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#sitaronkibaat #predictions #HumayunMehboob

Sitaron Ki Baat Humayun Ke Saath is a program on ARY Digital which come every Saturday at 11:00 AM & Sunday at 10:00 AM that tells us about the horoscope and the prediction for the entire week.

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#horoscope #HumayunMehboobPredictions #ARYHoroscopeShow

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00:00Assalam-o-Alaikum, ladies and gentlemen. I am Humayun Mehboob.
00:05I welcome you to ARY Digital with the programme,
00:08Sitar-O-Ki-Baat with Humayun.
00:12You will receive live calls.
00:15Please give me the correct date and time of birth.
00:17It is the final and complete being of God.
00:21According to this knowledge, according to Vedic Astrology,
00:27I will give you my opinion. The rest is up to God.
00:33In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
00:34First, let's talk to the caller.
00:39Yes, tell me, ma'am.
00:41I told you my date of birth.
00:43You tell me, ma'am.
00:44They take it for confirmation that this is the time of birth and date of birth.
00:48You tell me.
00:5013th July 1995, Islamabad, 123.
00:5613th July 1995.
00:59And what was the time of birth?
01:011.20 pm.
01:031.20 pm.
01:06Okay, so you were born on 13th July 1995 and you were born in Islamabad.
01:12Isn't that what you said?
01:13Give me a second.
01:25Give me a second.
01:29Okay, so here is your horoscope.
01:32Mashallah, your horoscope is very good in some ways.
01:39Extraordinary things.
01:41You have opened your eyes in a good house.
01:43You have seen the happiness of eating and living in this world.
01:47You can settle in abroad.
01:50And you will travel frequently in life.
01:54You will travel a lot.
01:55But, ma'am, take care of one thing.
01:58Your wedding food has been disturbed a lot.
02:04And tell me one thing.
02:06From March 2023 to June 2024, was this time disturbing you a lot, ma'am?
02:15No, at this time, things were fine.
02:17No, no.
02:18From April 2023 to June 2024, your mind was very engaged.
02:29And that was the time before that which was at its intensity.
02:33When the month of May 2024 came to an end,
02:36things started to improve in your life.
02:40And as Haris says, you have a very good heart.
02:43But when you get angry, it comes at an extreme level.
02:48It reaches the peak of the sky.
02:52But, control yourself.
02:55If there is any loss in your life, it will be your temperament and your anger.
03:02And right now, it is good.
03:06I will tell you only three things.
03:08You note down what you have to do.
03:11First of all, like today is Saturday.
03:14On Saturday, on a very minor scale,
03:18you should put 80 grams of peanuts in your hands.
03:22And on every weekday, which is today,
03:26you should also put 80 grams of black lentils in your hands.
03:33And may Allah bless you.
03:36On every Tuesday, you should put 90 grams of lentils in your hands.
03:41You should recite Durood-e-Ibrahimi first and last five times.
03:47And in between, you should recite 100 times of Astaghfirullah.
03:55And along with that, you should recite Surah Al-Fatiha three times,
03:58Surah Al-Ikhlas three times, and Surah Al-Kausar nine times.
04:02I am giving you a very small example.
04:04Recite this and pray to Allah.
04:06And, Khatun, you should avoid wearing black and red as much as possible.
04:13Avoid wearing them. Thank you very much.
04:16Yes, please talk to the next caller.
04:19Peace be upon you.
04:20Peace be upon you as well, Khatun.
04:235th November.
04:255th November.
04:291991, the time of my birth.
04:34Between 9.30 and 10.30 at night.
04:37This is a big problem.
04:39When the time in between comes, I get tensed.
04:45And then I have a big problem here. I was born in Lahore.
04:50Because, perfection of time is very important in this.
05:04If this is your horoscope, then tell me one thing.
05:10Did Allah give you the ability to read the sixth sense?
05:21Did you also feel that Allah gives you the ability to read the sixth sense financially?
05:27Yes, Alhamdulillah.
05:30Does your love for marriage have an element of love?
05:49Not at all?
05:54If I keep this taste approximate, then this is your horoscope.
