one more person.
16:27But that's our definition of love, no, I am thinking about you.
16:31The saints laid down their life so that our faulty definition of love gets corrected and
16:40that's probably the best use this day can be put to, correcting the definition of love.
16:50Moments of your love, just like a chocolate, comes with loads of joy but seem to get over
16:59too quickly.
17:02Excitement, ignorance, ingredients in the classic recipe of suffering.
17:19I don't want to spoil your day, but I see it, you yourself have been not very certain
17:25about things, otherwise you wouldn't have come to me with all this.
17:29Because it was very temporary, like, and I wanted to know more.
17:34You wanted to know more.
17:35Do you also want to show more?
17:38Something else?
17:39I can see that thing down there, what's that?
17:42Okay, that didn't fit the table, so.
17:44That was beyond the scope of the table?
17:47I almost feel guilty when I think of the one who gifted you this, with all his soft and
18:03delicate feelings, now here I am, revealing something beyond the teddy.
18:13But then, it might give the giver and the receiver some quick happiness.
18:24That happiness doesn't last, and not only does it not last, it brings in its wake a
18:30lot of mischief, a lot of sorrow.
18:35Life can be much better than that.
18:39So what is love then?
18:44What would St. Valentine's Day say, what is love?
18:48Bringing light to the other, that was love.
18:53Simple straight, that is love.
18:56Bring light to the other.
19:00It's not your own self-interest that you think of in love.
19:04Bring light to the other, even if you are to be killed the next day, as St. Valentine
19:09was, still bring light to the other.
19:14Even if the one you are bringing light to is your executioner's daughter, still bring
19:20light to her.
19:21And her family.
19:22And her entire family, remember that even the judge or the jailer, whosoever he was,
19:31we do not know the exact history, even he converted to Christianity after St. Valentine's
19:39Sacrifice, even he converted.
19:42So that's the action of love, that's the power of love, that's the compassion of love, that's
19:47the giving capacity of love.
19:51And remember that true love is bound to be spiritual, it can be nothing else but spiritual.
19:59So how do I finally celebrate Valentine's Day, if not…
20:03Call up these people, call up these people and have a really genuine and honest and deep
20:10discussion with them.
20:11I know it may put them off a bit.
20:14Because that's not the expectation.
20:15That's not the expectation.
20:16When they receive your call, they would probably immediately raise some other kind of hope
20:23in their mind.
20:25But if you know love even a little bit, then you should liberate these people from their
20:36self-defeating and self-deceptive fantasies, not further, you know, stoke the fire.
20:44Not reciprocate.
20:45Not reciprocate, yes, not reciprocate.
20:51So a wisdom book maybe then.
20:53A wisdom book, obviously.
20:56You see, it starts with all these things, but you must know what it leads to.
21:03Look at the stats released by the Durex company, it manufactures condoms.
21:10In the Valentine's Day week, sale of condoms spikes by 20-30%.
21:22And then there are the stats available from the medical organizations.
21:28March is the peak month for termination of pregnancy.
21:38So it's not just about these, you know, sweet chocolates and all that.
21:44This love has something enriching, something deeper, something spiritual about it.
21:53It is bound to be all about the body.
21:57Even if it appears emotional, that emotion would ultimately lead only to the body.
22:05So this fallacy that love is primarily emotional must be understood and discounted.
22:19Love is not an emotion.
22:22Love primarily is a spiritual understanding.
22:26From that comes a high quality relationship with the other.
22:32In that relationship, you want to elevate the other.
22:35You don't want to exploit the other.
22:37You don't want to just eat into, bite into somebody's body.
22:43Nor is love some kind of a recipe to temporarily heal somebody's loneliness.
23:00The kind of meanings that we associate with love are highly demeaning actually.
23:08Because they bring you down.
23:12And Saint Valentine won't be quite pleased with the meanings we have associated with
23:18his name, his day.
23:20By the way, the sacrifice took place in the 3rd century AD.
23:30And the association of his sacrifice with romantic love took place almost a thousand
23:38years later, more than a thousand years later.