06:02As you said, between 9.30 and 10.30.
06:07I think so.
06:10You were born at 10.12.
06:17If I keep this taste approximate, then this is your horoscope.
06:23May Allah bless you.
06:25Do you like water?
06:30Whether it is the sea, the river or the waterfall.
06:34Tell me one more thing.
06:37Do you have a problem with your throat and stomach?
06:44No, I don't have a problem with my stomach.
06:46Do you have a problem with your throat?
06:49Is your skin very sensitive?
06:51Do you have an allergy?
06:55No, I don't have an allergy.
06:57Is there a time error?
06:58This is why I don't have a perfect time.
07:03My horoscope keeps changing.
07:07If I put this on a surface,
07:10then I would say that according to this taste,
07:16may Allah bless you.
07:17I can see a slight problem with your metamorphic life.
07:21Otherwise, Allah has not given you a problem that is not blessed by Allah.
07:28Keep this on hold. I will talk to them later.
07:31Ladies and gentlemen, I will take a break.
07:33I will talk to you again after the break.
07:38Once again, Umai Mehboob welcomes you.
07:41Ladies and gentlemen, I have a request.
07:45My date of birth should be correct, but my time of birth should be correct.
07:49Otherwise, I have a problem with that.
07:53I have to tell you in two to three minutes.
07:56So, please take care of this.
07:58Yes, please let me talk to the caller.
08:02Yes, ma'am.
08:05Yes, please go ahead.
08:12I can't hear you. Hello.
08:18Yes, please go ahead, ma'am.
08:21I wanted to ask about myself.
08:23Please tell me your date of birth and time of birth.
08:261st January 1998, 4.30 in the morning.
08:301st January 1998, 4.30 in the morning.
08:38And where were you born?
08:40In Lahore.
08:41In Lahore. One second.
08:52Tell me one thing.
08:53Do you have a lot of siblings?
09:02I have a sister and two brothers.
09:05So, you have four siblings.
09:07Yes, that's right.
09:09Tell me something else.
09:12May Allah bless you.
09:15This woman...
09:20If you remember, I'm sure you remember, I'm not saying anything old.
09:24From 2015 to 2018, your family was disturbed a lot.
09:31Yes, that's right.
09:33After that, Allah blessed you a little.
09:3719 went well, 20 went well.
09:40Now, I'm telling you a small time frame.
09:42Keep this in mind.
09:43From February 2021 to 2022, your family was disturbed again.
09:51May Allah bless you.
09:52I'm wrong.
09:53May Allah bless you in this regard.
09:56There was a severe problem.
09:59Yes, I think so.
10:02Your family member could have been separated from you.
10:08There was a severe problem.
10:10Now, this woman, who has been with you since 2022,
10:15you have a better life here.
10:18Let me tell you one more thing.
10:21Your marriage, your chances of getting married,
10:26those who know you and those who are related to you,
10:32you should have a chance of getting married.
10:35And this time, by the will of Allah,
10:40in reference to what I've been saying since 2022,
10:43this is the time.
10:44Now, I'll tell you one thing.
10:46From now on, women, you should wear at least black.
10:53And since today is a weekday,
10:55you should put 80 grams of black lentils in the name of Allah.
11:02And secondly, you have to do one thing.
11:06You have to read Durood-e-Ibrahimi three times.
11:10In between, you have to read 100 times of Muqamal-e-Istaghfar.
11:15After that, you have to read 100 times of Ayat-e-Karima.
11:20After that, you have to read 100 times of Ya Hayyu Ya Qayyum Bi Rahmatika Astaghfirah.
11:25After reading this, you have to pray to Allah.
11:28I have forbidden you to wear black.
11:31Otherwise, Allah will bless you.
11:34And yes, do one more thing.
11:36Today is Saturday.
11:38Along with 80 grams of black lentils,
11:40put 80 grams of bajra in the name of Allah.
11:43By the will of Allah, your health will improve.
11:46Thank you very much, Khatun.
11:48Please call the next caller.
11:53Hello? Yes?
11:54Yes, Khatun?
11:57I want to ask about my son.
11:59Yes, please tell me his date of birth.
12:016th September.
12:036th September.
12:066th September, 2001.
12:10Date of birth?
12:14Okay, Khatun, if it was 12.10pm,
12:17then did you do 6 out of 5?
12:20Or did you do 6?
12:23It's not like the 6th date is over and the 7th date has started.
12:27Yes, the date of the next day is the same.
12:30You are saying the same date, right?
12:32Yes, I am saying the same date, 6th September.
12:346th September, 12.10pm, and he was born in Lahore.
12:39Yes, in Lahore.
12:42Okay, Khatun, your son should be such a stubborn and angry person.
12:57But Allah has given him the best intelligence.
13:00But what is the problem with him?
13:03He gets negative thoughts, negative approaches, negative things first.
13:08Positive things come later.
13:11Is this how you raised your son?
13:16Please tell me about his business.
13:17What will be good for him?
13:19I will tell you about his business, but first tell me if I have reached the right destination.
13:25Is this the type of intelligence and temperament he has?
13:32I said that he should be a very stubborn and angry person.
13:37It's good, I am not saying that he is a bad child.
13:40But if you are feeling this, then tell me and I will suggest something for him.
13:48He gets very angry.
13:49Yes, that's right.
13:50Even though I am talking to you in simple Urdu.
13:54The second thing, Khatun, is that he should not forget about transport and property.
14:04If you want him to do business, then tell him to do import-export trading.
14:14Did you hear what I said?
14:16Yes, yes.
14:17There is a yoke in his horoscope that he will benefit from people of other religions more than his own.
14:26He will benefit from non-Muslims.
14:29There is a yoke in his horoscope.
14:30Secondly, if you want him to do fumigation work, chemical work, chemical supply work,
14:38fertilizer work, this type of business,
14:41In fact, you are in Punjab, so tell him to open an agency for fertilizers.
14:46His work will be very successful.
14:48And the rest is up to Allah.
14:51Tell him one thing, every Tuesday, every Tuesday,
14:57he should not eat small pieces of meat, chicken, cow, buffalo, goat, whatever it is.
15:03He should eat from his own body and feed it to stray dogs.
15:07Don't feed it to pets, otherwise there will be a problem.
15:10Secondly, he should read one thing,
15:13the first and last Durood-e-Ibrahimi.
15:15After reading it three times, he should read it a hundred times.
15:18He should read it a hundred times.
15:23And he should read it a hundred times.
15:28Inshallah, Allah will bless him a lot.
15:31Ladies and gentlemen, after a short break, I will take your calls.
15:37Once again, Humayun Mehboob, I welcome you to AYR White.
15:42Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to say to you on every show,
15:46on social media, especially on Facebook, LinkedIn, Messenger, TikTok,
15:54don't follow anyone, they are all fake IDs, they are frauds.
15:59My YouTube channel is Humayun Mehboob Astrology.
16:06I do that and consultations here.
16:09And apart from that, the only place where I sit is PC Hotel Karachi.
16:13That is where my office is.
16:15And the number there is 021-3568-5501.
16:22The second number is 021-3568-5021.
16:28From 3.45 in the afternoon to 6.45 in the evening,
16:33you can take an appointment with my assistant for a private commercial consultation.
16:37And if you call from a foreign country, you can show it to Mr. Humayun on video.
16:43I can see you and you can see me,
16:45so that you can be safe from the internet and social media frauds.
16:53And if anyone in Pakistan has a doubt, they can check it on video.
16:58This is an important thing that I tell you on every show and on YouTube.
17:03Talk to the caller.
17:05Hello? Hello?
17:09Yes, go ahead, ma'am.
17:12Peace be upon you.
17:13Peace be upon you too. Go ahead.
17:15Brother, I want to know about my daughter.
17:18Yes, tell me the date and time of birth of your daughter.
17:226th January.
17:24You said 6th January.
17:32Date of birth?
17:36Date of birth?
17:398 am, Karachi.
17:42Why did you take such a long time to think about the date of birth?
17:47I swear to God, it was a fluke.
17:49I was looking at it, so I thought it was a fluke.