23:42So that association is pretty recent, 14th century, 15th century.
23:47And it was not until the 18th century or so that formal celebrations started.
23:56So you see that these formal celebrations, the participation of market in the festival
24:04of love has a strong consumerist angle to it.
24:14It's a religious day actually.
24:17And true love is bound to be religious.
24:20If you do not like the word religious, then spiritual.
24:24Always remember what Saint Valentine did.
24:30He loved the woman.
24:34He gave her eyes and laid down his own life.
24:38That is love.
24:39Does laying down of life always mean that you have, you know, that's death?
24:47You see, just as gifting eyes to someone has to be understood beyond the metaphor, beyond
24:56the simple.
24:57Similarly, laying down of one's life or getting beheaded has to be understood beyond the symbolism.
25:08The head stands for the ego.
25:11In love, and in India especially, saints have repeatedly said, if you go to Saint Kabir
25:19for example, he would say, sar kaate bhoi dhare, tab baithe ghar maahe, ye to ghar hai
25:26prem ka, khaala ka ghar naahe, this is the house of love.
25:30In this house, you can enter only after you have cut down your head and put it on the
25:38So getting beheaded implies severing, cutting off the strong mental and intellectual tendency
25:51to look after your own self-interest and that is called the ego.
25:55The head stands for the ego and the ego means, I, I, I, I have to take care of my desires,
26:01my wants, I'll do that which makes me happy, gives me pleasure.
26:06So you have to get rid of that feeling and that's a very, very strong tendency in every
26:10human being.
26:11Love implies, get rid of your self-centered life, cut off your head, which means please
26:21gain some kind of separation, some freedom from your ego and give to the other what the
26:29other really needs.
26:31Do not be associated with the other in order to get something from her.
26:38Be associated with the other to give something to her and what is it that you give to her?
26:44That which she needs.
26:47Give her eyes, give her spiritual vision, give her the capacity to really see life,
26:55live in freedom, live in clarity and therefore live in joy beyond sorrow.
27:05Because she will think she needs all of this.
27:07Yeah, she may often think that she needs all of this and when you initially try to gift
27:13her eyes, she may even feel offended.
27:16She may say the entire world is gifting each other nice things, this, this, this, this,
27:22this and who are you, you are giving me some kind of religious Gyan, I do not want it.
27:29But then these gifts, look at this, look at this, we are living in an age when many species
27:39of bears, koalas, pandas are getting fast extinct.
27:44As a young man, should your energy be directed towards this toy, turning the bear into a
27:52toy or really living in a way that helps save the species?
28:00That would be love.
28:01That would be love.
28:12So the bear is no harm?
28:14There is nothing harmful in the bear, obviously.
28:18Just that if it limits your life to the stuff present on this table here, then such a life
28:27is pretty limited and suffocating and dwarfed and therefore wasted and hence dark and hence
28:40full of sorrow.
28:41Why live such a life?
28:46This will offer you some momentary excitement but then give you very little depth or richness
28:52and as a young man or woman, you deserve to have a rich, deep, high life.
28:59Love is about gifting that to the other.
29:03Before we end, Acharyaji, you had mentioned two reasons why you love Valentine's Day.
29:09One was because of St. Florentine, the actual story, the actual scene.
29:14What was the second one?
29:18You remembered that.
29:20The second reason why I love the Valentine's Day is because it reminds me of how much work
29:29is left for me.
29:32When I look at all the cute stupidities happening in the name of Valentine's Day and love,
29:44it strongly reminds me that I have a mission at hand.
29:51I need to do a lot.
29:53The world really requires the gift of eyes.
29:58So, yes, this is an important day for me as well.
30:02I guess you love Valentine as much as we pretend.
30:08We all need reminders.
30:09I too need reminders.
30:10So, when these things happen and a public display of ignorance and consumerism happens
30:20in the name of love, then it's a pretty strong call to work even harder in the limited time
30:30that one has.
30:32Listen to that call.