17:51Okay, I thought it was a fluke or a fluke.
17:57Look, if this is the taste of your daughter,
18:05then tell me, is there a birthmark or a mole on her face?
18:15No, there is no birthmark.
18:17Is there a mole?
18:18Yes, there is a mole.
18:21Okay, tell me something else.
18:24Has this girl ever complained to you that she sees strange things,
18:29that she feels strange things?
18:32Has she ever complained to you about that?
18:35Have you ever felt that this girl does everything in a systematic way?
18:43Whether it is cleaning, washing, or any other work.
18:46Yes, she is very careful about her own things.
18:49Obviously, she is only concerned with her own things.
18:52You want to ask me about her marriage.
18:56Look, there can be two things in her marriage.
19:00The one who does it is my God.
19:03Or it can be that she has a relationship abroad,
19:09or she has gone abroad after marriage.
19:12Secondly, a person should work with honesty.
19:19The problem with horoscopes is that I have always suggested
19:26that such people should get married at least at the age of 29-32.
19:29But in our society, people don't wait that long.
19:33So, may God make it better for her,
19:36otherwise she will have problems in getting married soon.
19:39Now, you do one thing for her.
19:41May God make it better for you, for your daughter.
19:45Today is Saturday.
19:47First of all, tell her not to eat black and blue food.
19:51Tell her to eat 80 grams, 80 grams of black lentils, 80 grams of beans.
20:01She can feed the birds with her own hands.
20:02I have found easy ways to make it easier for people.
20:06Otherwise, the second remedy is very heavy.
20:10I don't do that.
20:12Secondly, tell her to recite Durood-e-Ibrahimi eight times.
20:18One hundred and seven times in between.
20:21Ya Wadoodo, Ya Lateefo, Ya Azeezo, Ya Salamo.
20:26Eight times Surah Fatiha, eight times Surah Ikhlas,
20:31one time Surah Taha, and one time Ayat-ul-Kursi.
20:36She should pray to God for herself.
20:38If God wills it, He will bless her with a pure heart.
20:48Otherwise, God will make it better for her.
20:51Thank you very much, Khatun.
20:52Let's talk to the next caller.
21:00Yes, tell me.
21:04Hello, Assalamu Alaikum.
21:05Waalaikum Assalam. Tell me, Khatun.
21:08Sir, I was born on the 3rd of March in Faisalabad.
21:13No, forget the date and time of birth.
21:16I was born on the 3rd of March, at 8pm, in 1981 in Faisalabad.
21:21First the date, then the month, then the time of birth.
21:25What is the time now?
21:27The time is 8pm.
21:29At 8pm, you said you were born in Faisalabad.
21:35One second.
21:38Yes, you were born in Faisalabad, Khatun.
21:52So, at this time, your time has already started.
22:09Because we don't have much time, let me give you some advice.
22:13Take good care of your marital life.
22:17Control your anger.
22:22I am giving you a small charity.
22:25On every Friday, give three bananas to a poor person.
22:32Today is the day of the week.
22:33Give 80 grams of banana to the birds in the name of Allah.
22:37And after reciting the Durood-e-Ibrahimi,
22:43recite Surah Fatiha three times, Surah Al-Ikhlas three times,
22:46recite Surah Al-Rahman three times, and pray to Allah.
22:52Inshallah, you will be better, ladies and gentlemen.
22:55It is time to end.
22:56But from inside, I am told that if there are more calls,
23:00I will continue to take your calls after the program ends,
23:04as long as Allah has given me the opportunity.
23:07So, you can do it.
23:08I will end it here, but I will take your calls.
23:11Ladies and gentlemen, with this prayer,
23:13do not approach me through social media, except through my YouTube channel.
23:19Stay away from Facebook.
23:21Say whatever you want.
23:23Inshallah, may Allah bless you.
23:26May Allah bless my country, my people, my nation, and the Muslim Ummah.
23:34Please allow me to be here until 10am tomorrow.
23:39I will take your calls again at 10am tomorrow.
23:42Until then, thank you very much.
23:45May Allah protect you.
23:46May Allah protect you.
